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August 2023

Demapers- Sunday (27 June 2023) Various competitions and art performances enliven the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This competition includes English speech, Arabic speech, Indonesian speech and intelligence. All competitions were attended by PBAK participants representing all groups. As for the location of the competition , English speech in class A2 , Arabic speech in class A1 , Indonesian speech in class A3, prayer in class A8 and CCM at home. The aim of holding this competition is to explore potential, interests and talents of new students. Besides that, The participants or winners of this competition will be trained to take part in bigger events. Fadly, one of the students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education said he was happy to be able to take part in the competition. "Hopefully in the future I can also bring the name of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus to the national stage.,he hoped. Not forgetting UKM Band ( Isnaya band) IAI Khozinatul Ulum also enlivened the PBAK event with quite extraordinary performances. The enthusiasm of the PBAK participants was very entertaining with their performance, Some of them even requested a song and contributed a song. with lively art performances displayed by each group. It is hoped that this will enliven the last day of PBAK implementation, The stage featured traditional dances, musical drama , Acoustic to chain poetry. Participants and committee members looked happy and actively participated in watching various performances. There is also a panel of judges who directly evaluate the art stage performed by each of the groups, The assessment element is in the form of cohesiveness, seriousness, attribute, creativity, the nature and level of difficulty of the themes presented. Don't forget that before and after the art performance activities started there were also performances from UKM Band and UKM Hadroh. The art performance ends at 12:00 p.m 16.00 WIB, which was then followed by a short break while the committee prepared a series of closing events in the implementation of PBAK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora this year 2023. Followed by the presentation of competition prizes and the winning art performance 1,2 and 3 . One of the PBAK participants 2023 Disclose " That he was very happy, because of the PBAK event 2023 This can be a means of connecting relationships for new students, lama, committee and can get to know more about everything related to campus. Keep Events like this, Maybe the next PBAK event will be further improved, especially regarding infrastructure " he said. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


Demapers- Sunday (27 June 2023) Various competitions and art performances enliven the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This competition includes English speech, Arabic speech, Indonesian speech and intelligence. All competitions were attended by PBAK participants representing all groups. As for the location of the competition , pidato bahasa Inggris di kelas


