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IAIKUPers- The Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute is holding a college entrance exam for new batch registrants 2 . The test was carried out on Sunday (23/06/2024) in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Auditorium. Known for new student registration (PMB) Wave II year 2024 it's been open since 27 March arrives 05 last June. PMB Committee of the Institute of Islamic Religion 2023, say, as much as 81 Prospective students have registered in both Regular and Extension classes . We feel grateful to the Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute, it is still trusted by the people of Blora Regency who come from various SMA/SMK/MA and equivalent. Even, not just Blora District , but there is Ngawen , Kunduran,Todanan, Grobogan and other areas are registered,"said the PMB committee in the entrance exam for the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus , using the Computer Based Test type (CBT). where the exam is held using an online basis with a number of questions for TPA 50, Arabic 50, English 50 question . Enthusiastic prospective students ,They are very enthusiastic about taking the exam so it is clear that these prospective students have high hopes of being accepted as new students at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus. The Chair of the New Student Admissions Committee said that registration was in waves 3 reopened i.e. date 19 June - 5 Agustus 2024. For the entrance selection test, the dAugust6 Agustus 2024. Please, prospective students, don't worry, wave registration 3 has reopened. The committee asks for registration using online registration by clicking, "said the PMB Committee. After registering, we will respond as soon as possible and tell you the next steps,"in addition. Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute, Own 3 Faculties include the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, there is Islamic Religious Education SI, SI for Early Childhood Education and SI for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education . For the faculty of Islamic business economics , there is SI Sharia Business Management, SI Sharia Economics, SI sharia banking. For the Ushuluddin faculty there are SI Hadith Sciences and SI Sciences Al-Quran and Tafsir. ” Alhamdulillah it went smoothly, and I can solve all the questions well, I hope I can be accepted at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus". Said one of the Wave Entrance Examination Test participants 2. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- The Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute is holding a college entrance exam for new batch registrants 2 . The test was carried out on Sunday (23/06/2024) in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Auditorium. Known for new student registration (PMB) Wave II year 2024 it's been open since 27 March arrives 05 last June. PMB Committee of the Institute of Islamic Religion …


IAIKUPers- More or less 60 Student at the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) semester 4 and 6 IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora carries out Field Work Lectures (KKL) and a visit to the KP BEI JATENG I office. This activity takes place on Thursday, 20 June 2024. with the theme "Increasing Financial Literacy and Investment Opportunities for Gen Z". Field Work lecture program ( KKL) This is a mandatory activity for IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students, Especially students from the Faculty of Economics and Islamic BusiFEBI ( FEBI) which was held at IDX Semarang, With this activity, students must be able to play an active role and have the ability to apply the theory that has been obtained in the learning class and the experience gained at this KKL location., so that students can compare these two components in their next experience. More on that, in Field Work Lecture activities ( KKL) This event is also packed with seminars. On this occasion Fanny Rifqi El Fuad, M.Si., as head of KP BEI JATENG 1 emphasize, "as part of the Indonesian Nation, We must always strengthen literacy regarding investment in the capital market, especially for the younger generation, GEN Z, who must be aware of the world of investment," Said Fanny. Agus Susanto Lc, M.Ag, as Dean of FEBI IAIKU Blora in his presentation touched on the capital market context in the study of Fiqh. Meanwhile, Vice Chancellor VI, Dr. KH. Nour Ihsan Saleh, Lc., MA. add, "We must learn and be literate about investing in the capital market in order to plan our dreams for the future," Strictly speaking. On the same occasion Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I hopes, "This activity does not just stop here but there must be follow-up." he concluded. Through a post-seminar discussion in front of the Head of Sharia Economics Study Program (ES), Head of Sharia Banking Study Program (PS) and Secretary of ES Study Program, Mr. Fanny again emphasized the sustainability of today's activities and he hopes that FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora will be able to make this happen., " Even IDX Semarang is ready to be present at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus and also with open arms welcomes friends from IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora to come to the follow-up activities of the Field Work Lecture (KKL) This," MPAexplained. Reporter: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni Editor: M. Zainal Abidin


