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Dokumentasi Redaksi


Bulan Ramadhan menjadi bulan penuh berkah, tidak hanya untuk yang menjalankan ibadah puasa saja akan tetapi seyogyanya untuk seluruh umat manusia. Hal ini yang menjadi titik dasar kegiatan dan gerakan Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Khozinatul Ulum Blora di Bulan Suci Ramadhan, banyak kegiatan yang direncanakan dan telah dijalankan di Bulan yang peuh berkah ini. Misalnya


Editorial Document


Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic College held a lively PIAUD Study Program activity, This activity focuses on two types of competition, namely the Early Childhood Fairy Tale Writing Competition (AUD) dan Lomba Gerak dan Lagu Anak Usia Dini (AUD). Kegiatan yang langsung dikomandoi oleh Ketua Program Studi PIAUD, Latifah, ini merupakan bentuk apresiasi dan ajang mengasah kreasi


Announcement of KIP Lecture 2020

It was announced to all new students of STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora that the KIP college scholarship program had been opened starting on 1 s/d 10 September 2020. The terms and conditions are attached. Demikian surat pemberitahuan ini disampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan terima kasih. Contact Person: 081 325 771 192 (Ahmad Syaifulloh, M.Pd.I) 089 655 717 778 (Moh.Abdul

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STAI Khozinatul 'Ulum Blora Student Democracy Party

By : Ahmad Muwafi Nur Hasan (IAT/V) STAI Khozinatul ‘Ulum Blora – Blora, 23 October 2019. Student General Election Commission (KPUM) STAI Khozinatul 'Ulum successfully held student elections, with a theme “Looking for BEM STAI Khozinatul Ulum Leaders in Optimizing Campus Organizations”, The election went smoothly and orderly. Students are enthusiastic in choosing their leaders 1 th year …

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SADEWA (Student Debate Gym) STAI Khozinatul 'Ulum Blora Perdana Campus

By: Sofia Ainun Nafis (IAT student, Semester V) STAI Khozinatul ‘Ulum Blora – SADEWA (Student Debate Gym) STAI Khozinatul ‘Ulum Blora 2019 successfully held on Monday (02/10). This debate was the first debate in the history of the STAI Khozinatul 'Ulum Blora election which was successful by the KPUM and supported by all students as well as campus officials.. Trigger …

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STAI General Studium Khozinatul Ulum

Tuesday, 17 September 2019. The event which took place on the grounds of the STAI Khozinatul Ulum campus was attended by all students and their guardians, with a theme “Establishing Synergy between the Central Java Provincial Government and Universities in Improving Human Resources”. Although the main resource person, Mr. Taj Yasin, was unable to attend the event, because it replaced Mr. Ganjar's event at …

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Syuro as a vehicle for Rekso Jiwo Rogo

By; Dr.H. Nour Ihsan Lc.,MA[1] Introduction to the month of Muharrom or Syuro (Assyria) is a month full of history, which this month has a colorful phenomenon. So this month has a multi-dimensional story that can be seen from various sides. The first side can be explored from the Javanese realm, Javanese tradition views the month of Syuro as one of the …

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STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Lecturer Go International Event

BLORA, EKSKULNEWS.COM – (Pamekasan). One of the Young Lecturers at the STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus, Central Java and Online Business Expert and Practitioner, Ahmad Saiful Rizal gave valuable tips to the students, alumni and the community in running business through online media. Luna Blue Realty stated that this lecture was very important. These tips are given in the Economics Study program …

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STAI Khozinatul Ulum Promotes Koran Study Campus

STAI Khozinatul Ulum Student Executive Board under the leadership of Labibu Ulil Fahmi every first week at the beginning of the month, holding Koran Campus activities. This activity was carried out at the Al Hamidah Mosque, STAI Khozinatul Ulum campus, located at Jl. Mr. Iskandar No.42, Go away, Blora, on Thursday (16/11). In celebration of the study campus event, chairman of STAI Khozinatul Ulum Dr. …

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Carry out KKN, STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Students Ready to Help Suppress Stunting Cases

MuriaNewsCom, Blora – The Blora District Government's efforts to reduce stunting cases have received support from many parties. One of them was a student from the Islamic High School (STAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora who implemented the Real Work Lecture program (KKN). Chairman of STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Nur Ihsan stated, participated in the KKN program this time 70 students who will be placed in four …

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