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June 2023

DemaPers- Tuesday 27 Juni 2023,Yayasan Khozinatul Ulum Al - Amien Institut Agama Islam Khozinatul Ulum Blora , menggelar seminar Pemaparan Rencana program kerja Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Tahun Akademik 2022/2023 , at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. Program kerja yang dipaparkan saat seminar ini rencananya akan direalisasikan selama dua bulan ke depan. Diketahui seminar Progam Kerja ini dihadiri oleh bapak Ahmad Syaifulloh,M.Pd.I selaku wakil Rektor I,Ahmad Saiful Rizal, M. Pd. as Deputy Chancellor III, Muhammad SajudinM M. Pd. Selaku Sekertaris Rektorat, Dosen Pembimbing (DPL) dan seluruh Mahasiswa IAI Khozinatul Ulum semester 6. Dalam sambutannya bapak Ahmad saifulloh M, Pd I selaku wakil Rektor I mengatakan, mahasiswa KKN Institut Agama Islam Khozinatul Ulum diharapkan dapat memberi hal positif kepada masyarakat. Beliau juga berpesan kepada mahasiswa KKN agar tidak datang hanya untum menggugurkan kewajiban. Melainkan, lanjutnya, untuk berbuat baik bagi desa, public, dan negara. " Saya berharap seluruh program kerja mampu memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat, dan jangan lupa pula untuk menjalin silaturahmi dan bersosialisasi dengan warga itu yang penting ,” tambahannya. Kak Adi, Salah satu Mahasiswa fakultas tarbiyah menambahkan, ia dan rekan-rekannya akan melakukan seminar, sosialisasi, kegiatan keagamaan, education, dan penyuluhan. Ia pun berharap, seluruh elemen baik pemerintah desa maupun masyarakat dapat memberikan dukungan serta arahan kepada mahasiswa KKN selama menjalankan proker tersebut. “Kami sebagai mahasiswa KKN tidak ingin menjadi beban bagi masyarakat, kami berharap peran serta semua elemen masyarakat dalam menyukseskan program kerja kami nanti,he hoped.

Pemaparan Program KKN IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora

DemaPers- Tuesday 27 Juni 2023,Yayasan Khozinatul Ulum AlAmien Institut Agama Islam Khozinatul Ulum Blora , menggelar seminar Pemaparan Rencana program kerja Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Tahun Akademik 2022/2023 , at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. Program kerja yang dipaparkan saat seminar ini rencananya akan direalisasikan selama dua bulan ke depan. Diketahui seminar Progam

Pemaparan Program KKN IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Read More »

