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In Doplang, Jati District, STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Explains the Assisted Village Program – As one of the Partners in the Implementation of the One Regional Apparatus One Village/Supported Subdistrict Program, Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic College continues its program socialization agenda in assisted villages/districts together with accompanying regional apparatus. last Friday (26/11/2021) STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora together with the Blora Regency DPRD Secretariat held a presentation in the Doplang Village Hall, Jati District, which was attended by the Head of Jati Subdistrict, A potter, The Head of Doplang Village along with his village officials and community leaders in Doplang Village.

Present from STAI Khozinatul Ulum, M. Zainal Abidin, as for the Blora Regency DPRD Secretariat, Chess Pambudi Amperawan (Secretary) and team.

"In today's activities (DTKS Village Musdes), I will convey an overview of the program 1 PD 1 DD, apart from the targets to be achieved, also the steps and stages that must be carried out, not only by Doplang Village, This will also be carried out by the Blora Regency DPRD Secretariat and Kami (STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora)," Said M. Zainal Abidin, STAI lecturer Khozinatul Ulum Blora when confirmed by the Editorial Team.

he continued, "The participants who attended were committed to carrying out and making this program a success for the sake of Doplang Village getting out of the red village data, so that the teams that have been formed and they have divided the tasks are ready to update the DTKS, as that is the target of the assistance program, one of them,”. (mza)


Editor : Muhammad Zainal Abidin




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