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Becoming an Excellent Higher Education in the Field of Al-Quran and Research Based on Islamic Boarding School Values 2042


  1. Organizing superior Islamic education in the field of the Koran and research based on Islamic boarding school values
  2. Carrying out superior research in the field of the Al-Quran and research based on Islamic boarding school values
  3. Organizing superior community service in the field of Al-Quran and research based on Islamic boarding school values
  4. Organizing collaborations with universities, government, and educational institutions that excel in the field of Al-Quran and research based on Islamic boarding school values


KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad, S.Th.I., M.Ag.

Rector's Speech

“In an effort to realize the vision of the Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute (I AM AWESOME) Blora as a superior university in the field of Al-Qur'an and research based on Islamic boarding school values ​​in 2042, We feel the need to convey the various achievements and activities that we have carried out. Facing the era of information technology that continues to develop, We are committed to moving forward and not being left behind in the current of changing times.”

Student Testimonials

"Studying at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is an opportunity that I am very grateful for. Not just general science, I also got religious knowledge. My chosen PIAUD study program, to shape Indonesia's future generation🥰"
Naili Syifa
PIAUD students
"While studying, I gained knowledge that I can apply in today's world of work. My business was greatly helped by the skills I gained on campus. Besides that, adequate facilities, comfortable environment, and supportive friends help me develop my interests and talents."
Well done Setiyo Pambudi
Sharia Banking Student

Sarana Prasarana

  1. Land and Buildings
  2. Parking Yard
  3. Administration room
  4. Leadership Room
  5. Lecturer Room
  6. Lecture hall
  7. Laboratory
  8. Hall

9. Sanitation

10. Library

11. Masjid

12. Ruang Micro Teaching

13. Boys Dormitory & Daughter

14. Cooperative

15. The shop

16. Free Wifi