IAI KHOZINATUL ULUM BLORA SUCCESSFULLY DEGREED BASIC ADVANCED COURSE. Dema Pers - Tuesday (20/6/2023) Provision of Basic Advanced Course activities for Scout Leaders was carried out (KMD) at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. This activity was attended by all semester Tarbiyah Faculty students 6 . In this KMD briefing, Deputy Chancellor I was present, Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty , as well as a team of trainers from the Blora Scout Kwarcab. In his speech, Ahmad Syaifullah M. Pd. I as Vice Chancellor 1 delivered several messages to all participants. Participants are expected to take part in activities actively because this KMD activity is initial preparation as a prospective scout leader. Participants must act actively and always ask the trainer about anything they don't know. Selain itu, fellow participants must share knowledge and experiences from their respective regions. This KMD activity was carried out starting 20 June until 24 Juni 2023. It is known that KMD is a means for students to hone scouting abilities and skills. This will be important capital, for students who are prospective elementary school or madrasa teachers. This KMD activity is in the form of theory and practice. The activity material includes registration,Initial Test , Opening ceremony, Learning contract, Fundamentals of the Scout Movement, Enforcer World, builder's posture, Basic Principles of Scouting, Coaching Method, Construction container, Enforcer training forum, Variety of Enforcer Scout skills, SKU, SKK, SPG and Inauguration, training program preparation techniques, Heading to Camp, Unit Administrative Organization (Holy journey), Practice Building Enforcers (Project 1), Local content, Ragam Ceremony, Variety of Enforcement Meetings (project 2), Bonfire, Reflections of the Builder, Final test , RTL , Open Forum (Reflection) and Closing Ceremony. Registration of participants by the activities committee on Tuesday 20 Juni 2023 start at 07.30 s.d 08.00 Ms. Arofah and Ms. Mita welcomed the arrival of the participants in a very friendly manner. In fact, all the activity organizing committee arrived at the location early to welcome the arrival of the participants. Before the KMD activity begins, all participants must take a written pre-test as an initial step to measure their abilities and course orientation as well as elect a leader per team so that the activity runs smoothly., collect assignments and prepare course participants. The course orientation in KMD has the aim of conditioning course participants to be ready to take part in the learning in the course, by providing information that is very necessary for a Scoutmaster in carrying out his duties in scouting. and to make it easier for students to understand various basic training skills and scouting education techniques for Group S, G, T, D so that you can understand the administration of squads and units. In one leadership hour material, students are given an in-depth understanding of scouting. It is said, if Gudep was not forced by kwarcab, because they are carrying out the orders of the Minister of Education Decree which states that scouting is a mandatory extracurricular in schools. So if Tarbiyah students have been involved in teaching at school but do not carry out scouting at their respective schools, They are not against scouting but they are against the Minister of Education Decree. That's why we train Tarbiyah students so that they don't fail to understand about scouting, because the goal is so that they understand what scouting is and reactivate it themselves in postgraduate school later, each in the front cluster, also produces professional and independent coaches,” he said. In the study contract, the participant's rights as a KMB participant are temporarily revoked for five days following the activity, to be alert, raisers and Enforcers who are ready to follow all course material. In the material on the fundamentals of the scout movement, the scout explained that " According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, fundamentals are things that are basic or basic. Fundamental means the basic reference that will be adhered to by an organization, in this case the Scout Movement organization. So, Scouting fundamentals are the basics of organizing education in scouting activities. The fundamentals of the scout movement are divided into 7 among them : 1) definition of the term scout, scouting education, scouting and scouting movements, 2) the goal of the scout movement (karakter, Skills, nationality), 3) Scout Education Curriculum (SKU, SKK, SPG), 4) basic principles and methods of scouting, 5) among system, 6) SESOCIVE character development, 7) scouting skills and techniques, 8) indicators of goal achievement, 9) final destination (a happy life, die happy). This KMD activity began with an opening ceremony which was held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium on Wednesday (21/6/2024) this morning. This ceremony was opened and officiated by Kak Arim Irsyadullah Albin Jaya, M.Pd. as Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty. He said that the Scout concept is combined with the concept of religion, then the scouting spirit that exists in each of us will remain attached whenever and wherever we are. He said, "When scouts are colored by pious people, then this nation will be free from corruption, our nation will be prosperous and extraordinary, This is the responsibility of all of us". He also added "Today you are students,Students, become a scout member, "But tomorrow when you become a leader you will be a leader with a scouting and Koranic spirit.", he stressed. Scouting is an educational tool, alat yang efektif untuk membina generasi muda agar Mahasiswa siap menjadi pemimpin