IAIKUPers- More or less 60 Student at the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) semester 4 and 6 IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora carries out Field Work Lectures (MPA) and a visit to the KP BEI JATENG I office. This activity takes place on Thursday, 20 June 2024. with a theme “Increased Financial Literacy and Investment Opportunities for Gen Z”. Work study program …


IAIKUPers- Saturday (22 June 2024) Student Senate Aspiration and Advocacy Sector (Sema) Commission C headed by Ahmad Fathoni Mahmud, carry out activities to absorb student aspirations with the Student Activity Unit (SMEs) in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. Mentioned, that UKM IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora consists of UKM Khoznaya Albana, UKM Badminton, UKM Futsal, UKM Paduan Suara (Soles), UKM Khiznaya Music. From the interests and talents of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students. "The background to this activity of absorbing student aspirations is wanting to know from UKM friends themselves and Ormawa in general what obstacles there are and their background." Fathoni said, his call. Nevertheless, Student Senate represented by Commission C, would like to express many thanks to all SMEs who have taken the time to participate in this activity. According to him, This aspiration absorption activity is very helpful for UKM friends. Which incidentally consists of regular and extension students. "Because after the inauguration until now, fellow students want to develop their interests and talents but are constrained by many things, especially facilities and costs. Also the desire to advance our beloved campus" he said. Explained, The activity which was held in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus Hall consisted of BPH Sema, Futsal UKM CChoir UKMlbana, Badminton UKM, UKM Futsal, UKM Paduan Suara, and UKM Khiznaya Music. Run orderly and smoothly. Sema has prepared Google from and absorbs aspirations for fellow students in particular and Ormawa in general, namely UKM, HMPS, When, and bodies contained in the Ormawa Law. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Senate Commission C Holds SERASI WEEK Forum (Absorb Aspiration) with the Student Activities Unit (SMEs)

IAIKUPers- Saturday (22 June 2024) Student Senate Aspiration and Advocacy Sector (Sema) Commission C headed by Ahmad Fathoni Mahmud, carry out activities to absorb student aspirations with the Student Activity Unit (SMEs) in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. Mentioned, that UKM IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora consists of UKM Khoznaya Albana, UKM Badminton, Futsal UKM, Choir UKM …

IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Senate Commission C Holds SERASI WEEK Forum (Absorb Aspiration) with the Student Activities Unit (SMEs) Read More »

IAIKuPers- Tuesday (18 June 2024) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora celebrates Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijriyah by carrying out the slaughter of sacrificial animals in the Campus Yard. This year IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora cut 1 cow's tail and 1 goat's tail. The procession of cutting the sacrificial meat was carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training,Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. assisted by the Blora Butcher Professional Team. witnessed directly by the Vice Chancellor I,Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I,Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III and Academic Community of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora who attended. After the meat cutting process is complete, sacrificial meat is packaged in plastic, then distributed to the Academic Community present and local communities who need it. This step is a form of our social concern and sensitivity towards others,"said one of the students when distributing meat". Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora,Celebrate Eid al-Adha 1445 H. with Sacrificial Cutting

IAIKuPers- Tuesday (18 June 2024) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora celebrates Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijriyah by carrying out the slaughter of sacrificial animals in the Campus Yard. This year IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora cut 1 cow's tail and 1 goat's tail. The sacrificial animal slaughtering procession was carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. assisted by …

IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora,Celebrate Eid al-Adha 1445 H. with Sacrificial Cutting Read More »

