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IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Tarbiyah Faculty Students Win Third Place in Poetry Creation and Best Predicate 10 in Cipta Quotes.

Dema Pers – Student at the Tarbiyah Faculty of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni succeeded in winning third place in the national level poetry event with the theme Freedom organized by N.I.D Publishers and was crowned as 10 The best quote creation event with a free theme organized by our Wattpad world. Yusron mengatakan bahwa keterlibatannya dalam lomba ini karena tema

IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Tarbiyah Faculty Students Win Third Place in Poetry Creation and Best Predicate 10 in Cipta Quotes. Read More »

Press Dema - Student of the Tarbiyah Faculty of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni succeeded in winning third place in the national level poetry event with the theme Freedom organized by N.I.D Publishers and was crowned as 10 The best quote creation event with a free theme organized by our Wattpad world. Yusron said that his involvement in this competition was because the main theme raised in this event was the content of the anxiety he was experiencing.. Yusron expressed his pride in the success he achieved because he was able to compete with writers from various corners of Indonesia. When the winner was announced, I was in 2nd place 3 from the poetry creation event and 10 The best thing in the event quotes is the title of the work and my name, It is an honor to be able to make my campus and hometown proud,it competes with writers out there. Even though I was defeated by a writer from another city and I took the 1st place 3 and 10 Big. But I am very grateful because I am still given the opportunity to make me proud and bring the name of my campus and hometown to the national competition,” he said. This Tarbiyah Faculty student hopes that in the future he can achieve even more achievements, because according to him he has gained a lot of experience by participating in various competitions. "The valuable experience from this competition is that I was taught to be confident in writing work every day, able to get out of the pressure during competition from hundreds of participants, and learn to compose words or sentences that do not confuse the reader".

IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Tarbiyah Faculty Students Win Third Place in Poetry Creation and Best Predicate 10 in Cipta Quotes.

  Dema Press- Student at the Tarbiyah Faculty of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni succeeded in winning third place in the national level poetry event with the theme Freedom organized by N.I.D Publishers and was crowned as 10 The best quote creation event with a free theme organized by our Wattpad world. Yusron mengatakan bahwa keterlibatannya dalam lomba ini karena tema

IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Tarbiyah Faculty Students Win Third Place in Poetry Creation and Best Predicate 10 in Cipta Quotes. Read More »