dan membimbing adik-adik, Your students and become a generation of warriors, kreatif, Become a driving generation, not a generation of losers who are not taken into account and are not useful in society.", "I would like to thank Kwarcab Blora for taking the time to teach the Basic Level Advanced course at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus". In his words, Kak Joni, as the Scoutmaster of the Blora Quarter said, "Scouts are an educational tool, alat yang ean effective tool for developing the younger generation so that students are ready to become leaders and guide their younger siblingsid) to become a generation of fighters, kreatif, the dcreativegeneration will not become the loser generation, not taken into account and not useful in society", he said on Wednesday (21/06/2023) Students can be seen enthusiastically participating in basic scouting activities, because in the middle of the KMD material there is Iyel- Iyel that must be said together in each team. In the world alert material session, raiser, enforcer , The speaker explained that Alert Scouts is the term for scout members aged between 7 until 10 year. The honor code itself is a series of basic provisions that must be implemented by every Scout member in their daily behavior. The honor code for alert scouts consists of Dwisatya and Dwidarma. Enforcing Scouts is a group and a term for members of the Scout Movement who are aged between 16 up to you 20 tahun. The level of the enforcer scout group is a classification of scouts based on the age of the students after the scouts are on standby (usia 7 – 10 tahun) and scout raisers (usia age15 years). Like other groups of members of the Scout Movement, Scout enforcers have a code of honor consisting of Scout Satya and Scout Darma. Satya Pramuka (promise) The enforcer is called 'Trisatya' which consists of three promises. Meanwhile, Scout Darma (moral provisions) enforcers are referred to as 'Dasadarma' which consists of ten points of attitude and norms of action that must be practiced in everyday life both in the scouting environment and outside it.. Raiser is a level in the scout after standby. Usually scout level members are aged from 11-15 tahun. The Raising Level also has General Skill Ryearements (SKU) and Special Skills RequiremeSKU (SKK) which must be fulfilled to get SKKevel increase or General Proficiency Mark (TKU) and earn Special Marks of Ability (TKK). It is known that the Scout Leader's Posture is the figure or reflection displayed by a person who is guiding scout activities. The scoutmaster's posture does not mean the physical form of the scoutmaster himself, but rather a reflection of appearance, attitude, Good ethics must be shown to students (Siaga, Raiser, dan Penegak). Characteristics of alert scouts include being very happy to play, happy to imitate, enjoy singing, likes to be praised, still spoiled, enjoy telling stories, and report what they know and experience. Characteristics of scout raisers include a love of movement, happy to travel, nosy, agile, happy to try, love the heroic nature, starting to like the opposite sex, changes/development of the male raiser's physical/voice, starting to get hoarse, and some of the alert nature is still carried over. One of the characteristics of enforcement scouts is that they have started looking for identity, identity, socialize, easily influenced,provoked,emotional stability is not yet stable, fond of reality, strong will is difficult to prevent if it does not pass through rational awareness, I hope the problem is resolved quickly, sometimes through physical force. According to the Basic Student Scouting instructor, he explained the basic principles of Scouting. IAI Khozinatul Ulum students must have characteristics including: 1) Iman, and fear God Almighty. 2) Caring about the nation, and homeland, fellow living, and nature beyond. 3) Caring about himself personally. 4) Obey the Scout Code of Honor. In building methods material , IAI Khozinatul Ulum students were taught the steps to foster scouting activities, including starting by saying hello, pray, protest (ask answer) , provide motivation to students (ice breaking) , Convey the desired goals. And ended with another protest to review the material presented. The third day, KMD participants receive material regarding studying outside , This time the students were invited by Sis Bandi as the supervisor to walk from campus to Blora Square, Their enthusiasm looked happy even though they were a little tired. After arriving at the KMD IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora participant square , there they got material about ropes - rigging and how to measure poles Using a stick or shadow. The Scoutmaster explained that Rigging is an art of connecting ropes using knots to form a tool or other useful object.. for example a stretcher, flagpole, and much more. Some ropes, then tied using an anchor knot and a base knot. We know that scout members' activities cannot be separated from camping. In this activity you will be faced with the skills of putting up signs. In setting up your own tent, It requires ability and knowledge of rigging techniques or also known as knots, to tie one pole to another. Regarding rigging techniques or also called knots, to tie one pole to another. To tie a rope to a rope, or a rope with something that is not originally tied. Of course there are steps to produce a shape from existing ropes. In estimating the size of a flagpole, the Scoutmaster explains that there are various ways and methods, such as the method of estimating height using the help of shadows, right triangle method (45 degrees), and so on. On this occasion we will learn to estimate height using the triangle comparison method. This method utilizes triangle congruence theory. By using this estimating method, The results obtained will be more accurate and make it easier to re-verify or check again (including assessment) because it uses a systematic formula. However, estimating height using the triangular comparison method can only be done if the ground around the object being estimated is flat.. If the land contour is sloping you have to use another method because the results will certainly not be accurate. Forth day, All participants receive the task of becoming a Scoutmaster. In this material, the KMD Trustees explain that Scoutmasters are adult members who have a high commitment to the principles of Scouting Education., voluntarily work with students, as a partner who cares about the needs of students, patiently motivate, guide, assist and facilitate student development activities. The Scoutmaster's job is to provide guidance so that students become: human personality, berwatak, and have noble character, citizens of the Republic of Indonesia who have the spirit of Pancasila, be loyal and obedient to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and be a good and useful member of society. In carrying out his duties, the Scoutmaster is responsible for the implementation of regular and directed scouting education in accordance with the vision and mission of the Scout Movement., Maintaining the implementation of the Basic Principles of Scout Education and Scout Education Methods in all scout activicharacter the fifth day of the KMD activity, there are outdoor activities, namely camping at the Ngalangitan Village Campground, Tunjungan District., where each participant must be able to practice the knowledge they have acquired during the course. Starting from setting up a tent, carrying out scout ceremonies, peer teching as a builder, team activities . This afternoon, the Regent of Blora, Arief Rohman, the Regent of Blora Regency, arrived at this campground , His arrival was warmly welcomed by the coaches, scout participants and the surrounding community. It is known that campfire night is the final culmination of a series of activities for the Basic Level Advanced Scout Leader Course (KMD) for six days at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus. The firewood had been arranged since the previous afternoon. , Reva Malika acted as the leader of the Bonfire Ceremony. The ceremony took place in complete darkness, cold, and serene . The bonfire is lit at 20.30 , When the campfire is burning, the KMD members sang the song the fire is already burning, Boy Scout hymn KMD Gratitude. Meaning of campfire according to , one of the supervisors of this activity, “A bonfire is a light, so that participants know the meaning of scouts needing dedication and also as a medium to show creativity,he said. The lighting procession begins with a procession of ten torchbearers surrounding the bonfire. One of the torch bearers receives the fire from the master of ceremonies. Then, each torch is lit by relay, from the first torchbearer to the tenth. Each time the torch bearer receives fire from the previous torch bearer, he recited the Dasadarma aloud. At the tenth moment the torch was lit, then the pile of firewood was burned simultaneously. The bonfire was lit. In his mandate, The Master of Ceremonies conveyed the importance of always being enthusiastic. "Act of burning fire, our spirit cannot fade. We must always be enthusiastic in facing various problems." he said. Our fire is lit. All participants form a figure while singing. Very beautiful. The event became even more lively with artistic performances from each team. It is known that this art performance is divided into: 7 both women's and men's teams. The types of pensi displayed in this pensi include musical poetry, Musical drama, theater, modern dance. This event took place lively and smoothly. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of the KMD committee in preparing this event, starting from stage preparation until the end of PENSI. And also the enthusiasm of the male and female performers in presenting their performances to be the best. Hopefully holding this event can revive the enthusiasm of students to take part in all agendas organized by the campus, especially in the field of scouting. After the Pensi activities are finished, it continues with the Psychological Test, In this psychological test, KMD participants are required to memorize the Scout Trisatya , because trisatya is a code of honor for members of the scout movement in Indonesia. On weekdays 25 Juni 2023 the closing of Dasar scout skills was carried out at the nglangitan Desa camp ground, Tunjungan District. Sister Builder, officially closed this KMD event, In his speech he congratulated the participants because they had reached the final stage of the KMD event, namely the closing. "Congratulations to the participants for successfully reaching the final point of KMD closing, I hope that what you June obtained can make you a true scout.". One of the KMD participants conveyed his impressions and message at this closing event. “I gained a lot of knowledge and experience while participating in this KMD, At first I thought this activity was very serious and would be boring. Apparently not , This activity was far beyond my expectations, the activities are exciting and very enjoyable. "This adds to my love for scouts," said Adi . Selain itu, it also invites all participants to learn more if they really want to become a builder. "If you want to become a builder, let's learn more together. "Hopefully we will continue to work and continue to inspire many people," he continued. Hopefully the participants who take part in this KMD activity can become Scoutmasters, especially in Groups ,Siaga, Pastor,Besides thatak.and EnforcerStandby


