iaikhozin.ac.id. – Islamic Religious High School (STAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora is holding an open recruitment for educational staff with the required qualifications, namely a minimum Strata education 1 with a preferred major in computer or administration, work experience is preferred, able to work in a team, and can be male or female.
The educational staff quota required is: 2 people, as for the job application letter file, accompanied by a CV (personal data), legalize diplomas and transcripts of S1 grades, and a photocopy of the KTP is sent to the STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora office, Jl. Mr. Iskandar 42 Blora, contact person 081 325 771 192 (Ahmad Syaifulloh, M.Pd.I). (mza)
Editor : Muhammad Zainal Abidin