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October 2023

DemaPers- Monday (30 October 2023) - IAI leadership Khozinatul Ulum Blora held an internal meeting in the leadership room, which was attended by the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Dean, Head of Study Program and Secretary of Study Program. It is known that this meeting discussed the presentation of the Faculty Strategic Plan and activity plans and Annual Budget ( RKAT) study program within the Ushuluddin Faculty ( FU) and the Faculty of Islamic Business Economics ( FEBI) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. as Deputy Chancellor III said " This meeting takes place starting at 13.00 - 17.00 with the aim of knowing and evaluating programs in each Faculty and Study Program. The enthusiastic presentation delivered by the Dean and Study Program immediately received feedback and evaluation from the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor " Said Vice Chancellor III. "With this meeting, it is hoped that all programs presented by the Dean and Head of Study Program can be implemented well. This aims to make the program- The planned program is able to improve the quality of education in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora environment. Besides that, budget required for the Program - the programs planned for the next year are clearer. " Hope. " Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers- Monday (30 October 2023) – IAI leadership Khozinatul Ulum Blora held an internal meeting in the leadership room, which was attended by the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Dean, Head of Study Program and Secretary of Study Program. It is known that this meeting discussed the presentation of the Faculty Strategic Plan and activity plans and Annual Budget ( RKAT) study program within the Ushuluddin Faculty ( FU) dan Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis


DemaPers- Monday (30 Oktober 2023) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students look enthusiastic about carrying out the Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) academic year 2023/2024 . The Islamic Institute of Religion Mid-Semester Examination is held for six days divided into two sessions for Regular classes held on Monday – ThursOctober Oktober- 02 November 2023) Meanwhile, Extension classes are held on Saturday - Sunday ( 04 -05 November Novemberdd Mid-Term Exams for the Academic Year 2022/2023 officially opened. After previously students had to fulfill exam requirements such as paying off payments, prepare a Study Plan Card, and using the attributes that have been determined, all students are required to work on UTS questions according to their respective course schedules and supervised by the supervisors who have been assigned.. On this occasion, One of the supervisory lecturers in Class A5 said this" UTS is one of the evaluation activities for student learning outcomes. This evaluation is an assessment of the student's ability to accept, understand, and master the study materials presented in accordance with the established curriculum, and assess changes in attitudes and skills. The existence of UTS is one of the criteria for passing a course. If the UTS value- It's good, then students can be a little relieved, because the first test stage has been passed," he said. The initial S, a student from Islamic religious education, said " in facing UTS, There is a special strategy so that our value is maximized. One of them is reviewing the material presented at the previous meeting, so that we can be confident in taking this Midterm Exam. “In my opinion, UTS is actually a stage that must be faced, whether you want it or not, Being ready or not being ready has to be faced because UTS itself is used as the determining material in a piece of transcript paper that determines my life at college, So I really have to study seriously because I want the best results,he explained. Meanwhile other students, Initial Y has its own strategy to face UTS implemented today. “UTS remains the same, must learn, I have to be prepared and I'm used to doing that, but I'm still serious because I think I have to maximize all the abilities I have to get the best results too.,” he said. According to him, UTS is indeed used as a consideration to determine a student's final grade. "So it is not surprising that all students maximize this moment to get the best results,he said. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAI Khozinatul Ulum Students Take Mid-Semester Exams

DemaPers- Monday (30 October 2023) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students look enthusiastic about carrying out the Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) academic year 2023/2024 . The Islamic Institute of Religion Mid-Semester Examination is held for six days divided into two sessions for Regular classes held on Monday – Thursday (30 October- 02 November 2023) sedangkan untuk kelas Ekstansi dilaksanakan

IAI Khozinatul Ulum Students Take Mid-Semester Exams Read More »