Dema Pers – Tuesday (20/6/2023) Provision of Basic Advanced Course activities for Scout Leaders was carried out (KMD) at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. This activity was attended by all semester Tarbiyah Faculty students 6 . In this KMD briefing, Deputy Chancellor I was present, Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty , as well as a team of trainers from the Blora Scout Kwarcab. In his speech, Ahmad …


HMPS PGMI IAI KHOZINATUL ULUM BLORA WORKING MEETING, READY TO MAKE CHANGES DemaPress- Thursday (22/06/2023) Work Meeting was held (RaKer) by the PGMI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Study Program Student Association period 2023/2024 which is carried out at Kedai Orchi . The event was attended by the chairman of HMPS PGMI and his management. This working meeting aims to discuss various programs and activity agendas that will be carried out by HMPS PGMI in the future. One of the important things discussed in this working meeting was upgrading or updating the HMPS PGMI organization . In the event, all management presented plans to improve the quality of the organization through overhauling the organizational structure and improving the quality of human resources. It is hoped that this upgrade will make HMPS PGMI more effective and efficient in carrying out its duties and functions as a student organization. Besides that, The HMPS PGMI management also discussed activity programs that will be carried out in the future, such as Discussion Forums, seminar, workshop, and social activities. Enthusiastic, HMPS PGMI members discuss and provide ideas or input to each other to develop these programs so that they can provide optimal benefits for students and the wider community. Chairman of HMPS PGMI , Tia Dwi Aprilianti said that the aim of holding this RAKER event was to carry out coordination between members in preparing work programs regarding fellow members who would be on the road for one term of office.. The hope is that the chairman of HMPS PGMI, Hopefully in the future HMPS PGMI will be more active and in solidarity between campuses and can carry out the mandate that has been carried out. additionally


