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February 2024

IAIKUPers- Wednesday (28 February 2024) The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus Media Center Team held a Coordination Meeting with the Deputy Chancellor III in the Auditorium. On this occasion, Ahmad Ihsan Syarifuddin, S.Hum,M.A. opened the coordination meeting by providing an overview of the development of the Media Center from its inception to the present. "The presence of this team gives us new enthusiasm to revive the information center, especially on our campus. Especially after the Chancellor gave his appreciation to the Campus Media Center team at a meeting some time ago. Lastly, I would like to advise these personnel to continue to advance the campus Media Center with fresh ideas, innovative and creative. What has been going on now, in the future it must be increased again. Every innovation must continue to be presented so that the delivery of information becomes more comprehensive and interesting. " In his briefing, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III, He said that the existence of this team shows that the existence of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum campus is truly proven. At this relatively young and new age, The entire team is able to provide documentation of every activity in the faculty in a neat and well-coordinated manner. It needs to be understood, that the process of reporting news and other information is in the form of video content, which has a tight groove. Namely, before news broadcasts or podcast content before it becomes public consumption, there is a need for layered valiAhmad Ihsan Syarifuddind S.Humng. At the end of the event,Ahmad Ihsan Syarifuddin, S.Hum,M.A. gave a closing statement about the importance of joining and learning and processing at this Media Center. " The campus Media Center can be used as a forum for processing as well as a stepping stone to enter the world of work after graduating. "It is hoped that friends will have new soft skills outside of the knowledge they have studied which can be used as a portfolio to compete in the world of work and get consideration and plus points for the job qualifications we are applying for.", he said. "Hopefully in the future the Campus Media Center Team will be more solid and continue to provide actual information about the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Campus, so that the voice and work of our campus can continue to resonate and become increasingly known to many people." Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

Hold a Coordination Meeting, The Campus Media Center TEAM Receives a Lot of Input

IAIKUPers- Wednesday (28 February 2024) The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus Media Center Team held a Coordination Meeting with the Deputy Chancellor III in the Auditorium. On this occasion, Ahmad Ihsan Syarifuddin, S.Hum,M.A. opened the coordination meeting by providing an overview of the development of the Media Center from its inception to the present. “The presence of this team gives us new enthusiasm to revive the center …

Hold a Coordination Meeting, The Campus Media Center TEAM Receives a Lot of Input Read More »

IAIKUPers- Sunday (25 February 2024) IAI Student Executive Council representative Khozinatul Ulum Blora attended the PTNU BEM Regional Coordination Meeting held at the ITSNU Pekalongan Campus. Hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut Presidium Nasional BEM PTNU Se-Nusantara Achmad Baha'ur Rifki, Pekalongan Police Binmas Head, All Central Java BEM Coordinator Management and PTNU Campus Delegates throughout Central Java. On this occasion, Presedium Nasional BEM PTNU Achmad Baha'ur Rifki mengajak Seluruh mahasiswa NU Se-Nusantara untuk ikut berkontribusi sebagai cooling System pasca pemilu. "The Democratic Party is over, let's reconcile the post-election estrangement. in this relatively hot period,NU students must take part in the cooling system in society". Rifqi said. Meanwhile Regional Coordinator of BEM PTNU Central Java, Muhammad Ikhsannurizqi expressed his gratitude to all BEM and DEMA administrators throughout Central Java who were present at the RAKORWIL event and that NU students, especially in Central Java, must become pioneers of the movement.. On the same occasion, Khumaidilah Irfan as President of DEMA STAI Brebes expressed his opinion regarding the post-general election for representatives from different choices, but we can't be hot. We must accept the results obtained from the people's vote. Because that is a normal thing in a democratic country,But don't let differences in choices make it easy for us to be pitted against each other or divided just because of a few interests. "Lastly, I hope that BEM PTNU Central Java will become a barometer of movement that is able to enter every line in guarding regional and national issues," he said." Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- Sunday (25 February 2024) IAI Student Executive Council representative Khozinatul Ulum Blora attended the PTNU Central Java BEM Regional Coordination Meeting held at the ITSNU Pekalongan Campus. Present on the occasion was the National Presidium of BEM PTNU throughout the archipelago, Achmad Baha'ur Rifki, Pekalongan Police Binmas Head, All Central Java BEM Coordinator Management and PTNU Campus Delegates throughout Central Java. On …


