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Founder Profile

KH. Muhammad Ahmad Muharror Ali Al-Hafidz

I say

KH Muharror Ali is known as the caretaker of the Khozinatul 'Ulum Islamic Boarding School. Born in the village of Robayan, one of the villages in Jepara Regency in 1951.

He is the second son of Mohammad Ali and Zuhriyah of nine children. Muharror studied elementary to middle school in his birthplace. After graduating from junior high school he continued his learning process at one of the cottages in Kajen, Also. This is none other than the Matholi'ul Huda Islamic boarding school which is raised by KH. Abdullah Zain bin Abdus Salam and KH. Sahal Mahfudz.

After completing his studies at PIM, Muharror chose to become a memorizer of the Koran. He then continued his boarding at Yanbu'ul Qur'an Kudus boarding school which was nurtured by KH. Arwani Amin Said, or better known as KH. Arwani Amen Kudus. During boarding school, various trials came and went, one of them is a mediocre economy. This is due to the economic situation of his family which is in the lower middle class. To the extent that he only had a few notebooks, because there is no money to buy school supplies.

What's the meaning of all that?, Young Muharror never lost his spirit to continue learning. Because basically he is a smart child, so that all lessons learned can be understood quickly. Even if there are difficulties when studying, he does not hesitate to ask his teacher or his friends.

Because of his courage and activeness in studying, he was very close to his teachers and became a favorite student. Muharror was an extraordinary memorizer.. Even before learning it, he has memorized by heart. And the mecca for exploring all knowledge is KH. Sahal Mahfudz.

Got the Name Muhammad Ahmad

During his boarding school, he once recited the Koran with Mbah Kiai Sahal, and at that time kiai Sahal added the name of Muhammad Ahmad on the musalsal bi Muhammadiyin and Ahmadiyin. His real name is Muharror Ali, because he got a degree so the name of the musalsal was added to his name until now it is KH. Muhammad Ahmad Muharror Ali.

Marriage and arranged marriage

He hasn't even finished his education at the boarding school yet, Muharror has been prepared by KH. Arwani to be taken as a son-in-law by a rich merchant from Blora, namely H.M. Jaiz Ma'shum. So after Muharror's boarding school had received the mandate to broadcast religion in Blora district. Because of his devotion, he accepted the request for an arranged marriage with the daughter of a rich merchant named Sri Maryani in 1980 in Blora.

Building a hut

After getting married, Muharror began to try little by little to realize his father-in-law's dream. He began to establish his intention to start the struggle to broadcast religion in Blora. At the beginning of his struggle, he asked for consideration from the big kyai-kyai and his teachers, among them :

  1. H. Umar bin Abdul Manan Solo
  2. Martyr of Honey
  3. Maimun Zubair
  4. Muhammad Arwani
  5. Abdullah bin Abdissalam Kajen

A year after the wedding, more precisely in the year 1981, he was made a hut by his father-in-law. Starting with the establishment of the Roudhotus Sholihin Mosque in Kaliwangan, which became the residence for him and his wife. This development became the forerunner to the establishment of Islamic boarding schools. Laying the first stone for the construction of the mosque was KH. Ahmad Umar Abdul Manan who is none other than his teacher.

The name Khozinatul 'Ulum

The hut built by his father-in-law was named "KHOZINATUL 'ULUM" which was the name given to him by his teacher, KH. Arwani. Which means a storehouse of knowledge. Because it is hoped that it can become a reference for people who want to deepen various knowledge.

Disruptions and challenges faced

At the beginning of the establishment of the Islamic boarding school, there were various disturbances from parties that were not related to the existence of the mosque and the ongoing religious activities. These disorders are in the form of dhohir and inner thoughts. Examples of dhohir disturbances include the mosque veranda becoming a place for bicycles to play, the place of ablution every morning there is human excrement, and when religious activities were taking place there were neighbors who turned on music at a loud volume. Even at that time he dared to accept students who did not want to wear Muslim clothing (Not yet wearing the hijab, red) with the consideration that the community wants to first get to know the world of Islamic boarding schools and the material taught. Even though there are many unpleasant comments from local neighbors, Thank God, with sincere and gradual intentions, Khozinatul Ulum was finally able to stand firmly until now.

The disturbances were of a mental nature to the point that he had to overcome them with riyadhoh (Mutih Fasting 40 day, red) This is done as an action to prevent undesirable things in the future.

The development of the hut over time

His initial intention was actually only to build an Al-Qur'an hut. However, then he came to K.H Abdul Hamid Pasuruan he was heard "ojo mung ngai Al-quran"., teach the children the knowledge of the monotheism of things." After receiving input from KH. Abdul Hamid. He finally understood that if you set up an Islamic boarding school, don't just recite the Koran, but intersperse it with other religious lessons.. And this idea ultimately gave birth to the Awaliyah madrasah, wow, ulya at the Khozinatu Ulum Islamic boarding school.

At the beginning of the development of Islamic boarding schools, it was limited to studying Al-Qu'an and Madrasah Diniyah. In the past, there were still many students who commuted (not staying in the cottage, red) This was because there was still little public interest and inadequate facilities at that time.

as time goes by, Because residents' interest began to increase, supporting facilities were finally built. Alhamdulillah in the year 1984 has started building Madrasah Tsanawiyah educational institutions, Then 2 Years later, Madrasah Aliyah was built, and continued with other developments until now Khozinatul 'Ulum has a complete level of education, starting from preschool, MI, MTs, MA, and Islamic College (STAI Khozinatul ‘Ulum).

"1). He diligently taught the Koran from after dawn until tuluk . 2). Istiqomah Berjamaah. 3). Istiqomah in the discipline of teaching at the boarding school and at the madrasah."

Quoted from an interview with Gus H. Ahmad Labib Hilmi Rewritten by: Dwi Nur Hasanah