HMPS PGMI IAI KHOZINATUL ULUM BLORA WORKING MEETING, READY TO MAKE A CHANGE. Thursday (22/06/2023) Work Meeting was held (RaKer) by the PGMI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Study Program Student Association period 2023/2024 which is carried out at Kedai Orchi . The event was attended by the chairman of HMPS PGMI and his management. Raker tersebut bertujuan untuk membahas berbagai program dan agenda kegiatan


PMB UIN WALISONGO SEMARANG SOCIALIZATION VISIT Dema Pres- Monday 19 June 2023 The Head of Postgraduate at UIN Walisongo Semarang visited the Postgraduate at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora in order to socialize or introduce Masters and Doctoral programs for lecturers who will continue at UIN Walisongo Semarang in order to improve the quality of human resources for IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Lecturers so that they have higher education so that the quality of lecturers - IAI Khozinatul Ulum lecturers are better and improving. This activity took place at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium for approx 2 jam. This visit was received directly by Mr. Ahmad Syaifullah M,Pd,I as Deputy Chancellor I. It is known that this Postgraduate Socialization Event was attended by Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Ghofur M,Ag. as Director of Postgraduate Studies at UIN Walisongo Semarang, Dr. H Muhyar Fanani M,Ag as deputy director of UIN Walisongo Semarang, Abdul Aziz ,M,S,I as head of TU subdivision, Henik Nurul Sini , S. E. As Treasurer, Umi Sulistiyatun S.P.d.I as Academic Manager , Bahtiar Firdaus Al. Amen,S.Ak. As Academic Administration of UIN Walisongo Semarang , Muhammad Sajudin,M.Pd. as Secretary of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Rectorate,Ahmad Syaifullah M,Pd,I. as Deputy Chancellor I, Muhammad Nabil S. Sy., M.Ag. As Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad syaful Rizal, M.Pd. as Deputy Chancellor III, Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, as well as several lecturers at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. prof Dr. H. Abdul Ghafur M,Ag. as the Director of Postgraduate Program at UIN Walisongo Semarang said in his speech "Thank you for all the welcome and the good relationship between the Postgraduate Program at UIN Walisongo Semarang and the Postgraduate Program at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Hopefully this good friendship will continue to be maintained and hopefully this will make these two agencies more advanced in the future. Next, Prof. Dr. H Abdul Ghofur explained the aims and objectives of coming with his entourage to IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora to make a visit as well as carry out socialization for PMB Postgraduate UIN Walisongo Semarang at the Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute, Blora.. Apart from that, Dr. H. Muhyar Fanani,M.Ag. as Deputy Director of UIN Walisongo Semarang Explaining the Study Flow (S3) starting from when students are accepted , Re-registration and orientation, Title submission, Dissertation proposal examination, UjiPd conference, TOEFL test , IMKA and Scientific publications , Open or closed test. In his speech, Ahmad Syaifullah M,Pd,I as Deputy Chancellor I said "this is a guest of honor for us and we feel proud of the visit of the UIN Walisongo Postgraduate, "Moreover, it can be continued with cooperation and it is hoped that in the future IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora lecturers will be able to continue their postgraduate or doctoral studies at UIN Walisongo Semarang," said Deputy Chancellor I .


Dema Pres- Monday 19 June 2023 The Head of Postgraduate at UIN Walisongo Semarang visited the Postgraduate at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora in order to socialize or introduce Masters and Doctoral programs for lecturers who will continue at UIN Walisongo Semarang in order to improve the quality of human resources for IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Lecturers so that they have higher education so that the quality of lecturers …