IAIKUPers-Sunday (16 June 2024) Closing of the Basic Level Advanced Scout Coaching Course was held (KMD) Faculty of Education and Teaching IAI Khozinatul Ulum at Bumi Perkemahan,Nglangitan Village, Tunjungan District , Blora Regency. In his speech, Deputy Chancellor III,Brother Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd congratulated the best participants and at the same time provided tips for mentoring success for this year's KMD hatchling participants. " I congratulate all the participants who have completed all the networks from KMD . However, "That is not a measure of the success of coaching in the next group, but it is the sincerity and tenacity of the brothers and sisters that will be the main key in achieving success as coaches in the future." Sis Slamet Pamuji, S,HUM as KAKWARCAB Blora in his message said "as the course leader reports that the KMD activities were carried out based on studies carried out by Pusdiklatcab to increase the number of coaches with advanced qualifications within the Blora Branch Kwartir. This course is expected to be a solution to the disproportionality between the quantity of students and instructors. "One of the obstacles to the development of scouting within the Maros Kwarcab is that the ratio of the number of coaches to students is not yet ideal.. So therefore, several effective steps need to be implemented to produce quality coaches." explained "We hope, after all of you have completed the KMD process, "Brothers and sisters are all able to develop and shape the character of students through scouting education in Blora Regency," concluded. Series of Closing Events fKMDBasic Level Advanced Courses (KMD) closed by marking the removal of the Participant's cockade ,Symbolic handover of the Certificate of Development Rights represented by Sis Yusron and Sis Izza,which was released dSrectly by Kak Slamet Pamuji, S,HUM as KAKWARCAB BLORA accompanied by Sis Suyono as coach. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers-Sunday (16 June 2024) Closing of the Basic Level Advanced Scout Coaching Course was held (KMD) Faculty of Education and Teaching IAI Khozinatul Ulum at Bumi Perkemahan,Nglangitan Village, Tunjungan District , Blora Regency. In his speech, Kak Sutarno congratulated the best participants as well as providing tips for mentoring success for this year's KMD hatchling participants. ” I congratulate you …


IAIKUPers- One agenda that touched the hearts of the Basic Level Advanced Course participants (KMD) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora year 2024 is the Reflection of the Soul. The lights in the campground room were turned off. The lighting is replaced by a candle flame in front of the participants who sit in a circle, on Saturday night At 00.00. A string of words full of meaning, reflections of the soul that are shared, read and absorb. Starting with words from Kak Tarno, looks broken, cried the KMD IAI Khozinatul Ulum Tahun participants 2024 , Participants seemed to absorb every word, touches the soul, Everyone can't stop the water in their eyes. In this reflection, participants are reminded of the conditions during this training, Are you able to become a Scout Trainer?. All participants absorbed it word for word, It is hoped that sentence by sentence this soul reflection can prepare you as a person who is truly a trainer who is not only skilled in the material., but also strengthens his soul to be devoted. This serene atmosphere means that the participants will always remember it, reflect on yourself, and contemplate, how worthy and able to be a true coach in Scouting. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

Reflection of the Soul, KMD Participants Absorb Meaningful Words

IAIKUPers- One agenda that touched the hearts of the Basic Level Advanced Course participants (KMD) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora year 2024 is the Reflection of the Soul. The lights in the campground room were turned off. The lighting is replaced by a candle flame in front of the participants who sit in a circle, on Saturday night At 00.00. A string of words full of meaning, reflections of the soul that are shared, read and absorb. …

Reflection of the Soul, KMD Participants Absorb Meaningful Words Read More »

IAIKUPers- The excitement of the Basic Level Advanced Course members (KMD) in presenting art performances at camping events . This art performance takes place on the last day, precisely on Saturday,15 June 2024 at the campground. From dozens of participants who were divided 10 The team took part in this activity and they certainly displayed various kinds of performance art. One of them is barong art, Chain poetry, Drama,Dance,and Acoustics. displayed by the Alert group Course participants, Penggalang and Pandega. They have certainly given their maximum performance. Participants during the arts performance activities performed enthusiastically and the audience was busy and hysterical, giving applause and encouragement to each participant who appeared.. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- The excitement of the Basic Level Advanced Course members (KMD) in presenting art performances at camping events . This art performance takes place on the last day, precisely on Saturday,15 June 2024 at the campground. From dozens of participants who were divided 10 The team took part in this activity and they certainly displayed various kinds of performance art. One of them is barong art, …


IAIKUPers - Saturday night (15 June 2024 ) is a campfire night from a series of activities for the Basic Level Advanced Scout Leader Course (KMD) at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus. Before the campfire is lit, the participants in charge of lighting the fire, recite the Dasa Darma Pramuka in sequence. The bonfire was lit at around 11:00 p.m 20.00 Wib. in the camping ground,Langitan Village, Tunjungan sub-district, Blora district. The meaning of the campfire according to Sutarno, one of the organizers of this activity, “A bonfire is a light, so that participants know the meaning of scouts needing dedication and also as a medium to show creativity,he said. "Act of burning fire, our spirit cannot fade. We must always be enthusiastic in facing various problems." he closed. The enthusiasm of the Basic Level Advanced course participants KMDD) during the bonfire ceremony. All participants form a figure or circle and solemnly take part in the Bonfire procession ceremony.. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

