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STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Students Carry Out KKN in 4 Jepon District Village

BLORA – Islamic College (STAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora again sent its students to carry out Real Work Lectures (KKN). Where this time the KKN will target four villages in Jepon District, namely Soko Village, Waru Village, Bacem Village and Jatirejo Village.
Before parachuting to the location, Wednesday morning (6/2/2019), All students who will be KKN will be received and given guidance by the Blora Regency Government in the Regional Secretariat meeting room. The briefing was delivered by Deputy Regent H. Arief Rohman, M.Si, representing Regent Djoko Nugroho, accompanied by the Head of Bappeda, And. Samsul Arief.
Meanwhile the group of students was led directly by the Chair of STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Dr. KH. Nour Ihsan, Lc, The Supreme Court reported that the number of students going to KKN was as high as 70 personnel. "This is the IXth KKN program that we are implementing with the theme of Eradicating Arabic Illiteracy and Alleviating Regional Poverty and Stunting. The knowledge they gain during college, applied to society. The plan is implemented from now on 7 February to 19 March 2019," he explained.
The Deputy Regent also welcomed this KKN activity positively and hoped that students could play a role in community-based rural development efforts and village potential. “We want these students to take part in the development process in rural areas, especially human resource development in accordance with the KKN theme, namely eradicating Arabic illiteracy, education about public health to reduce stunting rates and economic development to reduce poverty," said the Deputy Regent. “Help us to map the potential of villages that can be developed economically. If there are uninhabitable houses in the KKN target villages, Later a home renovation program can be carried out, collaboration with Baznas Blora Regency. We pray that the KKN for STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students will run smoothly, and got all A grades from the lecturer, Amen,” continued the Deputy Regent.
After giving directions, The Deputy Regent and Head of Bappeda symbolically put KKN jackets on student representatives. The event closed with a group photo on the front lawn of the Regent's Office, and continued parachuting into the field.

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