Demapress- Saturday 17 Juni 2023, Pimpinan IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora mengadakan Rapat Evaluasi pengurus Dema Periode 2023-2024 . rapat ini wajib diikuti oleh pengurus DEMA . Diketahui Rapat ini dihadiri oleh bapak Dr. Kh. NUR Iksan, Lc, Ma.selaku ketua rektor, ahmad syaiffuloh , M, pd.I selaku wakil Rektor I, Ahmad saiful Rizal, M, Pd selaku wakil Rektor III dan seluruh pengurus DEMA. Acara rapat evaluasi ini dilaksanakan secara offline di ruang Aula IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Kegiatan Rapat evaluasi ini dilakukan guna untuk mengevaluasi program kerja yang telah dilaksanakan selama 2 bulan sebelumnya dan mempersiapkan rancangan program kerja yang akan dilaksanakan 3 bulan kedepan. Pada pertemuan ini pengurus Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora menyampaikan persoalan dan kendala yang dihadapi dalam menjalankan program kemahasiswaan baik , pengembangan bakat dan minat , meskipun sebagian kegiatan sudah dijalankan namun belum optimal. Maka dari itu pimpinan menghadirkan untuk diskusi bersama dalam memecahkan persoalan yang dihadapi sebagai bahan evaluasi untuk menjalankan agenda kegiatan selanjutnya. Tujuan diselenggarakannya evaluasi DEMA ini sendiri adalah agar masing -masing pengurus mengetahui pelaksanaan program kerja setiap Devisi selama satu periode ini, sehingga akan ada komunikasi antara Pimpinan dengan Pengurus Dema terkait hambatan-hambatan pelaksanaannya. Evaluasi ini tentu diadakan untuk membekali mahasiswa terkait pengembangan diri berbasis analisis SWOT (Kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan tantangan). Harapannya kegiatan Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum ke depannya berkinerja lebih baik ,” jelas bapak Ahmad Saiful Rizal selalu wakil Rektor III. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan lancar dan kondusif, dan semoga dengan adanya kegiatan ini dapat menjadikan pengurus DEMA IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora lebih semangat untuk menjalankan proker selanjutnya, sehingga menghasilkan energi positif, dan lebih progresif. Tasila selaku ketua Dema berharap melalui kegiatan evaluasi ini akan berpengaruh positif bagi masa depan Dewan eksekutif Mahasiswa IAI Khozinatul Ulum. " Saya berharap evaluasi program kerja ini pengurus Dema bisa melakukan refleksi apa yang sudah dilakukan, sedang dilakukan dan yang akan dilakukan agar ke depan berkinerja lebih baik." Jelas ketua Dema Selain rapat evaluasi program kerja Pengurus Dema, diketahui Rapat ini juga membahas tentang studi banding dan kepanitiaan PBAK (Introduction to Campus Academic Culture) sekaligus anggaran yang akan dikeluarkan, rencananya akan dilaksanakan di UIN Malik Malang paJune7 Juni 2023 . "Untuk waktunya saya sudah berkomunikasi dengan salah satu pengurus Dema UIN Malik Malang, disana nanti kita akan mengadakan silaturahmi, forum discussion seperti pemaparan materi, sesi tanya jawab dan mengasih cindera mata untuk kenang- kenangan, sedangkan untuk PBAK akan direncanakan pada bulan Agustus 2023 dan untuk kepengurusan panitia sudah kami susun, sedangkan untuk Konsepnya masih proses disusun ".jelas lista selaku wakil ketua Dema. Dalam sambutannya Dr. KH. Nur Ihsan lc. Ma.selaku Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Menyampaikan " Kami dari pimpinan sangat mensupport dari kompetisi diri anda, maka tunjukkanlah potensi diri kalian di dalam kampus maupun di luar kampus. Karena semangat anda mengetuk semangat kami".

Pimpinan IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Mengadakan Rapat Evaluasi DEMA

Demapress- Saturday 17 June 2023, Pimpinan IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora mengadakan Rapat Evaluasi pengurus Dema Periode 2023-2024 . rapat ini wajib diikuti oleh pengurus DEMA . Diketahui Rapat ini dihadiri oleh bapak Dr. Kh. NUR Iksan, Lc, Ma.selaku ketua rektor, ahmad syaiffuloh , M, pd.I selaku wakil Rektor I, Ahmad saiful Rizal, M, Pd selaku

Pimpinan IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Mengadakan Rapat Evaluasi DEMA Read More »

Dema Press- Bright morning, It was quiet and the heat of the sun was quite hot, covering the buildings in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus area., when the morning approaches noon but is still covered in cold air. Likewise with the activities of the community members on this struggle campus. The view suddenly changed to cool and peaceful when I entered the foyer of the Al-Hamidah mosque at the Khozinatul Ulum II Islamic boarding school.. It was Saturday, 17 June 2023 looks like a student- Students dressed neatly and wearing headscarves carrying the holy Koran flocked to the foyer of the Al Mosque- Hamidah. With definite steps, full of enthusiasm and humble ready to submit, surrender and humble in reading the holy verses of the Koran even though he looks tired and is decorated with a radiant face- series, they remain enthusiastic in participating in Al-Quran recitation activities. They are a group of campus activists who are members of the Regency Government and KIP Scholarship Recipient Students Studying at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus. According to one member of the Scholarship Students , This activity is a routine agenda that is held every Saturday at the al-Hamidah mosque, Khozinatul Ulum II Islamic Boarding School, especially for students who receive scholarships from the Regency Government and KIP for college. . Of course, activities like this will continue to be encouraged so that they can re-show IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora's identity as a religious campus that can provide peace., peace and enlightenment as well as blessings for lecturers,Students and the surrounding community.

