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COMMEMORATING IDUL ADHA I444 H, IAI Khozinatul ULUM BLORA PURCHASE OF QURBAN ANIMALS. DemaPers - Sunday ( 2/07/2023) Commemorate Eid al-Adha I444 H, IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora slaughters sacrificial animals as a means of sharing with others. Eid al-Adha is a Muslim holiday which is celebrated once every year, Through this momentum, IAI Khozinatul Ulum also commemorated this by slaughtering one cow and one goat, which is located in the courtyard of the Khozinatul Ulum II Islamic Boarding School. the entire series of events is handled by the Qurban committee. Alhamdulillah, this year's Eid al-Adha IAI Khozinatul Ulum slaughtered one cow and one goat, this year there has been a significant increase, "Hopefully there will be more next year," said one of the lecturers. This annual agenda is managed by the Qurban Committee well, as evidenced by the series of 'Eid al-Adha' activities. 1444 H at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. The agenda for slaughtering sacrificial animals is none other than to provide an opportunity to share the IAI Khozinatul Ulum academic community with the community around campus.. We must be able to learn from the sincerity of Prophet Ibrahim As and the patience of Prophet Ismail As, This wisdom can provide good lessons for the entire IAI Khozinatul Ulum academic community in terms of self-control and sharing with others. " Said Mr Arim Irsyad. What is the story of the Prophet Ibrahim, who at that time wanted to sacrifice his son Ismail? This story became a milestone in the shari'at of the sacrifice. The story is explained in the following verse: And he said, “I am going to my Lord. He will guide me.” (99) My Lord, grant me among the righteous (100) So We gave him good tidings of a forbearing boy (101) When he reached the end of his journey, he said, “O my son, I see in a dream that I am slaughtering you. See what you see.” He said, “O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, God willing.” Those who are patient (102) When they submitted to Islam, he turned to his forehead (103) And We called him, “O Abraham.” (104) You have confirmed the vision. Indeed, thus do We reward the doers of good. (105) Indeed, this is the clear affliction. (106) We ransomed him with a great sacrifice (107) We left it to others (108) Peace be upon Abraham (109) Thus do We reward the doers of good (110) He is one of our faithful servants (111) And Abraham said: "Indeed I went to face my Lord, and He will guide me. Oh my Lord, grant it to me (a child) which includes the pious people. So We gave him the good news of a very patient child. So when the child arrived (at a willing age) work together with Ibrahim, Abraham said: “O my son, actually I saw in a dream that I was slaughtering you. So think about what you think?” He answered: "Oh my father, do what you are told; God willing, you will find me among the patient people. When both of them surrendered and Ibrahim laid his child on his temple, (the patience of both of them is real). And We call him: “Hey Ibrahim!, indeed you have justified the dream, Indeed, this is how We reward those who do good. In fact, this is truly a real test. And We redeemed the child with a great slaughter. We immortalize it for Ibrahim (good praise) among those who came later, (that is) "Peace be upon Abraham." Thus We reward those who do good. Indeed, he is among Our believing servants." (QS. Ash-Shaaffaat: 99-111) From the story of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and Prophet Ismail (PBUH) we can see how beautiful the conversation between father and son in a family is written in the Qur'an., example of openness, Sincerity and patience in communication can be applied in our daily lives " additionally. next ” With a sincere attitude, Being patient and willing to communicate well and openly can make it easier for us to carry out our duties as lecturers and employees at IAI Khozinatul Ulum, because with good teamwork , "We can take part in advancing the University that we love," hoped the Dean of the Tarbiyah faculty. Hopefully, the activity of slaughtering sacrificial animals at IAI Khozinatul Ulum can provide benefits to all lecturers, Student, Employees and the community around the campus environment" In conclusion, Mr. Arim Irsyad added that the group who sacrificed included Siti Nurkayati M. Pd. Fauzan's daughter, Dyah Ayu Fitriana PdM. Pd. Binti Mukanif , Dra. Hj. So Vital, Yesa Saskia Ilma Hamidah binti Tegum Adhi Nugroho, Muhammad Fawwaz Ramadhani binti Abdul Mufid, Munasiroh bint Sudiran, Nurul Laili Mukarromah bint M. misbah. The slaughter of one cow and one goat was done by Mr. Arim Irsyad Albin Jaya,M.Pd. as dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty and assisted by a slaughter team led by Ustadz Amin, head of Madrasah Diniyah Jomblang Village.


