IAIKUPers-Tuesday (10 September 2024) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business held a General Stadium by presenting Dr.Abdul Qoyum,S.E.I., M.Sc.Fi and Abdullah Khoirrurra Fifil Umam,M.M in the Auditorium with a theme” Digital Industry: Opportunities and Challenges for MSMEs in Marketing Strategy and Consumer Reach.”
The aim of holding this Stadium General activity is to open new insights about how MSMEs can remain resilient and develop amidst rapid change.
The General Stadium involves several levels of the Rectorate,Dean,Head of Study Program,Lecturer , Students and several students from high schools throughout Blora Regency.
In this General Stadium, Resource person Dr. Abdul Qoyum,S.E.I.,M.Sc.Fi , Explaining the Indonesian Economy, Digital Finance and MSMEs. The material presented covers the condition of Indonesia on its way to becoming a developed country 2045, Economic Growth in Indonesia,Poverty problems and financial technology such as online loan applications.
Meanwhile, resource person Abdullah Khoirrurra Fifil Umam,M.M explained the Opportunities and Challenges for MSMEs in Digital Marketing. The material presented included an Introduction to MSMEs, Market growth, Limited Human Resources, High competition , Financing and finance, The strength of MSMEs.
Participants were also invited to discuss and ask questions about the challenges they face in marketing and using technology.
This seminar received a positive response and extraordinary support from the Chancellor,Vice Chancellor,IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Lecturers and Students.
” I really appreciate this seminar activity, This activity is very helpful for students of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business in general and IAI Khozinatul Ulum students in particular, Hopefully students can emphasize the important role of technology in developing MSMEs to support economic independence in their respective places of residence.”Said Kh.Ahmad Zaky Fuad.S.Th.I ,M.Ag.,Rector IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.
The enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the participants was clearly visible when the activity was carried out with the two resource persons.
With this seminar, It is hoped that it can have a positive impact on the development of MSMEs, especially in the city of Blora and of course can encourage local economic growth.
Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni