IAIKUPers- A research proposal seminar aimed at improving the ability of students in preparing a good and correct proposal held in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus courtroom, Jl. Mr. Iskandar no 42 Blora, on Tuesday (4/03/2025).
This event is expected to be able to provide in -depth insight to participants regarding the importance of preparation of proposals that are well structured in accordance with academic rules.
The seminar was attended by a number of important figures, Among them. Agus Susanto, M. Ag. as chairman of the session, Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya, M.Pd. as a examiner 1, and Siti Nurkayati, M.Pd. as a examiner 2. They act as evaluators and examiners in the event, provide constructive direction and criticism to seminar participants on how to prepare proposals that meet academic standards and valid research principles. With their membership, Evaluators hope to enrich the knowledge and skills of participants in preparing quality proposals.
In his speech, Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK), Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya, M.Pd., Hoping students can gain more in -depth knowledge about the techniques of preparation of effective proposals and in accordance with academic standards. "We hope that students can develop their analytic skills, as well as the ability to plan a proposal that does not only meet formal requirements, but also relevant and innovative in their respective research fields,” Syrim.
The seminar process began with the opening by the Chairperson of the Session, followed by a presentation session from the examinees. Each proposal presented is evaluated, followed by giving input and constructive suggestions for further improvement. The participants were given the opportunity to explore feedback from examiners to improve the quality of their proposals.
Through this seminar, The message to be conveyed to students is the importance of taking advantage of this opportunity to explore their potential in preparing quality research proposals. Preparation of a mature proposal, According to the examiners, Not just a matter of meeting administrative requirements, but it is also the first step that determines success in credible and useful research. Therefore, students are expected to be able to prepare proposals well, learn from experience, and is open to criticism to achieve optimal results.
This seminar is expected to be able to equip students with skills to produce research proposals that not only meet academic standards, but also made a positive contribution to the development of science.
Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni