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December 2023

IAIKUPers- at the end of the year 2023 ( 28 December 2023 ) Ushuluddin Faculty IAT/ILHA students held a meeting with alumni on the campus terrace, This meeting, which was quite serious but relaxed, had a main mission, namely, Share and Care Across Generations 2 and launching the HMPS ILHA Logo. Mohammad Ridwan Syahroni as a student at the Ushuluddin Faculty said "the aim of holding this activity is to maintain solidarity between IAT/ILHA students in keeping in touch with alumni." Lastly, he hopes that the emergence of HMPS ILHA, Later it will be able to show that the Ushuluddin faculty can develop and have good integrity, especially from a scientific and organizational perspective. Finally, we hope that this activity can provide space for younger students to enter HMPS and can continue our struggle in moving the wheels of the organization. " Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKuPers- at the end of the year 2023 ( 28 December 2023 ) Ushuluddin Faculty IAT/ILHA students held a meeting with alumni on the campus terrace, This meeting, which was quite serious but relaxed, had a main mission, namely, Share and Care Across Generations 2 and launching the HMPS ILHA Logo. Mohammad Ridwan Syahroni as a student at the Ushuluddin Faculty said “the purpose of the activity …


IAIKUPers- Closing of the IAIKU Fest event 2023 was successfully held offline at Graha Nusantara and broadcast live via the official IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora YouTube channel ( My campus is TV) The event took place on Sunday 24 December 2023, by presenting Mrs. Ainia as Wife of the Regent of Blora, KH.Ahmad Zaky Fuad, S.Th.I.,M,Ag.selaku Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, UKM Khiznaya Music. Previously, The event began with a performance by UKM Khiznaya music ,Presentation of Prizes and presentation of memories- memories to sponsorship, and don't forget the performance offerings from MIIS HIJAB BEAUTY and Juara KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuadtition. KH.Ahmad Zaky Fuad, S.Th.I.,M,Ag. as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora expressed his thanks to all parties involved in making the IAIKU FEST event a success 2023. Whether it's a student, lecturer, committee, sponsorship, and others. “On behalf of the leadership of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, I would like to thank the students who have participated, especially in serving on the committee, opened an entrepreneurial booth, as well as to the supervisors who have guided our students to become successful and professional young entrepreneurs. Lastly, he hopes that next year IAI Khozinatul Ulum can hold an event like this and be more lively than this year. On this occasion, Dozens of people attended and took part in the joy felt by the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora extended family, The event became even more interesting because it opened with a performance from Khiznaya music. The atmosphere in the room looked very lively and stunning because at the closing the committee lit smoke and hit the gong, which was carried out by KH.Ahmad Zaky Fuad., S.Th.I.,M,Ag.selaS.Th.I.,M Ag. as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blorasron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- Closing of the IAIKU Fest event 2023 was successfully held offline at Graha Nusantara and broadcast live via the official IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora YouTube channel ( My campus is TV) The event took place on Sunday 24 December 2023, by presenting Mrs. Ainia as Wife of the Regent of Blora, KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad, S.Th.I.,M,Ag. as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, UKM Khiznaya Music. Previously, …


IAIKUPers - Be a Muslim woman who has two beauties, cantik luar yang dilindungi hijab syar'i. Inner beauty decorated with commendable morals. Covering the private parts is our obligation as Muslim women, maka kita perlu menutup aurat kita dengan pakaian yang syar'i dan tetap memperhatikan syariat syari'at islam. pakaian yang syar'i adalah pakaian yang menutupi aurat kita sepenuhnya dan tidak membentuk lekukan tubuh. So therefore, The IAIKU Fest committee held a festival introducing Muslim women's clothing through a fashion show with a new local wisdom theme which was held this year. Moeslim moeslimah fashion show is a festival that aims to introduce Muslim women's fashion to the audience , starting from gamis clothing , party, casual, also wedding dresses. They wore clothes from Anjani Store, Salwa Moslem Store and Maira Store. This event is held during the week (24 December 2023) at Graha Nusantara and witnessed by lecturers, IAI student Khozinatul Ulum, students of the Khozinatul Ulum Islamic boarding school and the surrounding community. It was seen that their performance received an enthusiastic response from the audience, when they go on stage. From this Moeslim Moeslimah fashion show event,Of course, students are educated to become pious Muslim women who always have a graceful character, and have akhlaku-l-kariimah because women are ornaments of the world. Meraka juga dididik untuk selalu berpenampilan sederhana tetapi tetap terlihat indah mengikuti ketentuan-ketentuan syari'at islam. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers – Be a Muslim woman who has two beauties, beautiful on the outside protected by hijab syar'i. Inner beauty decorated with commendable morals. Covering the private parts is our obligation as Muslim women, then we need to cover our aurat with syar'i clothing and still pay attention to the sharia of Islam. syar'i clothes are clothes that completely cover our aurat and …