IAIKUPers-Islamic Religious Education Students of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora again made achievements at the national event. The student is Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni. He managed to bring home dozens of champions from twelve different events. This championship achievement was conveyed to Siti Nurkayati M,Pd. as Head of Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Tuesday (20 February 2024). Confirmed after the meeting, This student from the Islamic Religious Education Study Program explained that he had participated in national level writing events 3 last month. and was crowned as champion including the third favorite winner of the 2024 Indonesian Competer Award Voting Contest, Ranking 12 Indonesian Competer Award, juara 2 cipta puisi, The award for the most diligent answerer organized by Competer flying pen, juara 1 polling, juara 3 guess the surah, juara 2 Quiz tebak surah, Winner with the best score following the story question poll, Winner of the best score in the quiz activity polSurah guessing quiztebak surah, got the 2nd best score on memorized deposits,juara 3 Surah guessing quiz organized by the Sraddha Pondok Group, juara 1 Word arrangement games, juara 2 poetry creation competition, juara 3 Coloring games organized by Lentera Sastra, juara 1 from the author of the Short Story Anthology, juara 1 from the author of the quotes anthology, juara 2 from the author of a poetry anthology organized by the Luna Literasi community, juara 1 event Adu Gombal, juara 2 creative edit, juara 2 Smart Cermat event organized by the Blue Roses Aucreate poetrymmunity, Juara 1 cipta puisi, juara 3 Cipta Cermin organized by the Indonesian sharing community, juara 1 generally creates poetry, Champion 1 Common Quotes, juara harapan 1 guessing event, jucontender poster organized by the Planet Literasi community, juara 1 mini story making competition, juara 3 greeting card making competition with the CreachampionWriting Community, juara 3 Greeting Card Competition organized by the Indonesian Media Literacy community and crowned champion 2 Create quotes organized by the Learning to Work community. To get that achievement, he must prepare thoroughly, especially in mastering the material and writing skills of course. "Seeing that this event is on the national stage,"needs careful preparation in advance," he explained. This fourth semester student's participation in the competition was not without reason. He wants to gain experience, as a medium for honing skills and evaluating self-competence. “From this competition I can gain experience, You can learn more deeply about the profession of a writer and journalist from among the writers- great writer in this country," he added. This competition is not just a competition, but also as a trigger for enthusiasm to initiate new ideas related to problems observed around them,because this performance is one of the initial steps that motivates me to continue working, contribute to the world of literacy and knowledge. Finally, he hopes, This achievement can inspire other students, to take part in various competitions in the future, he concluded."


IAIKUPers-Islamic Religious Education Students of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora again made achievements at the national event. The student is Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni. He managed to bring home dozens of champions from twelve different events. This championship achievement was conveyed to Siti Nurkayati M,Pd. as Head of Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Tuesday (20 February 2024). Confirmed after the meeting, student of the Religious Education Study Program …


IAIKUPers-Islamic Religious Education Students of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora again made achievements at the national event. The student is Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni. He managed to bring home dozens of champions from twelve different events. This championship achievement was conveyed to Siti Nurkayati M,Pd. as Head of Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Tuesday (20 February 2024). Confirmed after the meeting, This student from the Islamic Religious Education Study Program explained that he had participated in national level writing events 3 last month. and was crowned as champion including the third favorite winner of the 2024 Indonesian Competer Award Voting Contest, Ranking 12 Indonesian Competer Award, juara 2 cipta puisi, The award for the most diligent answerer organized by Competer flying pen, juara 1 polling, juara 3 guess the surah, juara 2 Quiz tebak surah, Winner with the best score following the story question poll, Winner of the best score in the quiz activity polSurah guessing quiztebak surah, got the 2nd best score on memorized deposits,juara 3 Surah guessing quiz organized by the Sraddha Pondok Group, juara 1 Word arrangement games, juara 2 poetry creation competition, juara 3 Coloring games organized by Lentera Sastra, juara 1 from the author of the Short Story Anthology, juara 1 from the author of the quotes anthology, juara 2 from the author of a poetry anthology organized by the Luna Literasi community, juara 1 event Adu Gombal, juara 2 creative edit, juara 2 Smart Cermat event organized by the Blue Roses Aucreate poetrymmunity, Juara 1 cipta puisi, juara 3 Cipta Cermin organized by the Indonesian sharing community, juara 1 generally creates poetry, Champion 1 Common Quotes, juara harapan 1 guessing event, jucontender poster organized by the Planet Literasi community, juara 1 mini story making competition, juara 3 greeting card making competition with the CreachampionWriting Community, juara 3 Greeting Card Competition organized by the Indonesian Media Literacy community and crowned champion 2 Create quotes organized by the Learning to Work community. To get that achievement, he must prepare thoroughly, especially in mastering the material and writing skills of course. "Seeing that this event is on the national stage,"needs careful preparation in advance," he explained. This fourth semester student's participation in the competition was not without reason. He wants to gain experience, as a medium for honing skills and evaluating self-competence. “From this competition I can gain experience, You can learn more deeply about the profession of a writer and journalist from among the writers- great writer in this country," he added. This competition is not just a competition, but also as a trigger for enthusiasm to initiate new ideas related to problems observed around them,because this performance is one of the initial steps that motivates me to continue working, contribute to the world of literacy and knowledge. Finally, he hopes, This achievement can inspire other students, to take part in various competitions in the future, he concluded."