DemaPers - Saturday (26-08-20223) Second day, Introduction to Campus Academic Culture (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is filled with various activities. On the second day of PBAK, it was filled with material related to Faculty Introduction , Socialization Introduction to writing scientific papers, socialization of siakad and introduction of internal ormawa. On the second day, new students wore batik tops, black underwear and songkok for men and black hijab for women. In the introduction of the Faculty, where participants are separated into 3 room , for the Tarbiyah and teacher training faculties in the Nusantara Graha room, The Faculty of Economics and Sharia Business is in class A1 and the Ushuluddin Faculty is in class A2. In Tarbiyah material- An Arim Irsyad Albin Jaya M, Pd as dean of the tarbiyah faculty explained that " The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training is a faculty that offers academic and professional education with the aim of producing human resources in the field of education and teaching.. FITK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is a leading faculty in organizing the Tridharma of Higher Education in the field of Tarbiyah - an . Mr. Arim hopes that the new students at the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty will have spiritual depth, moral majesty, breadth of knowledge and professional maturity in driving societal progress at national and international levels. In this Faculty there are 3 study programs include Islamic Religious Education ( PAI), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education ( PGMI), Early Childhood Ibtidaiyah Education ( PIAUD). The Pai study program is a college department where students are taught about teaching science specifically for the Islamic religion. The prospect of PAI graduates could become religion teachers in elementary schools, SMP, SMA, Pendidikan TPA, Penulis/ Jurnalis, researcher, entrepreneur, educational consultant. The prospect of PIAUD graduates can become TPA education, Writer/Journalistenulis/ Jurnalis, Entrepreneurial researcher and educational consultant. Meanwhile, the lecture process at the Tarbiyah Faculty, Arim Irsyad Albin JayaPBAKdean of the Faculty said " Starting with the list, selection, re-registration, PBAK, semester course 1 and 2 , Semester lectures 5 and 6, KKL, KMD, Submission of thesis title, Proposal submission, thesis, Munaqosah Examination / Thesis Examination and graduation at the end of the semester. " Explained the dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty. Agus Susanto, LC, M. Ag. As Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, he said " within the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, there is a lot of economics. You should be proud of this, because many successful people have economics degrees, like Sandiaga Uno, Sri Mulyani, and vice presidential candidate Erick Thohir, so for friends- FEBI friends must be optimistic about becoming young entrepreneurs. Dr Abdul Mufid , Lc, M.S.I as Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty said " The advantages of the Ushuluddin Faculty include that students can study Islam in depth, Ushuluddin Faculty graduates can work in various sectors". In the presentation of the introduction to scientific writing, Zainul Asror, S. Th. I, M., A. Say " Scientific writing is the fruit of the thoughts of a scientist who does literature, gather experience, research and obtained from previous knowledge of people with the aim of developing science, technology and art. There are types of scientific writing 2 namely scientific and non-scientific papers. The author's style in scientific writing is formal and standard, objective and factual. Meanwhile, non-scientific written works have a literary style, taste and stimulate the reader's imagination. Base - The basis for writing a paper is that students are expected to be able to determine the theme and title. Gather reference materials, systematic, add quotes and consult/discussions with fellow lecturers or seniors. Guidelines for writing student papers can follow the applicable books on campus. Several things need to be considered when writing a paper, The author must determine the title and cover, introduction, problem formulation, Content/discussion, conclusion, look for references from books, koran, articles and journals. " When a researcher succeeds in publishing an article in a national international journal, it is proof that his scientific writing or work is trustworthy and worthy of being used as reference material.. " he closed. In the socialization material for PDDikti and Siakad IAI Khozinatul Ulum BAgra, Mohammad Amin S, Ag. Displaying " Once IAI Khozinatul Ulum students are accepted on campus, make sure your data is registered with PDDikti. PDDikti is an information platform for higher education implementation data from all universities throughout Indonesia which is managed by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology and has been integrated nationally.. The benefit of PPDikti is to show that the status of this higher education institution is officially recognized by Indonesia. and have the opportunity to gain access to advanced scholarships organized by the state. Meanwhile SIAKAD ( Academic Information Systems) is an academic information system built to provide convenience to students in online campus academic activities. If students want to access SIAKAD, they must enter their Username & password. Username is Student Identification Number. The password is 8 consecutive digits of the year, moon, date of birth. &quotPGMIioPIAUD PBAK participants too, concentrated on introducing ormawa on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus. This Ormawa itself is divided from DEMA, SEMA, HMPS PAI, PGMI, PIAUD, IAT, ILHA, ES , MBS, PS and representatives from UKM . "New students need to be introduced to student organizations as a place to develop themselves. “What appeared today was extraordinary. They are outstanding students in their respective fields. This momentum is an opportunity for new students (new students) get to know organizations." The committee also appealed to new students to be active and get involved in the organization. Although he also reminded us to prioritize the lecture or academic process. “Students are welcome to develop themselves and channel their talents and interests in existing organizations. But still the main responsibility as a student is lectures." Obviously one of the committee members. PBAK participant Rosid 2023 said that going through PBAK had made him understand more about the learning system at the faculty, Scientific papers, Siakad and getting to know organizations on campus. "I also understand the learning system at the faculty, How to write a scientific paper,Siakad ,Get to know organizations on campus , and become more enthusiastic about preparing yourself for the world of college,” he said. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers – Saturday (26-08-20223) Second day, Introduction to Campus Academic Culture (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is filled with various activities. On the second day of PBAK, it was filled with material related to Faculty Introduction , Socialization Introduction to writing scientific papers, socialization of siakad and introduction of internal ormawa. On the second day, new students wore batik tops, black subordinates and songkok …


Demapers- Friday (25 August 2023) After a series of opening events, Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) finished. All PBAK Participants 2023 are expected to enter the Graha Nusantara hall to receive the material that will be delivered by the speaker. By holding PBAK 2023 This, I hope that new students can explore their potential and distribute it quickly, which will later be assisted and directed by upper level students," said one of the committee members. PBAK 2023 This is a campus academic introduction activity and is the first step for students to continue and achieve their dreams which of course must be fought for. PBAK 2023 fPBAKd with fun and motivating activities for new students, so that it becomes a provision for carrying out lectures at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus " additionally. On the first day of the Campus Academic Culture Introduction , PBAK Participants Get material regarding Ke- IAI- an, Academic Guidelines, Administration and Student Affairs payment flow. In material Ke- IAan an , KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad , S. Th.I, M. Ag. Memaparkan bahwa " IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora was formed 10 years ago, This campus was founded in 2007 with still STIU status because they have only been given permission for one study program, namely Tafsir and Hadith, last year 2013 changed its name from STIU to STAI and in that year was able to add tarbiyah and economics study programs. and Alhamdulillah at the end of the year 2022 changed the original STAI changed to IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. and at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum campus this year there is 3 Faculties include the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business and Ushuluddin Faculty". In academic guiExpose thatAhmad Saifulloh M, Pd. Memaparkan bahwa " Based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia with Number 1334 Year 2022 Islamic Religious High School (STAI) Khozinatul UluIAIlora officially transformed into an Islamic Institute (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora, the decision to change status was determined in Jakarta on the date 7 December 2022, digitally signed by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. Apart from that, he also explained that regarding organizations on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus, there are internal organizations such as Sema, Dema and HMPS while externally there is PMII, HMI . For the Tri Darma of higher education, it includes education, ReseMrch and service. " In financial administration material H. Mohammad Nabil. M, Ag as Deputy Chancellor II explained " The student payment system and flow starts from prospective students after being declared to have passed the selection, there's a bill ( Pre-college) , the cost is approx 3.000.000 in detail 1.000.000 used for building infaq, while that 2 . 000.000 used for PBAK activities, Alma mater jacket, PBAK t-shirt, Academic guidebook, guidebook for scientific writing such as writing papers, journals and articles. Meanwhile, the scholarship application starts from the student's application for the Kip Kuliah scholarship, yesterday the only people who registered 40 orang, Apart from that, there are district government scholarships ( 1 Village 2 Mapeople) quota every year 10 orang, basnas scholarship, Tahfidz scholarship and academic achievement. It is known that lectures will start on 04 September 2023 So students who have not paid for re-registration are expected to pay immediately, for applying for KRS ( Semester Plan Card) and for those who have not paid, they can pay in installments to apply for KRS. If later from students who do not have KRS, will not be able to take part in the UTS or UAS. Apart from that, later in the semester 7 there are practicum payments such as KKN and PPL, After completing the PPL there will be a payment for the proposal trial. And if you don't pay semester registration 6-7 , then the student will not be able to take part in the munaqosah trial. And for the munaqosah trial the requirement is to take part in the PBAK, Complete PPL and KKN and complete proposal seminars. Meanwhile, the provisions for study leave, Students can apply for leave during 1-2 year, as long as he is active in college 1 - 2 semester and students cannot take leave during Pdconsecutive semesters, However, if a student wants to apply for leave, they must first get permission from the Chancellor. "Additional". In the Student Affairs material, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III explained " what is the difference between student and pupil. Maha means the biggest party and students are people who are studying at elementary school level, First Secondary School, and High School . The differences between students and college students can also be seen from their mindset and attitudes, forward orientation, dare to speak up, independence, learning in student classes 90% from teachers while students 25% -75% from outside, the process of adaptation in a new environment and rational thinking. Meanwhile, there are three Tri Darmas of Higher Education, including education and teaching, research and development , Devotion to the Community. Meanwhile, students' obligations include having noble morals , broadcast religion, maintain authority, maintain the good name of the university, must pay for registration ,obey campus regulations and actively participate in lectures. " One of the participants expressed his impression and message on the first day of PBAK. " The first day of PBAK was very exciting even though it was tiring, From ceremonial events to event material, it is very interesting, For PBAK the next day, hopefully we can be more on time,he said. INFORMATION: YUSRON RIDHO NURFATONI


Demapers- Friday (25 August 2023) After a series of opening events, Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) finished. All PBAK Participants 2023 are expected to enter the Graha Nusantara hall to receive the material that will be delivered by the speaker. By holding PBAK 2023 This, I hope new students can explore their potential and distribute it quickly in the future …


