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The curriculum in this study program is designed so that students and graduates have academic skills in understanding Al-Qu'an and Tafsir comprehensively with mastery of theories and concepts related to science., paradigm, method and approach of interpretation based on the principles of the commentator and supported by various sciences of usuluddin which is the basis of science in religious understanding.
As a reinforcement of the curriculum given to students, The IAT Khozinatul Ulum Study Program facilitates students by carrying out scientific studies guided by lecturers who have competence in their fields by emphasizing practical-analysis patterns so that students can understand the material well.
The IAIKU Blora Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Science Study Program prepares professional graduates who have competitiveness in the era of globalization as well as intellectual skills in the field of Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Science. IAT students are projected to become reliable researchers of the Koran and can transform it to the wider community with comprehensive knowledge., have the ability to carry out the results of religious research for educational and teaching purposes.
The main profile of the IAIKU Blora Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Study Program is undergraduates who have the ability to deeply understand the Al-Quran, able to think interdisciplinary-integrative based on Islamic boarding school values as a candidate for Beginner Mufassir, proficient in researching local turats and ready to contribute to the development of understanding of the science of the Koran and exegesis through research, teaching, and advocacy (preaching).
Every graduate of the IAIKU Blora Al-Quran and Tafsir Study Program has competencies and qualifications in developing several professional prospects as follows: