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A betel nut

Welcome prospective students of the Hadith Science Study Program (ISLAND) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This ILHA Study Program will prepare you as an expert in the field of hadith science and hadith research. You will study various kinds of knowledge about hadith and ulumul hadith. Not only that, You will also be able to understand the hadith texts correctly. Because only by understanding the hadith text correctly, will avoid religious radicalization. One more time, Congratulations on studying at the Hadith Science Study Program IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora academic year 2023-2024.

Dr. Abdul Mufid, Lc., M.S.I.

Kaprodi ISLAND

Advantages of ILHA Prodi
  1. Producing students to become superior researchers in the field of hadith

  2. Inviting student collaboration in conducting research

  3. Memorizing the hadith book al-Arba'in an-Nawawi


Year 2024 Becoming a Center for Studies in the Field of Hadith in Central Java in order to Explore the Potential of Local Wisdom and Contextualize Hadith in a Kaffah manner with an Indonesian perspective (Tolerance and Diversity).

  1. Organizing higher education that is oriented towards study and mastery, as well as the development of Islamic studies in the field of hadith in order to explore the potential of local wisdom and contextualize hadith with an Indonesian perspective.
  2. Carry out community service and collaborate with a number of related parties in order to popularize the study of hadith which supports local wisdom and Indonesian values ​​in order to resolve social dilemmas..
  3. Carrying out research to support the teaching and learning process as well as studying the field of hadith and developing it in accordance with local wisdom values ​​and the spirit of Indonesianism.
  4. Producing competent graduates, moderate, and ready to manage the cultural wisdom of the Indonesian Islamic community.

1. Preparing experts who have academic and reliable expertise in the field of Hadith in the framework of exploring the potential of local wisdom and contextualizing hadith with an Indonesian perspective.

2. Preparing alumni who are able to contribute positively to the development of intelligent hadith research in order to explore the potential of local wisdom and contextualize hadith with an Indonesian perspective.

3. Equipping graduates who are responsive to social problems and able to provide alternative solutions based on mastery of hadith framed by exploring the potential of local wisdom and contextualizing hadith with an Indonesian perspective.

Competence of graduates
  1. Religious scholar with good personality, knowledgeable and up-to-date and able to translate and present hadith content for the development and broadcast of moderate and tolerant Islamic teachings (Islam rahmatan night ‘aalamin) in a multi-faith religious social life, nationality and statehood based on science, skill, and attitudes that are in accordance with Islamic principles
  2. Religious scholar with good personality, have work ability, mastery of knowledge, managerial skills and responsibilities as an academic/expert in the field of hadith and hadith science in the development of moderate and tolerant Islamic teachings in multi-religious social and religious life, nationality and statehood based on science, skill, and attitudes that are in accordance with Islamic principles.
  3. Bachelor of religion as a research assistant with a good personality, knowledgeable and up-to-date and able to carry out research and studies in the field of hadith & development of hadith science, able to translate and present hadith content for the development of moderate and tolerant Islamic teachings in multi-religious social life, nationality and statehood based on science, skill, and attitudes that are in accordance with Islamic principles based on science, skill, and attitudes that are in accordance with Islamic principles.
Graduate Profile
The main profile of graduates of the Hadith Science Study Program is to become:
  1. Become a beginner hadith expert
  2. Become an academic in the field of hadith
  3. Become a hadith and social religious research assistant

Accredited Prodi LHA

Testimony Student

Being a student at the ILHA IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Study Program turned out to be very enjoyable and I absorbed a lot of knowledge. The teaching lecturers are experts in the field of hadith.
Muhammad Shafi'i, S.Ag
Alumi ILHA
During the Aliyah period (high school level) I am already familiar with the classification of hadith as authentic, especially, and dha’if. However, when I was a student at the ILHA Study Program, My knowledge increased by being taught how to recite the hadith by the apologist lecturer.
Umi Hanik, S.Ag.
Alumni ILHA

ILHA Study Program Activities