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Advantages of PAI Prodi

Islamic education study program (PAI) itself is one of the lecture study programs that aims to produce scholars who are experts in the field of Islamic education and teaching. So that students in this study program will be equipped with knowledge regarding Islamic religious education material as well as methodology in teaching it. This study program will later produce educators in the field of Islamic religious knowledge, who will teach at Madrasah Aliyah and equivalent.

Remembering that students in this study program will be prepared to become teachers. Then you will study Islamic religious material as well as procedures for becoming a good teacher. As well as understanding how to convey religious knowledge material to students in MA and equivalent. Graduates from PAI can also teach at MTs level (Madrasah Tsanawiyah – junior high school level) as well as MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah – elementary school level. Not only can you teach in Islamic science-based schools or campuses, but also public schools and campuses. So you can become a teacher in various places or educational institutions at any level.

β€œBecoming a Leading Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Competitive, Having an Indonesian Insight and Local Wisdom in 2030".
  1. Organizing education to prepare a generation of competent and highly dedicated Islamic religious education based on Indonesian insight and local wisdom.
  2. Organizing research programs in the field of Islamic education based on Indonesian insight and local wisdom.
  3. Carry out community service in the field of Islamic education based on Indonesian insight and local wisdom.
  4. Collaborating and arranging partners from various government and private agencies in the field of Islamic education based on Indonesian insights and local wisdom.
  1. Creation of competitive Strata-1 graduates in the field of Islamic Religious Education, highly dedicated, Indonesian insight and local wisdom.
  2. Realization of research programs in the field of Islamic religious education based on Indonesian insights and local wisdom.
  3. Realizing community service in the field of Islamic education based on Indonesian insight and local wisdom.
  4. Realizing collaboration and arranging partners from various government and private agencies in the field of Islamic religious education based on Indonesian insight and local wisdom.
Competence of graduates
  1. Bachelor of education who has work ability, mastery of knowledge, managerial skills and responsibilities as a research assistant in the field of Islamic Religious Education with a good personality, knowledgeable and up-to-date in their field and able to carry out duties and responsibilities based on Islamic teachings and ethics, knowledge and expertise.
  2. Bachelor of Education with work ability, mastery of knowledge, managerial skills and responsibilities as a developer of teaching materials in the field of Islamic Religious Education at schools/madrasahs (SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA/SMK/MAK) and Madrasah Diniyah which has a good personality, knowledgeable and up-to-date in their field and able to carry out duties and responsibilities based on Islamic teachings and ethics, knowledge and expertise.
  3. Bachelor of Education with work ability, mastery of knowledge, managerial skills and responsibilities as a family education practitioner in the field of Islamic Religious Education with a good personality, knowledgeable and up-to-date in their field and able to carry out duties and responsibilities based on Islamic teachings and ethics, knowledge and expertise.
Graduate Profile
  1. Become a teacher, manager, edupreneur, and research assistant in the field of Islamic religious education at the basic education level (SD/MI/MTs/SMP), secondary education (MA/MAK/SMA/SMK) and a society with an Islamic personality, knowledgeable and up-to-date and able to apply educational and learning theories.
  2. Become an education graduate who has work abilities, mastery of knowledge, managerial abilities and responsibilities as an educator in the field of Islamic Religious Education subjects at school (SD, SMP, SMA/SMK) and group of Islamic Religious Education subjects in madrasahs (MI, MTs, MA/MAK) and Madrasah Diniyah which has a good personality, knowledgeable and up-to-date in their field and able to carry out duties and responsibilities based on Islamic teachings and ethics, knowledge and expertise.

PAI Study Program Accreditation

Testimony Student

I am a semester student 7 prodiPAI,I personally am very grateful to IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora because studying at IAIKHU you can get a lot of knowledge and insight from the lecturers, Lots of experience and relationships from student organizations at IAI Khozin ,,,after during 6 semester of study at IAI Khozin can also realize their knowledge in society during KKN, especially in the field of education,,apart from that the facilities ,The infrastructure and administration are very comfortable and suitable for the people of Blora
Eka Fitri Sofianti
PAI students
IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is one of the well-known universities in Blora district with a strategic location and very affordable fees. Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful for choosing the PAI study program because the knowledge taught combines academic knowledge wrapped in religious values ​​and is taught by lecturers who are competent in their fields., thus creating active and discussion-filled lectures to encourage me to become a professional graduate
Brother Prasetya
PAI students
I am Ira Mulyanti, a student at the Islamic Education Study Program "IAI KHOZINATUL 'ULUM" Of course I am very grateful to be part of the KHOZINATUL 'ULUM family. Thank God, I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience in college, Specifically in the Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Here I feel that I am greatly facilitated to be able to develop myself and be highly social towards others. In my opinion, studying at IAI KHOZINATUL 'ULUM, especially in the PAI study program, is the right choice because here we are taught by professional lecturers.
Ira Mulyanti
PAI students
Ulfani Eka Rosianti Studying at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is an opportunity for which I am very grateful. Educated by lecturers who are competent in their fields and supported by a comfortable learning atmosphere makes the time of studying in the Islamic religious education study program very memorable. Besides that, The PAI study program has promising job prospects. And the PAI major is very popular with new students.
Ulfani Eka Rosanti
PAI students
Before college I was a quiet person, indifferent to the surrounding environment, afraid to express, & bersosialisasi / or you could say introverted. Then, When I entered college, it was like a breath of fresh air. At first I was an introvert, but on the contrary, I became an extrovert, This is because of the support and encouragement from the lecturers, friends, organisasi yang membuat saya mengetahui akan pentingnya pendidikan & pengalaman yang didapat saat kuliah.
Khoirul Amri
PAI students
I feel very grateful and lucky to be able to study at IAI KHOZINATUL ULUM Blora. Apart from the affordable cost, I can also go to college without leaving my obligations as a housewife. There are many product choices, I took the PAI Study Program, Friend - solid friend, lecturers who are competent in their fields, Islamic atmosphere, makes me more enthusiastic in pursuing my ambition to achieve my dream of becoming a scholar, even though the age is not young anymore.. Hopefully IAI Khozinatul Ulum will be more prosperous and successful, in order to produce the best graduates who can become fighters for the spread of religion and the progress of the Indonesian generation.
PAI students
β€œIn this PAI study program, Honestly, I feel lost on the right path. Here I experienced quite a big change. From how to face problems, a way of thinking about something that is not only about the world, obedience to parents, how to socialize well with society, and a supportive environment. Besides that, In this PAI study program, I can also double my learning about how to be a good entrepreneur, because in this study program there is an education course as well πŸ˜€ Actually, this is important, Try and intend to enter any study program so you can gain useful knowledge, especially in the PAI study program, because if we can become educators, it will become charity for us too, right hehe If your dream is to become a humanist and adaptive educator, have basic skills and research experience, and want to develop an entrepreneurial spirit, PAI study program is ready to accompany you to achieve it.. Don't forget to take part and be useful ! ^^ β€œ
Lista Nur Sholikhah
PAI students

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