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Closing of Coaching Clinic IAIKU Scientific Articles: One of the Lecturers Successfully Submitted to a Scopus Indexed International Journal

IAIKU Press – Blora, 23 January 2023. Scopus standard Scientific Article Writing Training Event & WoS by LPPM IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is complete.

Chairman of LPPM, Ltd Zaimul Asroor, S.Th.I, M.A. expressed his gratitude for the success of this Coaching Clinic event. According to him, this is because from the first meeting to the fifth, Lecturers can still follow directions and carry out assignments from speakers well.

It says, “Starting a tradition of writing in a friendly environment “not yet formed” is not an easy job. But Alhamdulillah, there is a new awareness after this training, the culture of academic writing on campus is starting to ignite, even though it's not yet clear. Minimal, we have started first.”

Zaimul Asroor also expressed his thanks to Mr. IAI Chancellor Khozinatil Ulum, KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad, S.Th.I, M. Ag. because they have fully supported this LPPM event in order to improve the human development of IAI Khozinatul Ulum lecturers.

“Thank you also to Mr. Dr. Abdul Mufid, Lc, M.Sc. for his knowledge. It is still rare for private campus lecturers to have adequate scientific writing skills. For, This training is LPPM's responsibility to maintain and improve human resources on the IAIKU campus.”

It adds, “Writing scientifically is difficult. But it will be easier if guided by the right person. Scientific writing is difficult and takes time. But, Scientific writing is one way to answer several problems faced in society. Not just an assumption, but with a good and objective methodology.”

In between marketing at the last Coaching Clinic meeting, Dr. Abdul Mufid also expressed his pride in the lecturers who were able to consistently follow their assignments.

“There were four participants who successfully completed their scientific articles. And there is one article that is ready to be submitted to the most beautiful journal Scopus. Others are expected to be completed soon. I'm ready to accompany you,i” he said.

KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad also conveyed his messages and hopes after this plenary event. “We hope, After this event, lecturers at IAIKU became even more enthusiastic about conducting research. So that we can provide research assistance that can increase enthusiasm for you. Of, Indeed, that is part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. So that these three are not forgotten.”

Besides that, He also advised the chairman of LPPM so that the journals at IAIKU could be better and be activated again.

Writer: Muhammad Amirul Huda


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