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Dema pers - Sunday 11 June 2023 A Work Meeting and Inauguration of the HMPS PAI Management has been held (Islamic religious education) and HMPS PGMI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute Period 2023-2024 which starts at 1:00 p.m 08.30 WIB until 11.40 WIB at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall.   
   This appointment was attended by , Vice Chancellor I, Deputy Chancellor III,, Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty,Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty,Kaprodi PAI, PGMI and its staff, representative of the Lecturer, HMPS PIAUD, ILHA  ,IAT, MBS,ES and representatives from students from all study programs at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. 
    This activity began with the opening of the event led by Sahabat'i Dziya Nabila as MC. The recitation of the holy verses of the Al-Quran was continued by Mohammad Zainal Abidin's friend. 
    as well as singing the national anthem of Indonesia Raya and Mars IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora led by friends Ainur Rohmah
   This appointment was led directly by Ibu Siti Nurkayati, M. Pd. As deputy head of the Islamic Religious Education study program and armiya Nur Lailatul Izza ,M.pd as deputy head of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education study program to read the decision letter and recite the oath of office which was attended by the board of HMPS PAI and PGMI for the period 2023-2024.
    In his speech, Burhan as Chair of HMPS PAI said that HMPS PAI and PGMI would not run without synergy and solidity, Therefore, cooperation is needed in the hope of being able to carry out the responsibilities of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. 
    In his speech, friend Arief, as HMPS PAI deputation officer, said he congratulated the elected HMPS management and apologized if there were shortcomings and mistakes in both words and actions that had hurt my friend's feelings when I served as chairman of HMPS PAI for the 2022-2023 period. He also gave a message. "As an organization within the scope of PAI, HMPS must be a home for PAI students," Therefore, he explained, HMPS PAI must accommodate all the interests and skills of PAI students. This must be carried out seriously by all management during one period.
   He says, HMPS PAI management to remain united even though there are many differences within it. Admitted or not, he continued, even though the management consists of different extra organizational flag elements, he added.
    Hope from the chairman of HMPS PGMI  ,TIA DWI hopes that in the future the Management of HMPS PAI and HMPS PGMI IAI Khozinatul Ulum BLORA will further develop, increasingly solid, synergize and avoid misunderstandings. "You can have different opinions, but don't go the other way",he said
 It is known that this activity aims to improve the quality and abilities of fellow administrators in carrying out management over the next year. I hope for positive cooperation from all fellow administrators to further develop HMPS PGMI in the future and become a respected association both inside and outside the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus. additionally. 
   In her speech, Siti Choirun Nisa, as the demisioner of HMPS PGMI, said, PGMI students are special students because they are designed to be class teachers, and not just teachers of certain subjects.
   Related to the inauguration of the HMPS PGMI Management, He asked the administrators to carry out their duties and responsibilities as fully as possible. “This is a trust, and if you are still thinking about what actual daily duties and responsibilities the management must carry out, then immediately consult a senior colleague, to the Head of Study Program, deputy deans and other PGMI lecturers,” holds . He asked the managers not to hesitate in carrying out this trust, because all parties at HMPS and the PGMI Study Program will support and guide.
  All of you PGMI residents must provide full assistance to the chairman and administrators, and if you encounter problems, Don't blame each other but immediately coordinate to find a solution,” pungkasnya.

Mr. Arim Irsyad Albin Jaya, M.Pd as Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty of the Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute said that administrators are required to organize with a full sense of responsibility,” he said. According to him, there are two important things that administrators must have to carry out their mandate in HMPS. “Managers must have integrity, a sense of responsibility towards the organization so that every activity carried out will be carried out well,he added. Apart from that, he continued, Management must also act professionally and be committed to building and advancing PAI and PGMI study programs. Apart from being a good start, The dean explained that HMPS can help students improve their competencies internally and externally. Before closing his remarks, The dean hopes that all PAI and PGMI study program students will have a sense of belonging to the place where they study. "Students of the PAI and PGMI study programs must feel part of this study program so that the progress of the study program is a shared responsibility, Students also help to socialize the study program in the communities aro” he concludedey live,” tutupnya.

     in his speech Mr. Ahmad Syaifulloh , M.Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora gave a message to the HMPS PAI and PGMI Management Period 2023/2024 always synergize with the Faculty Dean and Head of Study Program when carrying out activities, from correspondence to the time of implementation.
  He congratulated all managers of HMPS PAI and PGMI period 2023/2024 newly appointed. Hopefully during the service period everything can work as well as possible. 
   And he also thanked the managers of HMPS PAI and PGMI period 2022/2023 for the service that has been carried out so far 1 last year. May Allah record his devotional deeds as one of the good deeds.
Hit it right 11.50 The inauguration of HMPS PAI and HMPS PGMI was completed and closed with a kafaratul majlis prayer led by Mr. Ahmad SyaifulMRiPdl , M. Pd.