DemaPers - Chairman of the Khozinatul Ulum Foundation, IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. consisting of the Chancellor, Wakil Rektor, Dean, The Head of Study Program and the Study Program Secretary took part in training to update the ON-Based Higher Education curriculum:IT, OBE, and Permindikburistik No. 53 Year 2023 ( SN Dikti and MBKM). This training lasts for 3 starting Friday - Sunday ( 27-29 October 2023) online via the Zoom Meeting Application. Outline, On the first day, the material being trained included higher education curriculum policies, OBE and MBKM curriculum concepts, theory of compiling BK, Evaluation and determination of the Constitutional Court, closed with group division. On the second day, the material that was trained included the practice of preparing a PEO, PL, and CPL,Practice compiling BK, Evaluation and determination of the practical theory of course weighting, theory and practice of structuring organizations, curriculum map and learning design. And on the third day the training material included practice and review of the preparation of the CMPK and Sub CMPK,preparation of learning tools ( RPS) ,Practice of preparing Obe-based RPS reviews, CBL and PJBL learning models,learning assessment techniques and ends with a post test. The trainer team from Best- Q institutes include Indrawati, Yusuf Nalim, Fajri Ismail, Muh Nashiruddin, Helmi Syaifuddin, Rosihan Aslihuddin andVice Chancellor It was monitored until the third day of this training, the Chancellor, Wakil Rektor, The Head of Study Program and the Secretary of Study Program seemed very enthusiastic in participating, Because this training is very important in determining the curriculum that will be used to adapt developments in the current era. As a follow-up to this training, the head of the study program will prepare an OBE-based MBKM curriculum and the target is that in the new academic year this curriculum can be implemented. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

LEADER OF IAI Khozinatul Ulum, Successfully Participating in Higher Education Curriculum Update Training

DemaPers – Chairman of the Khozinatul Ulum Foundation, IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. consisting of the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Dean, The Head of Study Program and the Study Program Secretary took part in training to update the ON-Based Higher Education curriculum:IT, OBE, and Permindikburistik No. 53 Year 2023 ( SN Dikti and MBKM). This training lasts for 3 starting Friday – Sunday ( 27-29 October 2023) …

LEADER OF IAI Khozinatul Ulum, Successfully Participating in Higher Education Curriculum Update Training Read More »

DemaPers- Sunday ( 29 October 2023) - The Student General Election Commission Committee held a meeting with Ahmad Saiful Rizal as Deputy Chancellor III at the Al Mosque - Hamidah. At this meeting, Tia Dwi Aprilianti as Chair of KPUM explained the organizers of Pemira, KPUM structure, Timeline Pemira, and Shopping Budget Plan ( RAB ). On this occasion Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. Hope "in the momentum of this year's predictions, There must be the formation of a political party ( Political parties) Student, However, if it turns out that until the day of Pemira, there are no political parties standing, then we just use the initial Pemira system " he said. " Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers- Sunday ( 29 October 2023) – The Student General Election Commission Committee held a meeting with Ahmad Saiful Rizal as Deputy Chancellor III at the Al Mosque – Hamidah. At this meeting, Tia Dwi Aprilianti as Chair of KPUM explained the organizers of Pemira, KPUM structure, Timeline Pemira, and Shopping Budget Plan ( RAB ). Pada kesempatan ini Ahmad Saiful


DemaPers- Sabtu (28 October 2023) - IAI Student Representative Khozinatul Ulum Blora Participates in the Flag Ceremony to Commemorate the 95th Youth Pledge in the Regent's Office yard. On this occasion,Tri Yuli Setyowati, ST., MM as Deputy Regent of Blora conveyed the commemoration of the 95th Youth Pledge Day 2023 mengusung tema “Bersama Majukan Indonesia” dengan logo HSP ke-95 yang bermakna membentuk stilasi barisan manusia yang menyimbolkan kolaborasi dan warna - warni menunjukkan keanekaragaman suku, bahasa, dan budaya. Heterogenitas tersebut sebagai sumber kekuatan dalam memajukan Indonesia. This was conveyed by the Deputy Regent of Blora as Inspector of Ceremonies (Irup) while reading the speech of the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, Ario Bimo Nandito Ariotedjo, at the flag ceremony in commemoration of the 95th Youth Pledge Day 2023 on the Saturday Regency Regional Secretariat page, Sabtu (28/10/2023). “We all know that every date 28 In October we always celebrate Youth Pledge Day (HSP),” said the Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports, Ario Bimo Nandito AriArio Bimo Nandito Free Mp3 Downloadds the Indonesian people of the history of mutual cooperation between all elements of youth which succeeded in spreading the spirit of patriotism while uniting the national vision in the Youth Pledge. 1928 which gave birth to a national commitment, namely the spilling of the blood of one Indonesian homeland, be of one Indonesian nation, and upholding the unified language Indoncarrying the theme "Together Advancing Indonesia" with the 95th HSP logo which means forming a stylized line of people which symbolizes collaboration and colorisaColorful shows ethnic diversityi languagernand culturemeThis heterogeneity is a source of strength in advancing Indonesiat sebagai sumber kekuatan dalam memajukan Indonesia. The government of the Republic of Indonesia has opened up wide participation for the young generation of young people in Indonesia today who are working together to realize the hopes of Indonesia's future together. Inclusivity in the cross-generational collaboration ecosystem has built collective optimism that young people now have a respected place in national development. Dokumen ini telah ditandatangani secara elektronik yang diterbitkan oleh Balai Sertifikasi Elektronik (BSrE), BSSN. Indonesia's position is that it is in the process of resolving the problem of corruption, poverty, unemployment, drugs, pornography, hoax, hate speech and a number of other national problems. But all of this is not a reason for young people to stop moving towards a developed Indonesia and creating a just and prosperous society. On the other hand, Recent technological developments and the increasingly rapid flow of information have created a gap in mastery of technology and information between generations. Likewise with the socio-cultural order, politics, and even contested businesses. “We need to ask whether artificial intelligence has been used optimally on a massive scale. Just keeping up with this acceleration and change can be overwhelming. Basically, Youth's mastery of Technology and Information as well as Digital Literacy is something that must be taken seriously," said the Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports in a speech read by the Deputy Regent of Blora. Therefore, every youth needs to have a vision, mission and strategic role for 30 next year so that development can run faster. The most effective strategy is cross-generational mutual assistance and cross-sector mutual cooperation. Because this collaborative work is in accordance with legal trust no. 40 Tahun 2009 regarding Youth and also in accordance with Presidential Yeare no. 43 Tahun 2022 concerning Cross-Sector Coordination for the Delivery of Youth Services so that the implementation of cross-sector coordination is effective towards achieving the Youth Development Index (IPP), So on this Youth Pledge Day, We must declare the determination of all stakeholders, both Ministries and Institutions, Provincial government, City District Government, Youth Organization, Community and other elements. “Brothers and sisters, final, let's make this 95th Youth Pledge Day commemoration a momentum to raise the spirit of collaboration in developing the state. May God Almighty always give us strength. Dokumen ini telah ditThis document has been electronically signed and issued by the Electronic Certification Centerd BSrEMinBSSNr of Youth and Sports at the end of his speech. " The lid. " The flag ceremony commemorating the 95th Youth Pledge Day at the Blora Regency level went solemnly and smoothly according to the order of the ceremony followed by Forkopimda Blora, Head of OPD Blora, Student, Banser, PMR, senior High School student, Scout, Senkom and choir group. The person responsible for the flag ceremony commemorating the 95th Youth Pledge Day at the Blora Regency level is Dinporabudpar (Dinkominfo Blora). Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.


DemaPers- Saturday (28 October 2023) – IAI Student Representative Khozinatul Ulum Blora Participates in the Flag Ceremony to Commemorate the 95th Youth Pledge in the Regent's Office yard. On this occasion,Tri Yuli Setyowati, ST., MM as Deputy Regent of Blora conveyed the commemoration of the 95th Youth Pledge Day 2023 mengusung tema “Bersama Majukan Indonesia” dengan logo HSP ke-95 yang bermakna