DemaPers- Friday (25 August 3023) KH.Aad Zaky Fuad, S, Th.i.M.Ag . Selaku Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora menyambut 330 Mahasiswa baru Angkatan 2023/2024 dengan menggelar Pengenalan Budaya Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan ( PBAK) di Halaman Graha Nusantara. Acara seremonial PBAK dibuka oleh Siti Anisaul selaku MC. Dilanjutkan Pembacaan Ayat Suci Al- quran yang dibacakan oleh Saudara Abdullah kamil dan tak lupa menyanyikan lagu indonesia raya, Mars dan Hymne IAI Khozinatul Ulum yang di pandu oleh Ainur Rohmah. Dalam sambutannya Lista Nur shalihah selaku Ketua PBAK 2023 say " Pada kesempatan kali ini saya atas nama Panitia Pengenalan Budaya Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (PBAK) IPBAKhozinatul Ulum Blora Tahun 2023 menyampaikan Selamat datang dan selamat bergabung mahasiswa baru sebagai agent-agent of change muda di rumah kedua kita yaitu, Kampus IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora yang kita banggakan ini. PBAK ini sebagai kuliah ta’aruf menjadi gerbang bersejarah bagi setiap insan pembelajar dalam memasuki gerbang perguruan tinggi, hingga beralih status menjadi mahasiswa, yang nantinya kalian akan ditempa dalam kawah candradimuka keilmuan untuk masa depan peradaban sebuah bangsa sebagai Mahasiswa. selamat mengikuti kegiatan PBAK ini dengan baik dan tuntas. Perlu saya ingatkan, Jadilah mahasiswa yang tidak condong sebelah, baik akademik maupun non-akademik. Performance, IPK itu penting, tapi softskill dari organisasi kampus itu juga sangat penting sebagai kolaborasi yang cantik. Dalam sambutannya Tasila Indana zulfa selaku Ketua DEMA IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Mengatakan Selamat datang di Kampus IAI Khozinatul Ulum. “Hari ini hari yang sakral bagi kita semua karena teman-teman semua bisa merasakan menjadi mahasiswa baru di IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora ini, Tidak semua orang bisa masuk ke Kampus yang luar bias ini. Kalian adalah orang-orang terpilih untuk menjadi mahasiswa,” ucapnya. On this occasion, tasila menekankan bahwa status sebagai Mahasiswa adalah hak istimewa yang tidak dapat diperoleh semua orang.Menjadi mahasiswa adalah hal yang luar biasa. So, kalian harus memanfaatkan status mahasiswa kalian dengan cara yang tidak bisa. Bagaimana caranya? berorganisasi berprestasi, berkarya. Terus memotivasi orang lain memotivasi dan banyak orang,he stressed. Besides that, tasila juga memberikan motivasi agar para mahasiswa baru tidak pasif dan aktif dalam mengasah keterampilan serta kemampuan selama mengeyam pendidikan dibangku kuliah. “Kalian hari ini duduk didepan saya dan duduk didepan para guru besar, tapi suatu saat nanti bisa saja kalian yang akan berdiri disini,” ujarnhe saidspeech, KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad, S, Th.i., selaku Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora menyampaikan bahwa PBAK ini merupakan proses kegiatan pengenalan budaya akademik untuk mengenali bagaimana suasana perkuliahan ditingkat Perguruan Tinggi atau universitas, salah satu tujuan dari kegiatan ini agar mahasiswa mampu memahami tentang norma-norma akademik dan sistem yang berlaku pada kampus, khususnya di IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Beliau mengingatkan kepada mahasiswa baru agar serius dan fokus pada perkuliahan dan pandai mempergunakan waktu dan kesempatan yang ada, sebab saat ini masih banyak para lulusan sekolah tingkat menengah atau madrasah yang tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya pada jenjang Perguruan Tinggi. Kami berharap agar mahasiswa baru IAI Khozinatul Ulum dapat kuliah dengan serius guna memajukan negeri dan mencerdaskan generasi masa depan, selamat datang mahasiswa baru yang telah memilih IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora , sebagai tempat menimba ilmu dan belajarlah dengan sungguh-sungguh,” ujar Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Pembukaan PBAK tahun 2023 secara resmi ditandai dengan pemotongan pita oleh KH.Ahmad Zaky Fuad S. Th.i. , M.Ag.Selaku Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora dan didampingi oleh Ahmad saifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Mohammad Nabil , S, Sy. , M, Ag . SeSaku wakil Rektor II , Ahmad Saiful Rizal, M.Pdd. As Deputy Chancellor III , Ketua dan Wakil Dewan Eksekutif Mahasiswa. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers- Friday (25 August 3023) KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad, S, Th.i.M.Ag . Selaku Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora menyambut 330 Mahasiswa baru Angkatan 2023/2024 dengan menggelar Pengenalan Budaya Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan ( PBAK) di Halaman Graha Nusantara. Acara seremonial PBAK dibuka oleh Siti Anisaul selaku MC. Dilanjutkan Pembacaan Ayat Suci Al- quran yang dibacakan oleh Saudara


