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IAIKu Press- Mohammad Zainal M,Pd.Selaku DPL PPL Prodi Ekonomi Syari'ah menutup kegiatan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan. This PPL lasts approx 2 month starting date 25 September - 17 November 2023, with location 6 place, including the Geprek Sako Blora food stall, Triji Blora batik house, charcoal factory in Sarimulyo village, Ngawen subdistrict and erra bakery bread factory in Wantilgung village, Ngawen subdistrict and Krupuk uyel factory in Sambongrejo subdistrict, Ngawen subdistrict. "The closing of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student PPL for Sharia Economics Study Program will be carried out during 3 The day is Thursday at the Geprek Sako food stall, hari Jum'at di pabrik krupuk uyel Sambungrejo Kec.Ngawen, at the charcoal factory in Sarimulyo Village, Ngawen District and the erra bakery factory, Wantilgung Village, Ngawen District, and God willing, next Saturday at the Triji Blora batik house," said Zainal Abidin who is also the secretary of the Sharia Economics study program. Not only that, PPL students of the Sharia Economics Study Program also received messages from the location where they practiced, including "that this PPL activity is a place for you to learn directly from the world of business and industry, so any business must prioritize quality and service so that customers don't get bored of stopping by your company., As for the last one, don't just try to be dhohir, tapi juga harus diimbangi dengan do'a." said one of the business owners. On the same occasion Muhammad Zainal Abidin, sekprodi Ekonomi Syari'ah juga menyatakan "bahwa karena PPL di tahun ini mahasiswa ditempatkan di lokasi yang bergerak pada dunia usaha dan dunia industri pada bidang produksi, I really agree and agree with the message from the PPL location for students because field learning from this PPL activity will be the initial preparation for students to be involved directly in the world of society., the business world and the industrial world in particular." he closed. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKu Press- Mohammad Zainal M,Pd. As DPL PPL Sharia Economics Study Program closed the Field Experience Practice activities. This PPL lasts approx 2 month starting date 25 September - 17 November 2023, with location 6 place,  including the Geprek Sako Blora food stall, Triji Blora batik house, charcoal factory in Sarimulyo village, Ngawen subdistrict and erra bakery bread factory in Wantilgung village, Ngawen subdistrict and Krupuk uyel factory in Sambongrejo subdistrict, Ngawen subdistrict.   "The closing of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student PPL for Sharia Economics Study Program will be carried out during 3 The day is Thursday at the Geprek Sako food stall, on Friday at the uyel cracker factory in Sambunrejo, Ngawen District, at the charcoal factory in Sarimulyo Village, Ngawen District and the erra bakery factory, Wantilgung Village, Ngawen District, and God willing, next Saturday at the Triji Blora batik house," said Zainal Abidin who is also the secretary of the Sharia Economics study program.
    Not only that,  PPL students of the Sharia Economics Study Program also received messages from the location where they practiced, including "that this PPL activity is a place for you to learn directly from the world of business and industry, so any business must prioritize quality and service so that customers don't get bored of stopping by your company., As for the last one, don't just try to be dhohir, but it must also be balanced with prayer." said one of the business owners.
   On the same occasion Muhammad Zainal Abidin, The secretary of the Sharia Economics study program also stated "that because PPL this year students are placed in locations that operate in the business world and industrial world in the field of production, I really agree and agree with the message from the PPL location for students because field learning from this PPL activity will be the initial preparation for students to be involved directly in the world of society., the business world and the industrial world in particular." he closed.

Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKu Press- Mohammad Zainal M,Pd. As DPL PPL Sharia Economics Study Program closed the Field Experience Practice activities. This PPL lasts approx 2 month starting date 25 September – 17 November 2023, with location 6 place, including the Geprek Sako Blora food stall, Triji Blora batik house, charcoal factory in Sarimulyo village, Ngawen subdistrict and erra bakery bread factory in Wantilgung village, Ngawen subdistrict and Krupuk uyel factory in Sambongrejo subdistrict, Ngawen subdistrict.

“The closing of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student PPL for Sharia Economics Study Program was carried out during 3 The day is Thursday at the Geprek Sako food stall, Friday at the uyel cracker factory in Sambunrejo, Ngawen District, at the charcoal factory in Sarimulyo Village, Ngawen District and the erra bakery factory, Wantilgung Village, Ngawen District, and God willing, next Saturday at the Triji Blora batik house,” said Zainal Abidin who is also the secretary of the Sharia Economics study program.

Not only that, PPL students of the Sharia Economics Study Program also received messages from the location where they were practicing, among others “that this PPL activity is a place for you to learn directly from the world of business and industry, so any business must prioritize quality and service so that customers don't get bored of stopping by your company., As for the last one, don't just try to be dhohir, but it must also be balanced with prayer.” said one of the business owners.

On the same occasion Muhammad Zainal Abidin, the secretary of the Sharia Economics study program also stated “that because of PPL this year students are placed in locations that work in the business world and industrial world in the production sector, I really agree and agree with the message from the PPL location for students because field learning from this PPL activity will be the initial preparation for students to be involved directly in the world of society., the business world and the industrial world in particular.” he closed.


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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