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Mission Aim Announcement

Announcement of the Aiming Mission Selection for the Academic Year 2019-2020

based on the results of the year's bidikmisi scholarship selection 2019, STAI chairman Khozinatul Ulum Blora determined that ten students would pass :

1 Istiqomah Cilegon, 04-01-2000 calico, TegalBunder, Purwakarta, Cilegon, Banten PAI
2 Anis Rosidah Blora, 20-06-2001 Mojowetan, Banjarejo, Blora PAI
3 NurAeen Blora, 12-03-2000 Turirejo, Japan, Blora PGRA
4 Nila Nurhamidah Blora, 06-07-2001 Karangrawo, Bandungrojo, Ngawen, Blora PAI
5 Nur Hidayati Grobogan, 30-06-2001 Seriously, Corner, Tawangharjo, Grobogan PAI
6 Walid Salasa Putra Gresik, 17-09-2000 Sambongwangan, Randublatung, Blora PAI
7 NurulWahidatul H Blora, 12-04-2001 Howling, Bangsri, Japan, Blora PAI
8 Irba Adila Rembang, 07-06-2001 Dalor, Pamotan, Rembang PAI
9 Dandang Prasetya Blora, 22-11-1999 Mendenrejo, Kradenan, Blora PAI
10 Rif'ahNurKamalia Blora, 18-11-2000 Nearby, Japan, Blora PAI

These students are obliged to carry out the provisions in accordance with the integrity pact.