DemaPers - Tuesday (28/08/2023) Dozens of participants are potential Smart Indonesia Card recipients (KIP) Studying at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus who passed the selection of KIP submission requirements for Lectures Following the interview selection in the Leadership Room. Participants who have passed the file selection take part in an interview process, The interview process is part of the advanced selection for prospective students who register for the KIP Kuliah year 2023. This interview stage is an important step in determining the graduation of prospective students who receive KIP Kuliah Merdeka. This process is carried out after the prospective recipient has successfully passed the initial file selection. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Vice Chancellor III said " It is known that a number of students have applied for the KIP College scholarship 50 Semester student 1 , but only a certain number of people will be declared eligible to receive the scholarship 25 student. Only new students can apply for the KIP scholarship to study at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus , The new rule for the KIP college scholarship is that students must start studying in 2023/2024 and starts in semester 1, so if for example someone registers at KIP Kuliah from semester 3 , Yes, the decision is that if he wants to get a KIP scholarship for this college, he has to go back to the semester 1 , but if you want to continue, stay in the semester 3 You have to look for other scholarships. Meanwhile, the announcement of students selected to receive KIP scholarships for college is still in the selection process. It is hoped that students who will be declared to have passed the KIP college scholarship selection must have enthusiasm for studying until they graduate and obtain good grades or GPA.. Data verification and validation by the university is the main requirement to determine whether a prospective student is worthy of being a KIP Kuliah recipient 2023. The university will ask for a number of data and information to ensure the completeness and validity of the data on prospective KIP Kuliah recipients. For students who have successfully obtained the Indonesia Smart College Card 2023, They will receive assistance with education costs and living costs, or just help with education costs. This education cost guarantee guarantees that students who receive KIP Kuliah will not be asked to pay additional education costs by universities. This aims to provide opportunities for underprivileged prospective students to pursue education more openly and fairly. One of the KIP Kuliah interview participants, Muhammad Fadly comes from the Islamic Religious Education study program, share his experience during the interview. "I felt nervous during the interview, but I have answered the questions honestly and clearly, according to the files I attached. Hopefully I can pass this interview stage. I really want to reduce the burden on parents,” he said. The KIP Kuliah selection process is the government's effort to provide broader educational opportunities to high-achieving and financially disadvantaged students. Through this selection process, it is hoped that prospective KIP Kuliah recipients will receive the results 2023 can achieve their dreams and contribute positively to campus, race and country. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers – Tuesday (28/08/2023) Dozens of participants are potential Smart Indonesia Card recipients (KIP) Studying at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus who passed the selection of KIP submission requirements for Lectures Following the interview selection in the Leadership Room.   Participants who have passed the file selection take part in an interview process, The interview process is part of the advanced selection for prospective students who register …


DemaPers- Approaching H-2, the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs activities (PBAK) PBAK Committee 2023 Hold a Final Checking Meeting of the PBAK Committee with the Leadership at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. It is known that this meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh Mpd, I as Deputy Chancellor I , Mohammad Nabil S,Sy., Mag. as Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, PD as Deputy Rector III Maka, All basic preparations starting from administration must be prepared immediately" Said the chairman of the PBAK committee. According to Lista as chairman of the PBAK Committee 2023 "The PBAK philosophy is basically to introduce and understand the campus environment to students- New students as an academic environment and understand the mechanisms that apply in it. Not otherwise as a place for hazing or some kind of revenge." PBAK IAI khozinatul ulum Blora must run as optimally as possible and be much better than last year. The committee should provide knowledge about academic guidelines, what is the study pattern in college?, student code of ethics and other activities within the faculty and campus environment. Meanwhile Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd, as Deputy Rector III, appreciated the performance of the PBAK committee which up to now has mobilized all its thoughts and energy to welcome students- mahasiswi baru. I appreciate the performance of the PBAK committee chaired by Lista Nur Salehah as chief executive. Until now, the committee has mobilized all its thoughts and energy to welcome students. - mahasnew studentnk God, the committee has prepared as much as possible for PBAK, I advise us to control our emotions, maintain solidarity and togetherness, there is no term, this is not my job or sexy part, we both work and work . he said. PBAK meeting went smoothly. Various constructive input for the better implementation of PBAK was conveyed by the committee. " Annual PBAK implementation schedule 2023 has been compiled . PBAK dimulai pada jum'at 25 Agustus 2023 until 27 AAugust2023 located at Graha Nusantara ". He added that after implementing PBAK it is hoped that there will be an evaluation as the key to the success of its implementation. "He also hopes that at the end the PBAK committee will be able to distribute certificates and provide rewards for participants who excel in the competition on the third day of the PBAK event.". The Chairman of the PBAK Committee hopes that all committees can commit to their respective work guidelines for the successful implementation of PBAK. He hopes that the committee will be able to position him as a brother. “Protect each other and coordinate well. Be polite and respect each other,” he said. He hopes that all committees will work hard, smart and sincere. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers- Approaching H-2, the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs activities (PBAK) PBAK Committee 2023 Hold a Final Checking Meeting of the PBAK Committee with the Leadership at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. It is known that this meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh Mpd, I as Deputy Chancellor I , Mohammad Nabil S,Sy., Mag. as Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, pd selaku wakil Rektor


Demapers - Being an outstanding student cannot only be proven by obtaining a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) just, but it can also be realized in many achievements in academic and non-academic fields. Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni , Student at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute, handed over a multitude of achievements to IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Lecturers that had been obtained during 3 this month. It is known that the tarbiyah faculty student has participated in various poetry writing events, Short story,Poem ,Greeting cards and Quotes until dozens of his written works were published. My last achievement was at national level, Alhamdulillah, I was chosen in the manuscript selection which will be published by Inspro Pustaka Publisher in East Nusa Tenggara ," explained the Islamic Religious Education Study Program student. In the same time, He also revealed several writing competition events that he took part in until he was crowned the favorite national champion. Here are the achievements that Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni has achieved during 3 this month, one of them was crowned champion 3 game riddle, juara 1 game "guess who I am?, juara 2 create prose, contender 2 create a mirror, juara 2 create a mini story, juara 2 race " Flash Fiction" organized by KPP- CS on date 27-30 Juli 2023, Juara 3 Create poetry , juara 2 create a short story , Juara 1 cipta quotes, Juara 3 Greeting Card event organized by Gelora Swara division on 12 Juni- 1 Juli 2023, crowned as TOP 25 Besar In Asean Short Story Writing Competition Held by Edurooms. Id on date 10 Juli 2023 , get a rank 3 Literacy guessing game held by the Fiteras Bagaskara Indonesia community on 20 Juli 2023, Mendapat Juara 3 Publick Speaking Event with the theme of building a soul with character held by Winged Wattpad Community on 10-17 Juli 2023, Mendapat Juara 2Get Championuara 2 event Greeting card, juara 1 Review event "The collapse of our surau" Organized by the Indonesian literacy community on 10-15 Juli 2023, Mendapat juara 3 event then, juara 2 Guess the Box in the 1st Year PMW PsyJulyath and Mafia Wattpad Seminar and Anniversary Event on 23championJuni 2023, Mendapat juaGet championeation event, Juara 2 greeting card event organized by the C3 World Community on 15-28 Juni 2023, crowned as Champione best in the quote creation event held by our Wattpad world community on date 1 June and 29 Juni 2023, won the championship 2 event poster tema 17 August and champion 3 greeting card event organized by semivent with oleanJuneliteracy on date 14 Agustus - 19 August 2023. Final, He hopes that in the future what he has carved can be maintained and developed so that it can be of benefit to others. “I hope that this year and the following years, I am able to become a writer who makes many achievements and maintains achievements in every competition, remain productive at work in the middle of lectures, I hope that every article I write can be useful for other people and also myself,” he concluded.


