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Dema pers- Thursday, 8 June 2023 The Student Executive Council, through the Education and Student Resources Division, held UKM outreach ( Student activity units) in Regular lecture classes. The aim of holding this SME outreach is to improve, accommodate and realize students' creative and innovative ideas. In management under DEMA IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora,Tasila and Lista will again provide a forum for developing students' interests and talents in academic and non-academic fields. Because many IAI Khozinatul Ulum students have talent but it is still not fully channeled. As we all know, since years 2022 there is a UKM which is a forum for IAI Khozinatul Ulum students in sports such as Futsal or Badminton , However, because the container is unable to expand and finally the vacuum can be said to be in suspended animation, This is what drives me as the administrator of the Dema HR Division (Human Resources) and Education to innovate in preparing a place for all students in developing talent interests in the religious field through English speech,Arab , Indonesian , Qori and Hadroh,while in the sports sector through Futsal and badminton activities. In its development, it can be done through competitive competitions, both internally and externally on campus. Said one of the Education Division.

Dema pers- Thursday, 8 June 2023 The Student Executive Council, through the Education and Student Resources Division, held UKM outreach ( Student activity units) in Regular lecture classes.

The aim of holding this SME outreach is to improve, accommodate and realize students' creative and innovative ideas.


In management under DEMA IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora,Tasila and Lista will again provide a forum for developing students' interests and talents in academic and non-academic fields. Because many IAI Khozinatul Ulum students have talent but it is still not fully channeled.

As we all know, since years 2022 there is a UKM which is a forum for IAI Khozinatul Ulum students in sports such as Futsal or Badminton , However, because the container is unable to expand and finally the vacuum can be said to be in suspended animation, This is what drives me as the administrator of the Dema HR Division (Human Resources) and Education to innovate in preparing a place for all students in developing talent interests in the religious field through English speech,Arab , Indonesian , Qori and Hadroh,while in the sports sector through Futsal and badminton activities. In its development, it can be done through competitive competitions, both internally and externally on campus. Said one of the Education Division.




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