IAIKUPers-Islamic Religious Education Students of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora again made achievements at the national event. The student is Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni. He managed to bring home dozens of champions from twelve different events. This championship achievement was conveyed to Siti Nurkayati M,Pd. as Head of Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Tuesday (20 February 2024). Confirmed after the meeting, student of the Religious Education Study Program …


IAIKUPers-Your (19 February 2024) Student Executive Council Management (WHEN) as well as the Student Senate (SEMA) IAI Khozinatul Ulum held a Work Program Meeting, di Auditorium. This event was attended by Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad,S.Th.I as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I.As Deputy Chancellor I, Mohammad Nabil,S, Sy., M.Ag. As Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III,as well as all SEMA and Dema administrators. This working meeting with the leadership aims to ensure that the work program that has been prepared by Sema and Dema can be focused and beneficial for all students., not just ceremonial and formality, So at this work meeting both Sema and Dema presented the work program that will be implemented in the next period. At this working meeting, IAI Chancellor Khozinatul Ulum Kh.Ahmad Zaky Fuad,S.Th.I said that Sema and Dema administrators must always maintain the conduciveness of IAI Khozinatul Ulum, a good first step. Hopefully we can develop a joint work program to realize organizational synergy as expected. Mainly related to activities starting this period will be more innovative and show that IAI Khozinatul Ulum students are worthy of becoming UIN Khozinatul Ulum, he also appealed for communication ethics, In particular, the Sema and Dema leaders should be role models for ordinary students. Starting from discipline, appearance, behavior to speech. Lista as Chair of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Student Council said "The existence of this working meeting with Sema and Dema is quite extraordinary for the activists of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum student activist organization. This event can be an event for major consolidation and development of student organizations as a whole from legislative institutions to executive institutions, from the institute level to the point closest to general students at the study program level." hit right 16.20 , The SEMA and DEMA Management Work Program Meeting closed with directions from the Deputy Chancellor I, Deputy Chancellor II and Deputy Chancellor III Pawarta: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


  IAIKUPers-Your (19 February 2024) Student Executive Council Management (WHEN) as well as the Student Senate (SEMA) IAI Khozinatul Ulum held a Work Program Meeting, di Auditorium. This event was attended by Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad,S.Th.I as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I.As Deputy Chancellor I, Mohammad Nabil,S, Sy., M.Ag. As Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III,as well as …


IAIKUPers- Sunday (4 January 2024) Located at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium, Islamic Religious Education Study Program Student Association (HMPS PAI),Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program Student Association ( HMPS PGMI) ,and the Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program Student Association (HMPS PIAUD) hold a joint Working Meeting agenda. This activity begins with an opening agenda, divine pen, presentation of work program, input and objections per division and closing. The HMPS activity work meeting begins with the delivery of the daily leadership duties and continues with the presentation of the program per division. Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty, Head of Study Program and Secretary of Study Program, Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. Siti Nurkayati M,Pd. and Artika Diannita,M.Pd..,M.Han. also attended the event agenda. Apart from providing suggestions, suggestions and input, The presence of study program administrators aims to align activities that can be carried out simultaneously, good HMPS PAI,PGMI and PIAUD. By coordinating and consolidating, over the next year it is hoped that HMPS PAI, PGMI and PIAUD can work together in managing student activities. Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- Sunday (4 January 2024) Located at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium, Islamic Religious Education Study Program Student Association (HMPS PAI),Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program Student Association ( HMPS PGMI) ,and the Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program Student Association (HMPS PIAUD) hold a joint Working Meeting agenda. This activity begins with an opening agenda, kalam …