IAIKUPers- At the end of 2023, the IAIKU Festival Committee held a National Webinar with the theme of "coordinating education, love and desire (24 December 2023). This event was held offline at Graha Nusantara and virtually via the Zoom platform or the Kampusku TV YouTube channel. This webinar was opened by Dinda Nurul Alfiah and Anisaul,tak lupa menyanyikan Indonesia Raya yang dipandu oleh luluk ma'rifah munawaroh. This webinar was moderated by Bilqis Syailirohmah ( Islamic Religious Education Students) and attended by various lecturers, student, students of the Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Boarding School and the general public. This webinar will be the beginning of a series of collaborations which will continue to be carried out for knowledge sharing. On the same occasion, one of the committee members said: " The literacy treasures of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students will continue to be improved through webinar events. After yesterday with Ning Muhim Nailul Ulya and Ning Nadia Nely Amalia Abdurahman, LC and now with Ning Sheila Hasina and Gus Ahmad Kafa from Lirboyo. Lastly, he hopes that this kind of webinar can become a bond of ukhuwah., implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education." Gus Ahmad Kafa explained that love in religion is very important, Even in education there must be a correlation of love between teachers and students. So that the knowledge that teachers give us can be useful. Likewise, we as Muslims are obliged to seek knowledge. We know that there are many ulama in Indonesia who choose knowledge over marriage. According to Ning Sheila Hasina in her presentation said " Many problems regarding love are due to misunderstanding the meaning of love. Love cannot be blamed because it is human nature to have a sense of love and affection. The problem is the actualization of love itself in the wrong way, namely having a feeling of love for creatures that exceeds the feeling of love for Allah and deifying love.. Likewise, many people assume and think that ideals and love are two things that clash and are contradictory.. then one of the two must be won and one must be sacrificed. because according to him the ideals have been targeted, mapped out and a strategy developed to achieve it must be carried out optimally, totality, full of seriousness, focus and don't glance to the right and left. So we can see many scholars in Indonesia who choose knowledge over marriage. The enthusiasm for the discussion became even more interesting because many of the participants who attended asked questions about these two materials. It doesn't feel right 12.33 , The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs by the IAIKU Festival committee to the two presenters. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- At the end of 2023, the IAIKU Festival Committee will hold a National Webiner with a theme”coordinate education, love and desire (24 December 2023). This event was held offline at Graha Nusantara and virtually via the Zoom platform or the Kampusku TV YouTube channel. This webinar was opened by Dinda Nurul Alfiah and Anisaul,Don't forget to sing Indonesia Raya led by Luluk …


IAIKupers- Sunday (24 December 2023)IAIKu Festival Committee with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Blora Regency held a blood donation activity in the Graha Nusantara yard. One of the IAIKU Fest committee members revealed that this blood donation activity was a manifestation of the aim of the IAIKU Fest event. 2023, namely the cultivation of the Tridharma of Higher Education. “Blood donation is an example of our simple contribution to public health. The blood bags we donate can save someone's life. With this simple thing, we have created a smile on the face of that person along with his family and closest relatives,he said. Before donating blood, Participants must fulfill both administrative and health requirements. Starting from being physically and spiritually healthy, age 17-60 year or 65 years and over who regularly donate, and blood pressure, and hemoglobin levels. This blood donation activity will take place from 10.00 until 15.00 WIB, This event is open to the entire IAI Khozinatul Ulum academic community and the entire community of Blora Regency. Just the first time, At first I was nervous but it turned out that when I took it, it was normal. Very impressive experience,"said one of Pawarta's donors :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKupers- Sunday (24 December 2023)IAIKu Festival Committee with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Blora Regency held a blood donation activity in the Graha Nusantara yard. One of the IAIKU Fest committee members revealed that this blood donation activity was a manifestation of the aim of the IAIKU Fest event 2023, namely the cultivation of the Tridharma of Higher Education. "Blood donation is an example of our simple contribution to …