Sunday 11 June 2023 A Work Meeting and Inauguration of the HMPS PAI Management has been held (Islamic religious education) and HMPS PGMI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute Period 2023-2024 which starts at 1:00 p.m 08.30 WIB until 11.40 WIB at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall.


This appointment was attended by , Vice Chancellor I, Deputy Chancellor III,, Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty,Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty,Kaprodi PAI, PGMI and its staff, representative of the Lecturer, HMPS PIAUD, ILHA ,IAT, MBS,ES and representatives from students from all study programs at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

This activity began with the opening of the event led by Sahabat'i Dziya Nabila as MC. The recitation of the holy verses of the Al-Quran was continued by Mohammad Zainal Abidin's friend.

as well as singing the national anthem of Indonesia Raya and Mars IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora led by friend Ainur Rohmah

This inauguration was led directly by Mrs. Siti Nurkayati, M. Pd. As deputy head of the Islamic Religious Education study program and armiya Nur Lailatul Izza ,M.pd as deputy head of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education study program to read the decision letter and recite the oath of office which was attended by the board of HMPS PAI and PGMI for the period 2023-2024.

In his speech, Burhan as Chair of HMPS PAI said that HMPS PAI and PGMI would not run without synergy and solidity, Therefore, cooperation is needed in the hope of being able to carry out the responsibilities of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

In his speech, friend Arief, as HMPS PAI deputation officer, said he congratulated the elected HMPS management and apologized if there were shortcomings and mistakes in both words and actions that had hurt my friend's feelings when I served as chairman of HMPS PAI for the 2022-2023 period. He also gave a message. “As an organization within the scope of PAI, HMPS must be a home for PAI students," Therefore, he explained, HMPS PAI must accommodate all the interests and skills of PAI students. This must be carried out seriously by all management during one period.

He says, HMPS PAI management to remain united even though there are many differences within it. Admitted or not, he continued, even though the management consists of different extra organizational flag elements, he added.

Hope from the chairman of HMPS PGMI ,TIA DWI hopes that in the future the Management of HMPS PAI and HMPS PGMI IAI Khozinatul Ulum BLORA will further develop, increasingly solid, synergize and avoid misunderstandings. "You can have different opinions, but don't go the other way",he said

It is known that this activity aims to improve the quality and abilities of fellow administrators in carrying out management over the next year. I hope for positive cooperation from all fellow administrators to further develop HMPS PGMI in the future and become a respected association both inside and outside the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus. additionally.

In her speech, Siti Choirun Nisa, as the demisioner of HMPS PGMI, said, PGMI students are special students because they are designed to be class teachers, and not just teachers of certain subjects.

Related to the inauguration of the HMPS PGMI Management, He asked the administrators to carry out their duties and responsibilities as fully as possible. “This is a trust, and if you are still thinking about what actual daily duties and responsibilities the management must carry out, then immediately consult a senior colleague, to the Head of Study Program, deputy deans and other PGMI lecturers,” holds . He asked the managers not to hesitate in carrying out this trust, because all parties at HMPS and the PGMI Study Program will support and guide.

All of you PGMI residents must provide full assistance to the chairman and administrators, and if you encounter problems, Don't blame each other but immediately coordinate to find a solution,” he concluded.


Mr. Arim Irsyad Albin Jaya, M.Pd as Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty of the Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute said that administrators are required to organize with a full sense of responsibility,” he said. According to him, there are two important things that administrators must have to carry out their mandate in HMPS. “Managers must have integrity, a sense of responsibility towards the organization so that every activity carried out will be carried out well,he added. Apart from that, he continued, Management must also act professionally and be committed to building and advancing PAI and PGMI study programs. Apart from being a good start, The dean explained that HMPS can help students improve their competencies internally and externally. Before closing his remarks, The dean hopes that all PAI and PGMI study program students will have a sense of belonging to the place where they study. "Students of the PAI and PGMI study programs must feel part of this study program so that the progress of the study program is a shared responsibility, Students also help to socialize the study program in the communities around where they live,” he concluded.


in his speech Mr. Ahmad Syaifulloh , M.Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora gave a message to the HMPS PAI and PGMI Management Period 2023/2024 always synergize with the Faculty Dean and Head of Study Program when carrying out activities, from correspondence to the time of implementation.

He congratulated all managers of HMPS PAI and PGMI period 2023/2024 newly appointed. Hopefully during the service period everything can work as well as possible.

And he also thanked the managers of HMPS PAI and PGMI period 2022/2023 for the service that has been carried out so far 1 last year. May Allah record his devotional deeds as one of the good deeds.

Hit it right 11.50 The inauguration of HMPS PAI and HMPS PGMI was completed and closed with a kafaratul majlis prayer led by Mr. Ahmad Syaiful Rizal , M. Pd.


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