IAIKUPers- Saturday (03/02/2024)- representative of Dema IAI administrators Khozinatul Ulum Blora attended the invitation to Participatory Election Supervision Socialization from BAWASLU. On this occasion, Division coordinator (Kordiv) Handling Violations and Information Data of the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Blora Regency, Central Java Irfan Syaiful Masykur emphasized the success of the General Election 2024 It is not only the responsibility of Bawaslu but of all existing elements. “From election participants, of the people who have the right to vote, from media friends or others. Who oversees the democratic process so that the election is held in accordance with its objectives, namely luber jurdil," stressed Irfan Syaiful Masykur. Hal itu disampaikannya pada sosialisasi pengawasan pemilu partisipatif bertajuk “Peran Strategis Pemantau Pemilu dan Organisasi Masyarakat dalam Pengawasan Pemilu 2024” di ruang pertemuan Resto D'joglo Kelurahan Bangkle, Blora District. Representing the Chair of Blora Regency Bawaslu Andyka Fuad Ibrahim, Irfan opened the socialization event which presented representatives of student activism (IMM, PMII, HMI), election observers and a number of human media (print, electronic and online) as well as representatives of other mass organizations. The event featured election observer speakers from Palur Sukoharjo, Rahardi, S.Pd by presenting material on the role of the community in monitoring elections 2024. Rahardi started his material by inviting socialization participants to agree that participation in the election community is an indicator of democracy. That respect for differences in choices is something that must be upheld in democratic life. That elections without public participation are a joke. “That elections without proper and careful supervision are just chaos. That in every election there are always efforts from various parties, to circumvent the rules for certain interests and profits,he stressed. quality, according to Rahardi, who is an extraordinary lecturer at the AFI-UIN Surakarta Study Program and a former member of the council, There must be definite legal rules and accountable enforcement. Election organizers must be professional and have integrity. Election participants who are committed to and adhere to democratic rules and values. “Then what is no less important is controlling community participation. Voter autonomy in determining their political preferences. As well as bureaucratic neutrality,” jelasnya. he said, masyarakat harus terlibat dalam pengawasan Pemilu untuk meningkatkan rasa 'melu handarbeni' over the Republic of Indonesia and erode apathetic attitudes towards the running of the Republic of Indonesia. “The public must be involved in monitoring elections, to ensure its maintenance, protection and promotion of the political rights of citizens,” terangnya. Apart from that, it helps Bawaslu to ensure clean elections, transparency and integrity from the organizer and implementation side. Then, encourage the realization of healthy elections as an instrument for determining political leadership and evaluating political leadership. This indicates the election of corrupt and unreliable potential leaders. Prevent chaos in elections. Meanwhile, in Repetitiveesentation of material on the Mechanism for Handling Election Findings and Reports, Division Coordinator (Kordiv) Handling of Blora Bawaslu Violations and Information Data, Irfan Syaiful Masykur explained that the principle of handling election violations focuses on protecting political rights, namely the right to choose and the right to be elected. "Then, guarantee legal certainty. Providing convenience for candidates and the public in submitting reports (accessibility). Transparent, where the process and results are easy to know. Fast and effective violation handling process. he explainedased violation handling,” bebernya. Meanwhile, what is meant by findings are alleged election violations discovered from the results of the Election Supervisor's supervision at each stage of the election or the results of Bawaslu investigations., Provincial Bawaslu, Regency/City Bawaslu and District Panwaslu (Chapter 1 Number 30). The presentations of the two speakers encouraged participants to share and ask questions, creating a more enlightening atmosphere. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- Saturday (03/02/2024)- representative of Dema IAI administrators Khozinatul Ulum Blora attended the invitation to Participatory Election Supervision Socialization from BAWASLU. On this occasion, Division coordinator (Repetitive) Handling Violations and Information Data of the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Blora Regency, Central Java Irfan Syaiful Masykur emphasized the success of the General Election 2024 not only the responsibility of Bawaslu but of …