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Advantages of PIAUD Study Program

Having a vision and mission that can be used to apply Islamic knowledge, especially early childhood education, which is based on the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith as well as local wisdom.

Personnel who have a leadership spirit, character and visionary in accordance with the field of Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD)


“Realization of the S1 Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program that is Competitive at the National Level, Having an Indonesian Insight and Local Wisdom in 2026.

  1. Organizing education and learning for competitive early childhood education teachers, Indonesian insight and local wisdom,
  2. Conducting research in competitive early childhood Islamic education, Indonesian insight and local wisdom, Islamic studies
  3. Carrying out community service in the competitive field of early childhood, Indonesian insight and local wisdom.
  4. Collaborating with universities, government, and educational institutions in the field of competitive early childhood Islamic education, Indonesian insight and local wisdom.
1. Creation of competitive Strata-1 graduates in the field of Early Childhood Islamic Education, Indonesian insight and local wisdom.

2. Realization of competitive research in the field of Early Childhood Islamic Education, Indonesian insight and local wisdom, and publish the results of the study in book form, printed and online versions of national and international journals as well as scientific meetings.

3. Realization of competitive community service activities in the field of Early Childhood Islamic Education, Indonesian insight and local wisdom.

4. The realization of collaboration in the field of Early Childhood Islamic Education with undergraduate study programs at other universities, Government, and competitive educational institutions, Indonesian insight and local wisdom
Competence of graduates

Preparing Competent Educator Candidates, Creative and highly dedicated to teaching in PAUD/TK/RA, both public and private

Graduate Profile

The main profile of graduates of the Early Childhood Education Study Program is to be:

1. Managers of PAUD/RA/TK/KB/SPS/Toodler institutions who are professional in their field

2. Educators who are skilled in the Treasures of Early Childhood Knowledge

3. Educators who are able to innovate, creative and highly intellectual

4. exemplary educator, The people's dreams and hopes for institutions and society

PIAUD Study Program Accreditation

Testimony Student

Alhamdulillah, In Blora there is a campus that has made a big change for me both in terms of mindset, character, and fighting spirit. IAI KHOZINATUL ULUM BLORA of course,where in the PIAUD Study Program I study to achieve the dreams that I have always wanted to realize. Apart from the valuable materials that I got, Religious knowledge is very valuable and you can meet extraordinary lecturers, where they can be cooling friends when thirsty for knowledge. Thank you IAI KHOZINATUL ULUM BLORA,Hopefully it will be even more VICTORY🥳🤗
Sayyidatul Mukarromah
PIAUD students
It is very enjoyable to enter the PIAUD IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora study program because you don't only study the theory and implementation of early childhood education., but also hone our creativity to become creative and innovative educators.
Siti Romlah
Alumni PIAUD
I never imagined that studying at the PIAUD Study Program would actually make me addicted ☺️... make solid friends, The lecturers are smart and fun. Bissmillah, you can continue your Masters at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. 💪
Hetin Rahmawati
PIAUD students
Studying at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is an opportunity that I am very grateful for. Not just general science, I also got religious knowledge. My chosen PIAUD study program, to shape Indonesia's future generation🥰
Naili Syifa
PIAUD students

PIAUD Study Program Activities