Dema Pers- Friday (27 Oktober 2023) Vice Chancellor, Dean, Head of study program and all lecturers in office took part in training to update the higher education curriculum based on : IQF, OBE, and Permenristekdikbut No 53 tahun 2023 ( SN Dikti and MBKM) This activity is planned to last for 3 day start date 27- 2Octoberer 2023. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd as Deputy Chancellor III said " The purpose of this event , to improve the quality of education at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora through updating the OBE-based curriculum ( Out Come Based Education)" . he said " " In this training, Lecturers learn about the latest curriculum structure based on Permendikbudristek No. 53 tahun 2023 regarding yearty assurance of higher education. In the National Education Standards it is divided into: 3 including educational output standards, educational process standards and educational input standards. "Obviously. With material that has been presented in detail, details and goals, It is hoped that IAI Khozinatul Ulum lecturers will be able to prepare OBE-based semester learning plans appropriately and in accordance with National Standards. " he closed. " Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

First day, Higher Education Curriculum Update Training

Dema Pers- Friday (27 October 2023) Vice Chancellor, Dean, Head of study program and all lecturers in office took part in training to update the higher education curriculum based on : IQF, OBE, and Permenristekdikbut No 53 year 2023 ( SN Dikti and MBKM) This activity is planned to last for 3 day start date 27- 29 October 2023. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd …

First day, Higher Education Curriculum Update Training Read More »

DemaPers - Wednesday (25 October 2023) Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as the Academic Advisory Board provides guidance for scholarship recipient students. This coaching activity starts at 13.00-14.00 in classroom A1. On this occasion Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd said " In this coaching they are given direction to improve their achievements and prepare achievements that must be made this semester. Academic achievements that must be achieved, especially social studies ( Semester Achievement Index) previously there was a decline, then this semester it must be improved, It is hoped that they can at least make one achievement or more than one achievement this semester. Don't forget, on this occasion they were given an academic guidance book and they were asked to fill it out, in filling it is expected to be filled in as best as possible, as an evaluation for students , so that they have superior performance " said Pawarta : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers – Wednesday (25 October 2023) Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as the Academic Advisory Board provides guidance for scholarship recipient students. This coaching activity starts at 13.00-14.00 in classroom A1. On this occasion Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd said ” Dalam pembinaan ini mereka diberi arahan untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan menyiapkan prestasi yang harus ditorehkan di


Dema Pers - Tuesday ( 24 October 2023) The leadership of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a visit to the Branch VI campus of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora which is located in Kasiman sub-district, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java. On this occasion was attended by Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad, S, Th.I,.M, Ag. As Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum, Ahmad Syaifulloh, M.Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I, Muhammad NaSil,S, Sy.AgM, Ag. As Deputy Chancellor II, Siti Nurkayati M,Pd As Chair of the PAI Study Program, Muarofah S, Ag as head of Administration, Kh. Habiburahman as the caretaker of the Fathul Majid Islamic Boarding School, several lecturers and students of campus VI IAI Khozinatul Ulum. The purpose of the visit to the Branch VI Bojonegoro campus is known, for friendship by holding public lectures, scientific writing guidance for final semester students. On that occasion, Ahmad Syaifulloh M, Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I explained about creating the title, research uses quantitative and qualitative methods, R&D ( Development) . After the presentation of the material is complete, The enthusiasm of the students was very active in the discussion. some of them even asked questions to the presenter. After that, students are expected to submit a research title. After following this, It is hoped that students will be able to prepare a thesis proposal in November and later in December, a Proposal seminar will be held. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


Dema Pers – Tuesday ( 24 October 2023) The leadership of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a visit to the Branch VI campus of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora which is located in Kasiman sub-district, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java. On this occasion was attended by Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad, S, Th.I,.M, Ag. As Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum, Ahmad Syaifulloh, M.Pd.I Selaku Wakil

PUBLIC LECTURE AT FATHUL MAJID Islamic Boarding School Read More »