Demapers – Being an outstanding student cannot only be proven by obtaining a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) just, but it can also be realized in many achievements in academic and non-academic fields. Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni , Student at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute, menyerahkan segudang prestasi kepada Dosen IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora


Demapers - Welcoming the Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia to - 78 Leaders and the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Academic Community Hold a Carnival Preparation Meeting in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I, Agus Susanto as Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics and Representative of HMPS PAI Students, PGMI, PIAUD, ES, PS, MBS, ILHA dan IAT. It is known that this meeting is a preparatory activity to provide guidance for all students involved in this activity and also as a means of friendship and information sharing.. Ahmad Saifulloh Mpd. I. Said that the Ke Anniversary Commemorative Carnival- 78 This is the flagship program of the Blora Regency Government, as a means of publication and promotion. Therefore, according to him, everything related to this carnival activity needs to be prepared as well as possible and for the success of the activity requires cooperation from all parties. It is hoped that through this meeting all preparations, both technical and non-technical, will be made. "We hope that the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora academic community who are joining in this year's Carnival activities will be as successful as previous years.", he added. As a promotional event, introducing IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora College education to the community watching Carnival activities. The implementation from year to year is always carried out quite lively so that it can be seen that the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora institution can also be on par and the same as the tertiary education institutions in Blora district. So it is hoped that the cooperation of all lecturers and students who have joined this activity will be the main capital , Therefore, let's mobilize all our abilities for the success of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus in participating in this activity. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


Demapers – Welcoming the Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia to – 78 Leaders and the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Academic Community Hold a Carnival Preparation Meeting in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall.   This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I, Agus Susanto as Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics and Representative of HMPS PAI Students, …

MEETING FOR CARNIVAL PREPARATIONS TO COMMEMORATE THE Republic of Indonesia's Anniversary – 78 Read More »

Demapers- Sunday 13 Agustus 2023 Menjelang pelaksanaan Pengenalan Budaya Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora , para mahasiswa baru berkumpul di Aula IAI Khozinatul Ulum untuk mengikuti technical meeting dan Screening PBAK 2023. Lista selaku Ketua Panitia PBAK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora 2023 menyampaikan bahwa peserta yang mendaftarkan diri untuk mengikuti PBAK periode ini sebanyak 196 student. Sebelum mengikuti Screening ini para peserta telah menjalani technical meeting dimana para peserta menerima materi-materi dasar seputar kemahasiswaan dan pelaksanaan teknis PBAK. Pada Technical Meeting ini peserta menerima materi terkait bedah tema PBAK oleh Wakil Rektor III Bidang Kemahasiswaan , yang dalam materinya menyampaikan tentang transformasi dari siswa ke mahasiswa, mengenai persatuan nasional, serta berpesan untuk menghilangkan sekat yang bisa menjauhkan antar sesama, terutama tentang SARA. dan harus bisa menjaga diri agar menjadi kreatif, innovative, dan sehat fisik serta sehat berkomunikasi” . Selain bedah tema acara Technical Meeting dilanjutkan dengan pembekalan peserta terkait waktu pelaksanaan, atribut peserta, dan tata tertib PBAK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora 2023. Lebih lanjut joko agung, berharap bahwa pelaksanaan PBAK yang akan dilaksanakan selama 3 day (18-20 AAugust2023 ) kedepan dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Dan para peserta dapat lebih mengenal kampus dunia melalui kegiatan orientasi ini. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd selaku Wakil Rektor III bidang kemahasiswaan " menyambut baik kehadiran para mahasiswa baru tahun 2023/2024.Ia menyampaikan bahwa PBAK ini merupakan tahap awal para mahasiswa mengenal kampus, budaya kampus, cara belok, berbicara dan bergaul berbeda dengan sewaktu menjadi siswa. Selain itu PBAK ini sebagai wahana strategi bagi mahasiswa baru memiliki kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dengan semua mahasiswa dari semua fakultas, untuk saling mengenal, belajar bersama, maju bersama, dan kelak menjadi sarjana bersama-sama untuk menjadi orang penting” terangnya. "Selamat ber-PBAK, semoga semua mahasiswa baru merasa senang dan nyaman dengan pertamanan yang baru di IAI Khozinatul Ulum, Salam Persahabatan di IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora tercinta” pungkasnya. Demikian juga, tia dwi Aprilianti bersyukur tahun ini mahasiswa bisa mengikuti PBAK secara luring dan hadir langsung ke kampus. Beliau menyatakan pentingnya PBAK ini bagi mahasiswa baru, agar mereka mengetahui kondisi kampus dan memahami dinamika Kemahasiswaan di kampus. Diketahui Tujuan PBAK offline tahun ini agar mahasiswa baru sadar bahwa organisasi adalah tempat untuk menempa diri yang sesungguhnya selain bangku perkuliahan. Dimana organisasi mempertajam pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan relasi. "Maka dari itu ada kesempatan ormawa untuk memperkenalkan organisasi, agar mahasiswa baru tahu manfaat dari organisasi," pungkasnya Sedangkan Pre-test dalam screening PBAK merupakan sebuah tes yang bertujuan untuk mengukur pengetahuan awal Calon Mahasiswa baru tentang Ke -IAI- An dan ke- mahasiswaan. “Tujuannya untuk mengeksplor mahasiswa baru sejauh mana pemahamannya terkait Ke-mahasiswaan. dan Pemahamannya tentang apa sih yang ada di IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora itu. Further, Lista memberitahukan terkait teknis pre-test Screening. Adapun metode yang digunakan berupa wawancara. “Pelaksanaan pre-test di lakukan di dalam kelas yang sudah ditentukan, jadi berbentuk wawancara. So, gampang untuk maba. Kalau sistemnya nanti hanya menjawab setahunya, jadi dapat membingungkan maba. Juga mengantisipasi maba iseng Menjawab dengan jawaban yang tidak nyambung dengan pertanyaannya,” jelasnya. Mohammad Fadly dari jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Mengungkapkan bahwa pre-test dalam screening lumayan sulit. “Menurutku lumayan susah, soalnya belum tahu banyak tentang kampus,” kata Fadly. Senada dengan itu,Bunowo dari jurusan Manajemen Bisnis syari'ah (MBS) juga kesulitan dalam mengerjakan pre-test. “Lumayan susah. Susah karena ada hal yang awam banget bagiku. Contohnya, Organisasi internal dan organisasi Eksternal. Aku gak tahu itu apa,he explained. Meskipun mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan soal pre-test Wawancara , bunowo menyampaikan bahwa dengan adanya pre-test bisa memberikan informasi kampus yang belum diketahui sebelumnya. “Tanggapanku tentang pre-test lumayan untuk sebuah pembukaan setidaknya udah tahu istilah-istilah dalam kampus yang gak pernah didengar sebelumnya, walaupun belum tahu makna sesungguhnya," he said. Reporter: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