IAIKUPers- Saturday (23 November 2023) MIIS HIJAB BLORA semi-final event 2023 which was attended by student participants and was successfully held by the IAIKU Festival Committee, at Graha Nusantara. They come from students and college students. These participants studied at the Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic boarding school, IAI Al-Muhammad Cepu, STAI Muhammadiyah Blora and UIN Walisongo Semarang. It is known that in this semifinal round there is 13 participants who passed. And in this semifinal round, the finalists were asked a question by taking a piece of paper in a large bowl provided by the committee.. At the Miss Hijab Beauty audition, there was a guest star from Miss Yu Blora, Blora Regency Tourism Ambassador and Miss Moeslimah 2023 The enthusiastic audience was very impressed, when the Miss Beauty finalists came forward on the competition stage and introduced themselves. On the occasion of the semi-final round for Miss Hijab, the finalists were given a challenging question regarding moral values, How women wear the hijab in the current era and cases in women's lives. After being selected in the initial round, they are declared 3 The finalists who qualified for the Alhamdulillah zone and automatically entered the final round included Arifa Indriani, Safiatun Khofifah and Khofifah Azmi Kencana. Before entering the next round there was a solo vocal performance delivered by Fadila, a student from Islamic Religious Education and a finalist , The room became enthusiastic and they even asked for song requests. Entering the top 3 big miss hijab beauty, The competition was very hot because the finalists who passed were challenged with Spich material to present during 2 minute. In this Spich material, finalists must show the potential to answer questions regarding women's problems in the current era, be a strong woman, how to deal with harsh criticism and the finalists have to show off the talents they have. In this round Arifa Indriani presented an English speech, Shafiatun Khofifah displays storytelling 4 languages ​​include English, Japan, Mandarin and Korean, while Khofifah Azmi displays his talent by singing. Interrupted to the top announcement 3 big, There is a performance from Kakang Mbakyu, Blora Regency, they provide motivation to the attendees who come to the IAIKU Fest event. After they struggled hard in competing, they finally arrived at the end of the announcement, miss hijab Blora 2023 including Renner up 1 achieved by Shofiatun Kencana, Renner up 2 achieved by Khofifah Azmi Kencana and Renner up 3 achieved by Arifah Indriani. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- Saturday (23 November 2023) MIIS HIJAB BLORA semi-final event 2023 which was attended by student participants and was successfully held by the IAIKU Festival Committee, at Graha Nusantara. They come from students and college students. These participants studied at the Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic boarding school, IAI Al-Muhammad Cepu, STAI Muhammadiyah Blora and UIN Walisongo Semarang. Is known …


IAIKUPers- In preserving local culture, The Hadroh Khiznaya Albana team was invited to enliven the IAIKU Festival at Graha Nusantara. (23 December 2023) Hadroh is a type of musical instrument that has an Islamic nuance, sound art accompanied by tambourine (percussion of animal skin) as a musical instrument. Meanwhile, the songs that will be sung are songs with Islamic nuances, about praise to Allah SWT and praise to His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad SAW. It started from just displaying Hadroh at campus UKM activities in particular . Now the Hadroh Khiznaya Albana Team can be enjoyed by the community, not just limited to campus circles. Even though they only appear for a short time 2 jam, start at 13.00-15.00, but the Hadroh team was so united in singing the Prophet's prayer songs that sounded in tune with the musical instruments being played. The invited guests were amazed by the beautiful and melodious voices of the Hadroh Team, not only that, The audience also joined in chanting the prayers sung by the Hadroh Team because the enthusiasm of the audience really enjoyed and was entertained by their performance.. one member of the Hadroh Team hopes that Hadroh Kisnaya Albana will become more widely known, not only limited to the campus environment but can be accepted and enjoyed by various groups of society. Apart from that too, its presence can help in preserving culture and at the same time as a form of socialization from the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus "Hopefully our presence will provide a new nuance in the implementation of remembrance this time. Reason, "The aim of our presence here is not only to fill the event but also to promote the campus to the students who attend this activity." Said as a member of the Hadroh Team. Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- In preserving local culture, The Hadroh Khiznaya Albana team was invited to enliven the IAIKU Festival at Graha Nusantara. (23 December 2023) Hadroh is a type of musical instrument that has an Islamic nuance, sound art accompanied by tambourine (percussion of animal skin) as a musical instrument. Meanwhile, the songs that will be sung are songs with Islamic nuances, about praise …


