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A betel nut

Greetings to all of us, welcome prospective new students to the Sharia Banking Study Program (PS) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Sharia Banking Study Program (PS) This prepares you to have the competence to master accounting and analysis of financial management reports for financial institutions, both banks and non-banks. Besides that, from the public sector as practitioners, managers and entrepreneurs who can create and develop financial accounting systems professionally and can understand the growth of ICT in the field of accounting and financial management that are applicable.

Achmad Abdul Azis, M.Pd.

Head of Sharia Banking Study Program

Advantages of Prodi PS

Sharia Banking Study Program (PS) continues to strive to improve the competence of its students and graduates so that they are able to compete and adapt to changes occurring as a result of the industrial revolution 4.0. This spirit of change and renewable innovation is carried out in the Sharia Banking Study Program (PS) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, which has just been accredited for the first time, received a "Good" rating from BAN-PT in 2022. Naturally, This shows that there is good progress and is supported by quality learning and governance in the implementation of the Sharia Banking Study Program. (PS). Sharia Banking Study Program (PS) It is also equipped with adequate facilities including lecture rooms, SMEs, Library, Worked, and mini banks and supported by scholarships, among them: KIP scholarship, foundation scholarship, BAZNAS Blora scholarship, Tahfidul Qur'an Scholarship from the Ministry of Religion, academic achievement scholarships, and scholarships 1 Village 2 Bachelor of Blora Regency Government.

Sharia Banking Study Program Curriculum (PS) always adaptive to industry needs, where students are provided with scientific disciplines such as accounting and financial management from various sharia-based institutional management. Additionally under development softskill Students are equipped with the knowledge of ethical self-development, leadership, internship program, and student exchanges as well as establishing partnerships with various institutions. This is in line with the needs of the national sharia financial industry and century learning 21 which integrates literacy skills, knowledge skills, skills and attitudes, and mastery of technology.


Realization of a Leading Study Program in the Field of Sharia Banking with an Indonesian Insight and Local Wisdom in 2030

  1. Organizing sharia banking study program education to produce superior graduates who are competitive and professional, Indonesian insight and local wisdom.
  2. Developing sharia banking and finance knowledge through research and community service in order to strengthen the academic field.
  3. Forming a quality and empowered society in national and state life based on sharia banking knowledge.
  4. Developing an institutional management system for sharia banking study programs and professional quality academic services, and based on information technology.
  5. Carry out cooperation in the field of sharia banking with various parties that are mutually beneficial to sharia or conventional business and financial institutions and the government.
  1. Producing sharia banking graduates who become academics and researchers in the field of sharia banking, become a professional sharia businessman, become a practitioner of sharia financial institutions, both bank and non-bank, and knowledgeable supervisory board members of sharia financial institutions, have noble character and are able to take part for the state and religion.
  2. The development of sharia banking and finance knowledge by producing applicable research work in order to strengthen the academic field.
  3. Carrying out quality and empowered community service in national and state life based on knowledge and skills in the field of Sharia banking and finance
  4. Realization of cooperation/MOU in the field of sharia banking with various parties that are mutually beneficial to business institutions, sharia or conventional financial institutions and the government
Sharia Banking Study Program Profile
Competence of graduates
Prepare professional staff, management and consultant in sharia banking institutions and sharia financial institutions non bank.
Graduate Profile

Main Profile

Become a professional practitioner of sharia banking and sharia financial institutions, both banks and non-banks, master information and communication technology, pious and virtuous

Additional Profiles

  1. Become an academic and researcher in the field of sharia banking and professional sharia financial institutions, pious and virtuous
  2. Become a professional sharia businessman, pious and virtuous
  3. Become a professional practitioner of sharia financial institutions, both banks and non-banks, pious and virtuous
  4. Supervisory board of sharia financial institutions in the field of sharia banking and professional sharia financial institutions, pious and virtuous

Accredited Prodi PS

Testimony Student

It was from the Sharia Banking Study Program that I first understood the true meaning of life and where I wanted to go next. I really love the Sharia Banking Study Program because it has a continuous commitment to improving quality
Melya Nilatun Nafi'ah
Sharia Banking Student
The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Sharia Banking Study Program has clear prospects because after completing college you will immediately be placed in an internship and work. The teaching lecturers are qualified. Tuition fees are affordable and job opportunities with good careers are wide open
Ahmad Totok Supriyanto
Sharia Banking Student
While studying, I gained knowledge that I can apply in today's world of work. My business was greatly helped by the skills I gained on campus. Besides that, adequate facilities, comfortable environment, and supportive friends help me develop my interests and talents.
Well done Setiyo Pambudi
Sharia Banking Student
It is an honor for me to be part of the Sharia Banking Study Program. The Sharia Banking Study Program provides excellent knowledge and experience as capital for a career. Hopefully the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Sharia Banking Study Program will always be at the forefront
Sharia Banking Student

PS Study Program Activities