Campfire Procession in Scouting Basic Level Advanced Course Series

IAIKUPers – Saturday night (15 June 2024 ) is a campfire night from a series of activities for the Basic Level Advanced Scout Leader Course (KMD) at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus. Before the campfire is lit, the participants in charge of lighting the fire, recite the Dasa Darma Pramuka in sequence. The bonfire was lit at around 11:00 p.m 20.00 Wib. in the camping ground,Village …

Campfire Procession in Scouting Basic Level Advanced Course Series Read More »

IAIKuPers- Saturday (15 June 2024) Participants in the Advanced Scout Basic Level Course for the alert group carry out the Standby Stage practice in the Langitan Village field ,Tunjungan District,Blora. Before the practice began, Ms. Suyatno, as the Siaga Group course assistant, gave directions to the course participants. "The Siaga coach is the main role model from which a Siaga person looks, imitate, and adopt scouting values ​​and skills. Alert skills need to be presented in attractive packaging so that they foster excitement," he said. After explaining the material about Alert Scout Skills, KMD participants immediately went out into the field to carry out standby practical training with a supervisor who explained the technicalities of the training that would be carried out. The supervisor divides several posts for the participants, from the post 1-4 At each post there will be a game that lasts for 15-20 minute. In the first post ( garden of piety) invites the participants to be alert to memorize several prayer readings. In the second post ( Patriotism Park) the standby participants were tested for Baris - line up, starting from right facing left facing,turn right turn left and walk in place. In the third post ( garden of sensory intelligence) alerts were asked to arrange the Pancasila symbols in the correct order. At the fourth post ( playground ) invites the standby to play ball. So each group member must put the ball into the bucket by throwing it. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKuPers- Saturday (15 June 2024) Participants in the Advanced Scout Basic Level Course for the alert group carry out the Standby Stage practice in the Langitan Village field ,Tunjungan District,Blora. Before the practice began, Ms. Suyatno, as the Siaga Group course assistant, gave directions to the course participants. “The Siaga coach is the main role model from which a Siaga looks, imitate, and adopt values ​​and skills …


IAIKuPers- Basic Advanced Course (KMD) organized by Kwartir Branch (Kwarcab) Blora has entered its fifth day, Jum'at (14/06/2024). This activity is carried out on the Golf Course , Kunden Village, Blora Regency. On this occasion, KMD participants were prepared to become scout leaders. They are equipped with a variety of course materials, including understanding and appreciating the basic statutes and bylaws of the scout movement, Scouting principles and methods, among system, honor system, practice how to train skills, and the formation of students' character in accordance with their physical and psychological development. It is hoped that this KMD can produce quality scout leaders, meet certain qualifications, strong front group builder, educational character, and can be a role model,"said Kak Sutarno when giving an introduction to the participants before carrying out the practice of becoming a coach. Further,Sutarno explained that it was hoped that the participant's assessment in carrying out the practice of developing scouts would be more in-depth,The basic principles of scouting are more internalized, including the development pattern of scout movement units, how to build in the front group, processes and activities that take place in a happy and enjoyable scout spirit and family. In accordance with the assessment aspects of coaching practice, among others: ability to open coaching material, quality of building plans (RM), the attraction of “ice breaking”, method, group management, smooth communication, use of media. “As well as appearance and neatness, the ability to provide reflection at the end of coaching and the ability to close coaching material," he concluded." The coaching practice is carried out by 87 participants divided above 12 group. They were given their own time 10 minute. And witnessed directly by the coaches. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

KMD IAI Khozinatul Ulum Participants Practice Building Scouts

IAIKuPers- Basic Advanced Course (KMD) organized by Kwartir Branch (Kwarcab) Blora has entered its fifth day, Jum’at (14/06/2024). This activity is carried out on the Golf Course , Kunden Village, Blora Regency. On this occasion, KMD participants were prepared to become scout leaders. They are equipped with a variety of course materials, including understanding and appreciating the basic budget and household budget …

KMD IAI Khozinatul Ulum Participants Practice Building Scouts Read More »