IAIKUPers- at the end of 2023, the IAIKU Festival Committee held a national webinar with speakers Ning Muhim Nailul Ulya and Ning Nadia Nely Amalia Abdurrahman with the theme" The Role of the Al-Quran Mushaf in Building Islamic Civilization and Humanity " ( Saturday 23 December 2023) don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya which was guided by Ainur Rohmah Tasila Indana Zulfa as chairman of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema, saying thank you very much to the participants who took the time to attend this national seminar., as we know Al-Quran is a guide and guidance for mankind, In my opinion, for each generation there are definitely differences in the characters. Hopefully after participating in this activity, In the future we will gain knowledge and insight into the Al-Quran. This webinar was moderated by Ali Anwar ( PAI IAI student Khozinatul Ulum Blora) attended by Lecturers, among students, Islamic boarding school students and the general public outside campus. This webinar will be part of a series of IAIKu festival events to increase knowledge sharing for students and the general public who participate via Zoom meetings. Ning Muhim Ulya said "that the role of the Al-Quran Mushaf in building civilization is motivated by the history of the codification of the Al-Quran, the existence of the Ottoman Mushaf, Mushaf in Indonesia, Racial differences and differences in Mushaf for the people. Khulafaur Rashidin's phase during the burning of the ashes, there was a tragedy of yamamah, dozens or even hundreds of huffadz were killed,Meanwhile, during the time of Usman bin Affan, there was a dispute because there was a reading that ended in takfir. Meanwhile, the history of Mushaf in Indonesia began with the development of Mushaf writing in the 16th century , Likewise in Indonesia there is the oldest Mushaf written by Afifudin Abdul Baqi and perfected by Nur Cahya in 1590. In fact, this ancient Mushaf began to develop in 2003, the Mushaf that is widely used in Indonesia is the Bombay printed Mushaf, india. The Bombay Indian Mushaf is used in Indonesia because it has thick letters and lots of waqf marks. The popularity of the Al-Quran manuscripts printed in Bombay India is also inseparable from the role of Indian traders. In essence, the role of mushaf for Muslims includes providing education about philology and codicology , providing education about the science of the Koran starting from rasm, qira'at,dhabt/Syakl. Ning Nadia Nely Amalia Abdurrahman, Lc. explained that the Prophet Muhammad took the verse without using a Mushaf, but when Prophet Muhammad SAW memorized he did not write, but,His friend was afraid that he would lose his memorization, then his friend wrote down his memorization with fronds or sticks. Meanwhile, female traveler clerics started with Aisyah bint Abu Bakar, Umm Salama, sayyadah sukainah, Zainab Al-Ghazali, Naylah Hasyim Shabari, Harimah Hamzah bint Abdul Lathif and Aishah Abdurahman. Similarly, in Indonesia there are female traveling scholars including Sultanah Safiatundin, Prof. D.R. Amani Lubis. MA. and Prof. Dr. Huzaemak Tahido Yanggo, MA. " Finally, he advised that women must be able to educate themselves, before educating their children." The enthusiasm for the discussion became even more interesting because many of the participants who attended asked questions about these two materials. It doesn't feel right 13.07 The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs by the IAIKU Festival committee to the two presenters. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.


