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DemaPers- Monday (30 October 2023) - IAI leadership Khozinatul Ulum Blora held an internal meeting in the leadership room, which was attended by the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Dean, Head of Study Program and Secretary of Study Program. It is known that this meeting discussed the presentation of the Faculty Strategic Plan and activity plans and Annual Budget ( RKAT) study program within the Ushuluddin Faculty ( FU) and the Faculty of Islamic Business Economics ( FEBI) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. as Deputy Chancellor III said " This meeting takes place starting at 13.00 - 17.00 with the aim of knowing and evaluating programs in each Faculty and Study Program. The enthusiastic presentation delivered by the Dean and Study Program immediately received feedback and evaluation from the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor " Said Vice Chancellor III. "With this meeting, it is hoped that all programs presented by the Dean and Head of Study Program can be implemented well. This aims to make the program- The planned program is able to improve the quality of education in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora environment. Besides that, budget required for the Program - the programs planned for the next year are clearer. " Hope. " Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers- Monday (30 October 2023) - IAI leadership Khozinatul Ulum Blora held an internal meeting in the leadership room, which was attended by the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Dean, Head of Study Program and Secretary of Study Program. It is known that this meeting discussed the presentation of the Faculty Strategic Plan and activity plans and Annual Budget ( RKAT) study program within the Ushuluddin Faculty ( FU) and the Faculty of Islamic Business Economics ( FEBI) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. as Deputy Chancellor III said " This meeting takes place starting at 13.00 - 17.00 with the aim of knowing and evaluating programs in each Faculty and Study Program. The enthusiastic presentation delivered by the Dean and Study Program immediately received feedback and evaluation from the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor " Said Vice Chancellor III. "With this meeting, it is hoped that all programs presented by the Dean and Head of Study Program can be implemented well. This aims to make the program- The planned program is able to improve the quality of education in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora environment. Besides that, budget required for the Program - the programs planned for the next year are clearer. " Hope. " Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

DemaPers- Monday (30 October 2023) – IAI leadership Khozinatul Ulum Blora held an internal meeting in the leadership room, which was attended by the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Dean, Head of Study Program and Secretary of Study Program.

It is known that this meeting discussed the presentation of the Faculty Strategic Plan and activity plans and Annual Budget ( RKAT) study program within the Ushuluddin Faculty ( FU) and the Faculty of Islamic Business Economics ( FEBI) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. as Deputy Chancellor III said ” This meeting takes place starting at 13.00 – 17.00 with the aim of knowing and evaluating programs in each Faculty and Study Program.

Antusias pemaparan yang disampaikan oleh Dekan dan Kaprodi langsung mendapat Feadback dan evaluasi dari Rektor dan Wakil Rektor ” Said Vice Chancellor III.

Dengan Adanya Rapat ini diharapkan semua program yang disampaikan oleh Dekan dan kaprodi dapat terlaksana dengan baik. This aims to make the program- The planned program is able to improve the quality of education in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora environment.

Besides that, budget required for the Program – the programs planned for the next year are clearer. ” Hope. ”


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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