COMMEMORATING IDUL ADHA I444 H,  IAI Khozinatul ULUM BLORA PURCHASE OF QURBAN ANIMALS.  DemaPers - Sunday ( 2/07/2023) Commemorate Eid al-Adha I444 H, IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora slaughters sacrificial animals as a means of sharing with others. 
  Eid al-Adha is a Muslim holiday which is celebrated once every year, Through this momentum, IAI Khozinatul Ulum also commemorated this by slaughtering one cow and one goat, which is located in the courtyard of the Khozinatul Ulum II Islamic Boarding School. the entire series of events is handled by the Qurban committee. 
   Alhamdulillah, this year's Eid al-Adha IAI Khozinatul Ulum slaughtered one cow and one goat, this year there has been a significant increase, "Hopefully there will be more next year," said one of the lecturers

   This annual agenda is managed by the Qurban Committee well as evidenced by the series of 'Eid al-Adha' activities 1444 H at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. 

  The agenda for slaughtering sacrificial animals is none other than to provide an opportunity to share the IAI Khozinatul Ulum academic community with the community around campus..

    We must be able to learn from the sincerity of Prophet Ibrahim As and the patience of Prophet Ismail As, This wisdom can provide good lessons for the entire IAI Khozinatul Ulum academic community in terms of self-control and sharing with others. " Said Mr Arim Irsyad. 
  What is the story of the Prophet Ibrahim, who at that time wanted to sacrifice his son Ismail? This story became a milestone in the shari'at of the sacrifice. The story is explained in the following verse:
And he said, “I am going to my Lord. He will guide me.” (99) My Lord, grant me among the righteous (100) So We gave him good tidings of a forbearing boy (101) When he reached the end of his journey, he said, “O my son, I see in a dream that I am slaughtering you. See what you see.” He said, “O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, God willing.” Those who are patient (102) When they submitted to Islam, he turned to his forehead (103) And We called him, “O Abraham.” (104) You have confirmed the vision. Indeed, thus do We reward the doers of good. (105) Indeed, this is the clear affliction. (106) We ransomed him with a great sacrifice (107) We left it to others (108) Peace be upon Abraham (109) Thus do We reward the doers of good (110) He is one of our faithful servants (111)

    And Abraham said: "Indeed I went to face my Lord, and He will guide me. Oh my Lord, grant it to me (a child) which includes the pious people. So We gave him the good news of a very patient child. So when the child arrived (at a willing age) work together with Ibrahim, Abraham said: “O my son, actually I saw in a dream that I was slaughtering you. So think about what you think?” He answered: "Oh my father, do what you are told; God willing, you will find me among the patient people. When both of them surrendered and Ibrahim laid his child on his temple, (the patience of both of them is real). And We call him: “Hey Ibrahim!, indeed you have justified the dream, Indeed, this is how We reward those who do good. In fact, this is truly a real test. And We redeemed the child with a great slaughter. We immortalize it for Ibrahim (good praise) among those who came later, (that is) "Peace be upon Abraham." Thus We reward those who do good. Indeed, he is among Our believing servants." (QS. Ash-Shaaffaat: 99-111)
 From the story of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and Prophet Ismail (PBUH) we can see how beautiful the conversation between father and son in a family is written in the Qur'an., example of openness, Sincerity and patience in communication can be applied in our daily lives " additionally.
next ” With a sincere attitude, Being patient and willing to communicate well and openly can make it easier for us to carry out our duties as lecturers and employees at IAI Khozinatul Ulum, because with good teamwork , "We can take part in advancing the University that we love," hoped the Dean of the Tarbiyah faculty. 
   Hopefully, the activity of slaughtering sacrificial animals at IAI Khozinatul Ulum can provide benefits to all lecturers, Student, Employees and the community around the campus environment" he concluded
  Mr. Arim Irsyad added that the group who sacrificed included Siti Nurkayati M. Pd. Fauzan's daughter, Dyah Ayu Fitriana PdM. Pd. Binti Mukanif , Dra. Hj. So Vital, Yesa Saskia Ilma Hamidah binti Tegum Adhi Nugroho, Muhammad Fawwaz Ramadhani binti Abdul Mufid, Munasiroh bint Sudiran, Nurul Laili Mukarromah bint M. misbah. 
  The slaughter of one cow and one goat was done by Mr. Arim Irsyad Albin Jaya,M.Pd. as dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty and assisted by a slaughter team led by Ustadz Amin, head of Madrasah Diniyah Jomblang Village.

