Blora, 24 December 2024 – Ushuluddin Faculty, Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute, Blora, held an International Webinar with the theme "Building an Inclusive Community: A Qur'anic and Hadith Perspective on Fulfilling the Rights of the Blind.” This webinar is an international dialogue space to explore the values of inclusiveness in Islam, especially in fulfilling the rights of blind people with disabilities. This activity is also in commemoration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities which falls on 3 December, as well as a form of commitment to the seriousness of the Ushuddin IAIKU Blora faculty in establishing cooperative relationships with overseas campuses, in this case Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (SEASON).
Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad, M.Ag., opened this event with an inspirational speech. In his speech, he explained that the Koran and Hadith teach deep respect for people with disabilities. The Prophet SAW gave a real example in treating the blind friend Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum with love and respect. Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum was even appointed as leader of Medina and imam of congregational prayers at the Nabawi Mosque.
First keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Mufid, Lc., M.S.I., as Dean of the Ushuluddin IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Faculty, explains the three fundamental rights of people with disabilities from an Islamic perspective. First The Right to Fairness in Access to Public Services. Prof. Mufid quoted Q.S. Al-Hujurat verse 13 which confirms that a person's glory in the sight of Allah is not determined by physical condition, but rather by piety. He also quoted the hadith of the Prophet SAW: “Indeed, Allah does not look at your appearance and wealth, but He sees your heart.” Second, The Right to Life and a Good Life. Based on Q.S. Al-Isra verse 33, Prof. Mufid emphasized that the life of every individual is sacred and protected by Allah. This right to life includes the right to enjoy a life with dignity. Third, The Right to Choose and Become a Leader. Islam provides examples of figures with disabilities who become leaders, like Prophet Ya'qub who was blind, Prophet Musa had a speech disorder, and Prophet Ayyub who was ill for many years but still led his people wisely.
Meanwhile, Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Zohdi Mohd Amin, as Dean of the Faculty of Quranic Studies & Sunnah of Islamic Science University Malaysia (SEASON), convey the principles of justice and equality in building an inclusive society based on the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. He emphasized the importance of giving rights to each individual according to their needs and potential.
This webinar presents speakers from various countries with academic backgrounds who are experts in their fields. First, Dr. Mowafg Abraham Masuwd (University of Zawia, Libya). Second, Assoc Prof Dr. Noornajihan Jaafar (Faculty of Quran & Sunnah Studies, SEASON). Third, Dr. (When) Muhammad Shaiful, M.Ag. (Head of ILHA Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin, IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora). Fourth, Ahmad Farih Dzaky, M.Ag. (Head of IAT Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin, IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora)
This webinar is guided by master of ceremony Muhammad Ismail, M.A., and moderated by Naila Intania, M.Pd., both of them come from the Ushuluddin IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Faculty.
The event took place on Tuesday, 24 December 2024, o'clock 10.30 This WIB was attended by participants from various countries via the Zoom platform. This webinar provides new insights into the importance of building an inclusive society, as exemplified in the Qur'an and Hadith. Ushuluddin Faculty IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora and USIM hope that this collaboration can be the start of other international discussions that raise strategic themes in Islam.
Writer: Muhammad Ismail, M.A