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Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School Technical Meeting Meeting at SMK N 1 Japan

IAkuipers-Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a Technical Meeting meeting to prepare for the Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School Partnership activities which will be held at SMK N 1 Japan. The meeting that took place today, Wednesday, 5 March 2025, attended by representatives from the Fitk IAKUKI Blora and SMK N 1 Japan.


This Ramadan Islamic Boarding School activity involves 11 Student from Fitk IAKU Blora, who will fill 22 Class at SMK N 1 Japan. The event is scheduled to take place starting Monday, 10 March 2025 until Friday, 14 March 2025. This meeting aims to discuss the division of tasks, Teaching material preparation, and technical implementation, so that activities can run smoothly and provide maximum benefits for students.


"The Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School is an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge they have learned, and sharing religious knowledge and values ​​to students in SMK N 1 Japan,"Said Arim Irsyadulloh, M.Pd., Dean of Fitk IAIKU BLORA. "We hope that this activity will not only strengthen the relationship between Fitk IAKU Blora and SMK N 1 Japan, but also has a positive impact in fostering student character, Especially in the holy month of Ramadan,he added.


M. Taufiq, as the person in charge of the Ramadan Islamic Boarding School activities 2025/1446 H and PAI teacher at SMK n 1 Japan, Hoping this activity can be an effective means to increase religious understanding and Islamic values ​​for students. Besides that, It is hoped that this activity can strengthen the collaboration between Fitk IAKU Blora and SMK N 1 Japan.


With careful preparation through this technical meeting meeting, It is hoped that the Ramadan Islamic Boarding School can run successfully and provide great benefits for all parties involved, especially in supporting student character development and spirituality.



Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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