DemaPers – Sunday ( 2/07/2023) Commemorate Eid al-Adha I444 H, IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora slaughters sacrificial animals as a means of sharing with others.

Eid al-Adha is a Muslim holiday which is celebrated once every year, Through this momentum, IAI Khozinatul Ulum also commemorated this by slaughtering one cow and one goat, which is located in the courtyard of the Khozinatul Ulum II Islamic Boarding School. the entire series of events is handled by the Qurban committee.

Alhamdulillah, this year's Eid al-Adha IAI Khozinatul Ulum slaughtered one cow and one goat, this year there has been a significant increase, "Hopefully there will be more next year," said one of the lecturers


This annual agenda is managed by the Qurban Committee well as evidenced by the series of 'Eid al-Adha' activities 1444 H at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.


The agenda for slaughtering sacrificial animals is none other than to provide an opportunity to share the IAI Khozinatul Ulum academic community with the community around campus..


We must be able to learn from the sincerity of Prophet Ibrahim As and the patience of Prophet Ismail As, This wisdom can provide good lessons for the entire IAI Khozinatul Ulum academic community in terms of self-control and sharing with others. ” Said Mr Arim Irsyad.

What is the story of the Prophet Ibrahim, who at that time wanted to sacrifice his son Ismail? This story became a milestone in the shari'at of the sacrifice. The story is explained in the following verse:

And he said, “I am going to my Lord. He will guide me.” (99) My Lord, grant me among the righteous (100) So We gave him good tidings of a forbearing boy (101) When he reached the end of his journey, he said, “O my son, I see in a dream that I am slaughtering you. See what you see.” He said, “O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, God willing.” Those who are patient (102) When they submitted to Islam, he turned to his forehead (103) And We called him, “O Abraham.” (104) You have confirmed the vision. Indeed, thus do We reward the doers of good. (105) Indeed, this is the clear affliction. (106) We ransomed him with a great sacrifice (107) We left it to others (108) Peace be upon Abraham (109) Thus do We reward the doers of good (110) He is one of our faithful servants (111)


And Abraham said: "Indeed I went to face my Lord, and He will guide me. Oh my Lord, grant it to me (a child) which includes the pious people. So We gave him the good news of a very patient child. So when the child arrived (at a willing age) work together with Ibrahim, Abraham said: “O my son, actually I saw in a dream that I was slaughtering you. So think about what you think?” He answered: "Oh my father, do what you are told; God willing, you will find me among the patient people. When both of them surrendered and Ibrahim laid his child on his temple, (the patience of both of them is real). And We call him: “Hey Ibrahim!, indeed you have justified the dream, Indeed, this is how We reward those who do good. In fact, this is truly a real test. And We redeemed the child with a great slaughter. We immortalize it for Ibrahim (good praise) among those who came later, (that is) "Peace be upon Abraham." Thus We reward those who do good. Indeed, he is among Our believing servants." (QS. Ash-Shaaffaat: 99-111)

From the story of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and Prophet Ismail (PBUH) we can see how beautiful the conversation between father and son in a family is written in the Qur'an., example of openness, Sincerity and patience in communication can be applied in our daily lives ” additionally.

next ” With a sincere attitude, Being patient and willing to communicate well and openly can make it easier for us to carry out our duties as lecturers and employees at IAI Khozinatul Ulum, because with good teamwork , "We can take part in advancing the University that we love," hoped the Dean of the Tarbiyah faculty.

Hopefully, the activity of slaughtering sacrificial animals at IAI Khozinatul Ulum can provide benefits to all lecturers, Student, Employees and the community around the campus environment” he concluded

Mr. Arim Irsyad added that the group who sacrificed included Siti Nurkayati M. Pd. Fauzan's daughter, Dyah Ayu Fitriana , M. Pd. Binti Mukanif , Dra. Hj. So Vital, Yesa Saskia Ilma Hamidah binti Tegum Adhi Nugroho, Muhammad Fawwaz Ramadhani binti Abdul Mufid, Munasiroh bint Sudiran, Nurul Laili Mukarromah bint M. misbah.

The slaughter of one cow and one goat was done by Mr. Arim Irsyad Albin Jaya,M.Pd. as dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty and assisted by a slaughter team led by Ustadz Amin, head of Madrasah Diniyah Jomblang Village.


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