IAIKUPers- at the end of 2023, the IAIKU Festival Committee held a national webinar with speakers Ning Muhim Nailul Ulya and Ning Nadia Nely Amalia Abdurrahman with the theme” The Role of the Al-Quran Mushaf in Building Islamic Civilization and Humanity ” ( Saturday 23 December 2023) don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya led by Ainur Rohmah Tasila Indana Zulfa as …


IAIKU Press- In the IAIKU Festival Event, IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held talent search activities through an event called Got Talent, Friday (22/12/2023), at Graha Nusantara. The event was opened by a modern dance performance performed by IAI student Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This event was attended by dozens of participants who showcased their respective talents, such as singing, musicalization of poetry, Dance, dance, drama, story telling in English and Arabic. At the Got Tellen event there were guest stars, namely Mrs. Ainia Sholichah as the wife of the Regent of Blora and Sis Mbak Yu Blora. Participants can express their talents through various media, starting from visual arts to innovative ideas that can open minds. This competition not only provides a platform for new students to show their skills, but also provides an opportunity for them to gain recognition for the dedication and creativity they instill. The atmosphere of the Got Talent event is quite exciting. Students who were spectators of the event were very enthusiastic about providing encouragement to their fellow participants. The atmosphere of the auditorium was even more excited by the sound of cheers and applause from the audience. Ibu Ainia Sholichah,expressed his pride in this event, especially the lecturers and thanked the IAKU Festival committee for inviting me to this event. The hope is that this activity will not only be a form of student work but also educate the general public that art is not just about studying theory., but also learn practice. Salma Nabila as the chief executive also said that the IAIKU Got Talent Festival was a useful and enjoyable event, so that the people of the city of Blora who have diverse talents can channel them so that they are published and known to many groups. In the middle of the competition, the Got Talent participants were punctuated by a performance from the Khiznaya band Albana in collaboration with one of Mbakyu Blora.. After going through the assessment process,It doesn't feel like a beat 23.40 , The time has come for the announcement of the Got Talent champions, including the champions 1 won by Farra dinda, champion 2 achieved by Break Chedok and champion 3 won by brother Adnan, juara ke 4 achieved by pearls, juara ke 5 achieved by Safitri, juara ke 6 achieved by Muhammad Sofa, juara ke 7 achieved by black sedo, juara ke 8 achieved by Dita Lutfia, jchampion to9 achieved by Kalista and champion 10 achieved by Andre. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKU Press- In the IAIKU Festival Event, IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held talent search activities through an event called Got Talent, Friday (22/12/2023), at Graha Nusantara. The event was opened by a modern dance performance performed by IAI student Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This event was attended by dozens of participants who showcased their respective talents, such as singing, musicalization of poetry, Dance, dance, …


IAIKupers- The Stand Up Comedy competition is an interesting form of entertainment for visitors to the IAIKU Festival. This competition took place on the main stage of Graha Nusantara, Jum'at (22/12/2023). Koordinator lomba Stand Up Comedy, M. Narendra, explained that this competition was being followed 14 participants of all ages 19-40 year. It is hoped that Stand Up Comedy can foster the spirit of comics through stand up comedy. And of course the theme or material of this stand up comedy is without offending Sara. Because the assessment will be seen from the originality of the material, cuteness and appearance," explained one of the Committee. Narendra also explained, The participants will appear one by one for the maximum time duration 10 minutes for each participant. The competition featured two judges who were experienced comics. They are Endi Rizal and Khoirina Nur Salamah. The material and jokes presented are not far from the world of life. The event received a positive response from the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora academic community . They were enthusiastic to see the participants who appeared. After going through the assessment process, three winners were announced. They are D Albin Alfin Afandi as the champion 3, Lidarto's brother as champion 2 and champion 1 achieved by Bumi Santoso. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKupers- The Stand Up Comedy competition is an interesting form of entertainment for visitors to the IAIKU Festival. This competition took place on the main stage of Graha Nusantara, Jum’at (22/12/2023). Koordinator lomba Stand Up Comedy, M. Narendra, explained that this competition was being followed 14 participants of all ages 19-40 year. It is hoped that Stand Up Comedy can foster the spirit of comics through comedy …