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I AM AWESOME - Field Experience Practice (PPL) is an academic activity that must be carried out by FEBI students. The aim is to provide experience in actually putting theory into practice in the field. Achmad Abdul Azis, M.Pd. as DPL PPL FEBI closed the Field Experience/Internship Practice activities which lasted approx 2 month starting on date 19 October to 15 November 2023 Of 5 locations include the Al-Madina Blora Hotel, Hotel Blora Indah Blora, BAZNAS Blora, CV Galaxy Mega Indah Blora and Blora Tower. The closing of the PPL/Internship for FEBI students is carried out during 3 days at different locations including on the date 15 November 2023 at Al-Madina Hotel and Blora Indah Blora Hotel, on 16 November 2023 at the BAZNAS Blora and CV Galaxy Mega Indah Blora offices, and on the date 19Novemberr 2023 at Blora Tower". said DPL FEBI". In the series of PPL/Internship student withdrawals, the Agency Leader closed the PPL/Internship activities giving appreciation and thanks to FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora for this PPL/Internship program. He advised PPL/Internship students "to always be enthusiastic and able to practice their knowledge in the field and we are very open to visits from friends from IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora internship students" and said "thank you for choosing our place as a place for Field Experience Practice (PPL)/Apprenticeship". Said the head of the agency. Not only that, PPL/Internship students received messages including "Students must dare to dream, dream for your goals because real success requires discipline and consistency. Hopefully the knowledge gained during PPL/Internship at our agency can be useful for the future, not only that, even if they can hope to become employees at our agency " said the agency owner. The students themselves responded when they withdrew their PPL/Internship" God willing, when the thesis is finished, we will be wide open for this offer". said one of the FEBI PPL/Internship students. From the withdrawal/closing activities of Mr. Achmad Abdul Azis, M.Pd. as a field supervisor foM.PdL/Internship FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora "expressed many thanks for their cooperation with the Partner Agencies who accepted PPL/Internship students from IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora well. In addition, he also apologized if his students made many intentional or unintentional mistakes in their speech and behavior. Despite Practical Field Experience (PPL)/The FEBI internship has been completed and we would like to thPPL you for the offer to our students who are ready to be recruited as employees at your agency., and this is good news for us, especially FEBI students". On the same occasion, DPL PPL/Internship FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora also said "That because this year students are placed in locations that work with agencies that are partners, and I really agree and agree with the message from the PPL FEBI location, Because this is the initial preparation for students in entering the world of Partners in particular. I see that this year's PPL/Internship is very good and needs to be continued in order to make the Main Performance Indicators a success (THAT) while increasing PT Accreditation and Study Program Accreditation within the FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora environment. Moreover, this PPL/Internship activity is accompanied by an MoA/cooperation agreement (SPK) with partner agencies. " The lid. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfathoni


I AM AWESOME - Field Experience Practice (PPL) is an academic activity that must be carried out by FEBI students. The aim is to provide experience in actually putting theory into practice in the field. Achmad Abdul Azis, M.Pd. as DPL PPL FEBI closed the Field Experience/Internship Practice activities which lasted approx 2 month starting on date 19 October to 15 November 2023 Of 5 locations include the Al-Madina Blora Hotel, Hotel Blora Indah Blora, BAZNAS Blora, CV Galaxy Mega Indah Blora and Blora Tower. The closing of the PPL/Internship for FEBI students is carried out during 3 days at different locations including on the date 15 November 2023 at Al-Madina Hotel and Blora Indah Blora Hotel, on 16 November 2023 at the BAZNAS Blora and CV Galaxy Mega Indah Blora offices, and on the date 19Novemberr 2023 at Blora Tower". said DPL FEBI". In the series of PPL/Internship student withdrawals, the Agency Leader closed the PPL/Internship activities giving appreciation and thanks to FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora for this PPL/Internship program. He advised PPL/Internship students "to always be enthusiastic and able to practice their knowledge in the field and we are very open to visits from friends from IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora internship students" and said "thank you for choosing our place as a place for Field Experience Practice (PPL)/Apprenticeship". Said the head of the agency. Not only that, PPL/Internship students received messages including "Students must dare to dream, dream for your goals because real success requires discipline and consistency. Hopefully the knowledge gained during PPL/Internship at our agency can be useful for the future, not only that, even if they can hope to become employees at our agency " said the agency owner. The students themselves responded when they withdrew their PPL/Internship" God willing, when the thesis is finished, we will be wide open for this offer". said one of the FEBI PPL/Internship students. From the withdrawal/closing activities of Mr. Achmad Abdul Azis, M.Pd. as a field supervisor foM.PdL/Internship FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora "expressed many thanks for their cooperation with the Partner Agencies who accepted PPL/Internship students from IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora well. In addition, he also apologized if his students made many intentional or unintentional mistakes in their speech and behavior. Despite Practical Field Experience (PPL)/The FEBI internship has been completed and we would like to tPPLk you for the offer to our students who are ready to be recruited as employees at your agency., and this is good news for us, especially FEBI students". On the same occasion, DPL PPL/Internship FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora also said "That because this year students are placed in locations that work with agencies that are partners, and I really agree and agree with the message from the PPL FEBI location, Because this is the initial preparation for students in entering the world of Partners in particular. I see that this year's PPL/Internship is very good and needs to be continued in order to make the Main Performance Indicators a success (THAT) while increasing PT Accreditation and Study Program Accreditation within the FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora environment. Moreover, this PPL/Internship activity is accompanied by an MoA/cooperation agreement (SPK) with partner agencies. " The lid. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfathoni

I AM AWESOME – Field Experience Practice (PPL) is an academic activity that must be carried out by FEBI students. The aim is to provide experience in actually putting theory into practice in the field.

Achmad Abdul Azis, M.Pd. as DPL PPL FEBI closed the Field Experience/Internship Practice activities which lasted approx 2 month starting on date 19 September 2023 up to you 15 November 2023 Of 5 locations include the Al-Madina Blora Hotel, Hotel Blora Indah Blora, BAZNAS Blora, CV Galaxy Mega Indah Blora and Blora Tower.

The closing of the PPL/Internship for FEBI students is carried out during 3 days at different locations including on the date 15 November 2023 at Al-Madina Hotel and Blora Indah Blora Hotel, on 16 November 2023 at the BAZNAS Blora and CV Galaxy Mega Indah Blora offices, and on the date 19 November 2023 at Blora Tower “. said DPL FEBI”.

In the series of PPL/Internship student withdrawals, the Agency Leader closed the PPL/Internship activities giving appreciation and thanks to FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora for this PPL/Internship program. He advised PPL/Internship students "to always be enthusiastic and able to practice their knowledge in the field and we are very open to visits from friends from IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora internship students" and said "thank you for choosing our place as a place for Field Experience Practice (PPL)/Apprenticeship". Said the head of the agency

Not only that, PPL/Internship students received messages including: “Students must dare to dream, dream for your goals because real success requires discipline and consistency. Hopefully the knowledge gained during PPL/Internship at our agency can be useful for the future, not only that, even if they can hope to become employees at our agency ” said the agency owner.

The students themselves responded when they withdrew their PPL/Internship” God willing, when the thesis is finished, We will be wide open for this offer “. said one of the FEBI PPL/Internship students.

From the withdrawal/closing activities of Mr. Achmad Abdul Azis, M.Pd. as a field supervisor for PPL/Internship FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora "expressed many thanks for their cooperation with the Partner Agencies who accepted PPL/Internship students from IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora well. In addition, he also apologized if his students made many intentional or unintentional mistakes in their speech and behavior. Despite Practical Field Experience (PPL)/The FEBI internship has been completed and we would like to thank you for the offer to our students who are ready to be recruited as employees at your agency., and this is good news for us, especially FEBI students".

On the same occasion DPL PPL/Internship FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora also spoke “That's because this year students are placed in locations that work with partner agencies, and I really agree and agree with the message from the PPL FEBI location, Because this is the initial preparation for students in entering the world of Partners in particular. I see that this year's PPL/Internship is very good and needs to be continued in order to make the Main Performance Indicators a success (THAT) while increasing PT Accreditation and Study Program Accreditation within the FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora environment. Moreover, this PPL/Internship activity is accompanied by an MoA/cooperation agreement (SPK) with partner agencies. ” The lid.

Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfathoni

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