Students who receive scholarships from the Regency Government and KIP at college promote Al-Quran recitation activities.

Dema Press- Bright morning, It was quiet and the heat of the sun was quite hot, covering the buildings in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus area., when the morning approaches noon but is still covered in cold air. Likewise with the activities of the community members on this struggle campus. The view suddenly changed to cool and peaceful when I entered the porch …

Students who receive scholarships from the Regency Government and KIP at college promote Al-Quran recitation activities. Read More »

Hadrah Activities of UKM ARTS IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora

Dema Press – Hadrah is music that has an Islamic atmosphere, namely singing the Prophet's prayers accompanied by drumming with certain instruments.. Hadroh is an Islamic art that has existed since the time of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. It is said that when the Prophet migrated from Mecca to Medina, baginda nabi di sambut gembira oleh orang-orang anshor

Hadrah Activities of UKM ARTS IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Read More »

HMPSPAI Press- Friday 16 June 2023 , Islamic Religious Education Student Association (HMPS PAI) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held an upgrading event and work meeting (Raker) on the campus terrace . This working meeting aims to discuss various programs and activity agendas that will be carried out by HMPS PAI in the future. One of the important things discussed in this working meeting was upgrading or updating the HMPS PAI organization. In the event, all management presented plans to improve the quality of the organization through overhauling the organizational structure and improving the quality of human resources. It is hoped that this upgrade will make HMPS PAI more effective and efficient in carrying out its duties and functions as a student organization. Besides that, The HMPS PAI management also discussed activity programs that will be carried out in the future, like a seminar, workshop, and social activities. Enthusiastic, HMPS PAI members discuss and provide ideas or input to each other to develop these programs so that they can provide optimal benefits for students and the wider community. Burhan Always Chair of HMPS PAI said that "This working meeting is very important to ensure that the organization can run well and provide maximum contribution to study program students. Through this working meeting, we can identify various problems and challenges faced by organizations. We can also discuss solutions and strategies to overcome these problems and formulate programs that can provide benefits to students and society," ujarnya. Ibu siti Nurkayati M, Pd. as the head of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program, in his speech he explained, "HMPS must always synergize with the Islamic Education Study Program itself and please friends of HMPS to be as creative as possible to create work programs that suit student needs., always sharpen yourself to make changes in order to create something better and adapt in today's digital era, Apart from that, mutual trust,Working together collectively and throwing away egos in each field is very important for the future progress of HMPS PAI. "Because in the organizational realm, the most important thing is communication because an organization will not function withouhe saidt; ,” Ujarnya. The HMPS PAI working meeting was attended by all administrators and heads of Islamic religious education study programs and ended with the signing of the minutes of the working meeting. It is hoped that with this working meeting, HMPS PAI can progress and develop as an organization that is committed to contributing to education and students.

HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Successfully Holds Work Meeting and Ready to Contribute Really

HMPSPAI Press- Friday 16 June 2023 , Islamic Religious Education Student Association (HMPS PAI) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held an upgrading event and work meeting (Raker) on the campus terrace . This working meeting aims to discuss various programs and activity agendas that will be carried out by HMPS PAI in the future. Salah satu hal penting yang

HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Successfully Holds Work Meeting and Ready to Contribute Really Read More »


  Dema Pers- Bidikmisi and KIP Scholarship Recipient Students Study at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora,received guidance and evaluation from the leadership of the Khozinatul Ulum Al-Amin foundation . This activity aims to find out the progress of the Bidikmisi scholarship students' studies , Regency Government Scholarships and KIP Lectures, especially regarding Al-Quran Khataman Activities. This activity was held on Thursday …



HMPS PAI Pers – Tuesday (12 /06/2023), The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Religious Education Study Program student association held a Work Program Preparation Meeting which was held in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium . This activity lasts for 2 Jam. attended approx 20 administrator . This activity was held to create work programs per division and training …