Demapers- Sunday 13 August 2023 Menjelang pelaksanaan Pengenalan Budaya Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora , para mahasiswa baru berkumpul di Aula IAI Khozinatul Ulum untuk mengikuti technical meeting dan Screening PBAK 2023. Lista selaku Ketua Panitia PBAK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora 2023 menyampaikan bahwa peserta yang mendaftarkan diri untuk mengikuti PBAK periode


DemaPers- Saturday (12-08-2023) Academic Culture Introduction Committee ( PBAK) Hold a technical meeting and screening preparation meeting in the Ormawa Room of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Technical Meeting (TM) This time it is a series of PBAK agendas, namely in order to welcome new students. According to data from the committee, there are new students at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora this year 164 student. However, the committee's enthusiasm for welcoming new students is no less than last year's committee. On this occasion, Agus Chalimil as the host of the event delivered" The dress code that will be used in tomorrow's PBAK Screening. For screening we will create three classes, in Room A1, Room A2 and Hall, Meanwhile for those who screen from friends - friend of the PBAK Committee himself." Joko Agung Purnomo added that " The purpose of this screening is to find out the extent of PBAK participants' knowledge of student affairs, the- IAI-an and Ke- Organisasian. These three points are the objectives of this screening, so that prospective IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students can know the differences between students and pupils, regarding IAI material, it is hoped that students will be able to find out to what extent they know IAI and why you are studying at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Apart from that, the committee is also required to memorize the Mars song and the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hymn. For the technical aspects, after briefing from the leadership, then the students were put into the room, in every room there is a screener and 10 Prospective students, and participants must bring a screener card or proof of signature. " Obviously Joko Agung. Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers- Saturday (12-08-2023) Academic Culture Introduction Committee ( PBAK) Hold a technical meeting and screening preparation meeting in the Ormawa Room of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Technical Meeting (TM) This time it is a series of PBAK agendas, namely in order to welcome new students. According to data from the committee, there are new students at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora this year 164 student. Tetapi