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IAIKU Press - Monday (13 November 2023),university Of islam (UNISMA) Holding a visit for the handover of doctoral candidates serving at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. In order to improve the quality of doctors in carrying out learning practices - teach (subserve) and research. This activity took place in the leadership room of IAI Khozinatul Ulum for approx 2 jam. received directly by Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad S,Th.I,M.Ag selaku Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. It is known that this handover event was attended by Sutarno, M.Pd., Ahmad Ja'far Al-Mansur, M.Pd., M.Nur Afif Academic Community of the Islamic University of Malang, Kh. Ahmad ZakM.Ag as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Bloratul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I, Muhammad Nabil,S.Sy., M.Ag as Deputy Chancellor II,Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. as Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah Sciences & Teaching, Siti Nurkayati M,Pd as Chair of the PAI Study Program,Artika Diannata, M,Pd., M.Han as Secretary of the PAI Study Program and representative of semester Islamic Religious Education Study Program students 3 and 5. M.Nur Afif M.Pd said" Thank you for all the welcome and the good relations between the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora academic community, I hope this good friendship continues. and the hope is that it will make these two agencies more advanced in the future. "And our aim is to come here to hand over doctoral candidates to serve at IAI Khozinatul UAhmad Zaky Fuad ShTh.Iid.. Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad S,Th.I,M.Ag said " This is a guest of honor for us and I feel proud of the visit of these doctors, Moreover, it can be continued with cooperation and I hope that IAI Khozinatul Ulum students can accept and participate in teaching and learning activities well," said the Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.. " Apart from that, Sutarno, M.Pd. displays about" We will start this activity on Wednesday 13 October - Saturday 13 January 2024, starting with the issuance of a letter of application, submission of permission letter, approval of the proposal, field observation, preparation of books- ISBN, scientific seminar, closing of KDM activities, Post-seminar book finalization , penyusunan laporan KDM, finalization of the post-seminapreparation of KDM reportsoran KDM, "We submitted the KDM activity report to the supervisor and we closed by handing over the ISBN book," he said.. Apart from that, he said the name of our activity " Strengthening the Value of Multicultural Islamic Education in the face of pluralism and liberalism Education Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute, Blora Group, Islamic University of Malang 2023. By theme" Multicultural Islam in a plural society and the threat of educational liberalism." with mass media exposure, activity videos and books with ISBN," he concluded." Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKU Press - Monday (13 November 2023),university Of islam (UNISMA) Holding a visit for the handover of doctoral candidates serving at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. In order to improve the quality of doctors in carrying out learning practices - teach (subserve) and research.    This activity took place in the leadership room of IAI Khozinatul Ulum for approx 2 jam. received directly by Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad S,Th.I,M.Ag selaku Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. 
  It is known that this handover event was attended by Sutarno, M.Pd., Ahmad Ja'far Al-Mansur, M.Pd., M.Nur Afif Academic Community of the Islamic University of Malang, Kh. Ahmad ZakyM.Ag as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Bloraul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I, Muhammad Nabil,S.Sy., M.Ag as Deputy Chancellor II,Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. as Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah Sciences & Teaching, Siti Nurkayati M,Pd as Chair of the PAI Study Program,Artika Diannata, M,Pd., M.Han as Secretary of the PAI Study Program and representative of semester Islamic Religious Education Study Program students 3 and 5.
    M.Nur Afif M.Pd said" Thank you for all the welcome and the good relations between the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora academic community, I hope this good friendship continues. and the hope is that it will make these two agencies more advanced in the future. "And our aim is to come here to hand over doctoral candidates to serve at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Ahmad Zaky Fuad SaTh.I
   Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad S,Th.I,M.Ag said " This is a guest of honor for us and I feel proud of the visit of these doctors, Moreover, it can be continued with cooperation and I hope that IAI Khozinatul Ulum students can accept and participate in teaching and learning activities well," said the Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.. "

     Apart from that, Sutarno, M.Pd. displays about" We will start this activity on Wednesday 13 October - Saturday 13 January 2024, starting with the issuance of a letter of application, submission of permission letter, approval of the proposal, field observation, preparation of books- ISBN, scientific seminar, closing of KDM activities, Post-seminar book finalization , penyusunan laporan KDM, finalization of the post-seminapreparation of KDM reportsoran KDM, "We submitted the KDM activity report to the supervisor and we closed by handing over the ISBN book," he said..
  Apart from that, he said the name of our activity " Strengthening the Value of Multicultural Islamic Education in the face of pluralism and liberalism Education Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute, Blora Group, Islamic University of Malang 2023. By theme" Multicultural Islam in a plural society and the threat of educational liberalism." with mass media exposure, activity videos and books with ISBN," he concluded."

Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKU Press – Monday (13 November 2023),university Of islam (UNISMA) Holding a visit for the handover of doctoral candidates serving at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. In order to improve the quality of doctors in carrying out learning practices – teach (subserve) and research.

This activity took place in the leadership room of IAI Khozinatul Ulum for approx 2 jam. received directly by Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad S,Th.I,M.Ag as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

It is known that this handover event was attended by Sutarno, M.Pd., Ahmad Ja’far Al-Mansur, M.Pd., M.Nur Afif Academic Community of the Islamic University of Malang, Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad S,Th.I,M.Ag as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I, Muhammad Nabil,S.Sy., M.Ag as Deputy Chancellor II,Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. as Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah Sciences & Teaching, Siti Nurkayati M,Pd as Chair of the PAI Study Program,Artika Diannata, M,Pd., M.Han as Secretary of the PAI Study Program and representative of semester Islamic Religious Education Study Program students 3 and 5.

M.Nur Afif M.Pd said” Thank you for all the welcome and the good relations between the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora academic community, I hope this good friendship continues. and the hope is that it will make these two agencies more advanced in the future. and our aim is to come here to hand over doctoral candidates to serve at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.”he said “.

Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad S,Th.I,M.Ag said ” This is a guest of honor for us and I feel proud of the visit of these doctors, Moreover, it can be continued with cooperation and I hope that IAI Khozinatul Ulum students can accept and participate in teaching and learning activities well. “said the Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. ”


Apart from that, Sutarno, M.Pd. displays about” We will start this activity on Wednesday 13 October – Saturday 13 January 2024, starting with the issuance of a letter of application, submission of permission letter, approval of the proposal, field observation, preparation of books- ISBN, scientific seminar, closing of KDM activities, Post-seminar book finalization , preparation of KDM reports, finalization of the post-seminar book, preparation of KDM reports, Submitting the KDM activity report to the supervisor and we closed by handing over the ISBN book.”he said “.

Apart from that, he said the name of our activity was Strengthening the Value of Multicultural Islamic Education in the face of pluralism and liberalism Education Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute, Blora Group, Islamic University of Malang 2023. By theme” Multicultural Islam in a plural society and the threat of educational liberalism.”with external exposure to mass media, activity videos and books with ISBN.”The lid.”


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni






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