DemaPers - Tuesday ( 22 October 2023) - Management of the Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program Student Association (PIAUD) held a Workshop on Building reading and writing literacy through Retelling Islamic Stories. Acara ini diikuti oleh Lathifatus Sa'adah, MA. As Head of PIAUD Study Program, Helina Himmatul Ulya Lina, M,Pd as Secretary of the PIAUD Study Program , Ulfanorrohmah as a library officer, HMPS administrators and all PIAUD students from semester 1,3 and 5. Not only that Armiya Nur Lailatul IzzMh, M, Pd. As Head of PGMI Study Program, he was also present, He participated in writing and provided ideas for creating Islamic titles. Helina Himmatul Ulya Lina M,Pd as the resource person said " The aim of holding this workshop is so that students can work and write in order to produce a book, The plan is that once the manuscript has been collected, it will be submitted for ISBN printing . Moreover, the majority of PIAUD students already work as teachers in PAUD and RA institutions, I hope when the book is published, The plan is to market it to students and PAUD teachers in Blora district. " He said when interviewed by IAIkhu editors via online WhatsApp ". In this workshop process, students who take part are required to write 3 Islamic story title, his enthusiasm was very good, With their busy lives as teachers, they can find time for the workshop. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers – Tuesday ( 24 October 2023) – Management of the Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program Student Association (PIAUD) held a Workshop on Building reading and writing literacy through Retelling Islamic Stories at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora library. This event was followed by Lathifatus Sa'adah, MA. As Head of PIAUD Study Program, Helina Himmatul Ulya Lina, M,Pd as Secretary of the PIAUD Study Program …


DemaPers - Tuesday ( 24 October 2023) - Vice Chancellor III Inaugurates the Management of the Student General Election Commission (KPUM) and the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawasra) in Class A1 IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. The inauguration of the KPUM and Bawasra management was attended by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Lina Cahyani as the outgoing Chair of the KPUM 2023, the chairman of DEMA along with representatives of his management and the Chairman of SEMA. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,As always Vice Rector III "he congratulated the committee of KPUM and Bawasra, The hope is that both the KPUM and BAWASRA who are elected must have a neutralist nature, As is understood in this election there is big PR, so there should be no nodalities that occur in this activity, where enemies become friends and friends become enemies, If in this system a political party can have a positive impact then next year it can be continued the following year, On the other hand, if there is a slight dispute then the POLITICAL PARTY will automatically not be allowed to continue. " Said Vice Chancellor III. "The hope is that this year the leadership of the campus rector will be a superior and competent Chair of DEMA and SEMA, Likewise, it is hoped that KPUM and Bawasra will have changes and good mechanisms. For the inauguration of Ormawa, I will make plans together " he closed. " Ahmad Syerozi is always a representative of DEMA IAI Khozinatul Ulum " Congratulations, Hopefully, I hope that the KPUM will be good and neutral without taking sides from the candidate pairs, both SEMA and DEMA candidates. What we have done is through interview selection, I hope that Bawesra and KPUM will make small changes, because the Chairman of SEMA has made the PEMIRA Law and the Political Parties Law. " His words were in line with what Nur Rohmad as Chair of SEMA IAI Khozinatul Ulum said " I don't believe that this activity can be realized , He expressed his gratitude because you had the courage to run for KPUM and Bawasra, automatically your body has been recognized for its role in participating in building the progressive IAI Khozinatul Ulum. " he said " I saw that the KPUM at IAI Khozinatul Ulum was already established 4 period and Bawasra was only established this time. And for my sister- My sister will become SEMA later, can criticize all the laws that we have made. " Obviously". Finally, he hopes "that the elected Chair of DEMA and SEMA can carry out their duties well and with quality , Correct- really immortalize it for campus. " The lid. " Hit it right 15.20 Acara ditutup dengan do'a kafaratul Majlis yang dipimpin oleh M. Kholil as DEMA administrator and continued to take photos with Pawarta : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.


DemaPers – Tuesday ( 24 October 2023) – Vice Chancellor III Inaugurates the Management of the Student General Election Commission (KPUM) and the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawasra) in Class A1 IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. The inauguration of the KPUM and Bawasra management was attended by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Lina Cahyani as the outgoing Chair of the KPUM 2023, …