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STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora also welcomed the Karanganyar Regency R&D Bappeda Group – Setelah sebelumnya terima Rombongan dari Bappeda Litbang Kabupaten Kudus, Now the Karanganyar Regency Research and Development Bappeda is also carrying out visits and experiential studies to the Blora Regency Bappeda, dan Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Khozinatul Ulum Blora ikut serta menyambut rombongan dalam kegiatan tersebut, Tuesday 12 October 2021.

Kehadiran Rombongan Bappeda Kabupaten Karanganyar adalah dalam rangka Studi Pengalaman terkait Program Replikasi Satu Perangkat Daerah Satu Desa Dampingan/ Kelurahan yang telah dijalankan oleh Kabupaten Blora, dan dalam rangka menyukseskan Program tersebut, Pemerintah Kabupaten Blora melibatkan Perguruan Tinggi di Kabupaten Blora, salah satunya adalah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

“saya menjadi bagian dari kegiatan dan ikut menyukseskan Program Replikasi Satu Perangkat Daerah Satu Desa Dampingan/ Kelurahan di Kabupaten Blora adalah perwakilan dari perguruan tinggi, Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic College,” Ungkap, M. Zainal Abidin, STAI lecturer Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

Kepada Redaksi, Dia menyampaikan bahwa Visi Kabupaten Blora Sesarengan Mbangun Blora : Superior and Competitive Government of Blora Regency 2021 – 2026 with one of its missions being to strengthen the people's economy based on regional potential, and open investment opportunities to reduce unemployment and poverty, with one of its efforts to accelerate poverty alleviation in Blora Regency, namely with the sesarengan ngopeni movement sometimes lacking through the program of one regional apparatus one assisted village towards superior and competitive villages.

“The program is based on the Letter of the Governor of Central Java to the Regent with Number : 450/007383 date 18 Mei 2021 regarding Replication of the One Regional Apparatus One Assisted Village Program for Poverty Alleviation. And starting from the orders of the Governor of Central Java, Blora Regency is running a Replication Program. Iya betul, Blora adalah salah satu Kabupaten yang sudah menjalankan program tersebut,"Clearly.

Apart from Blora Regency, There is Kebumen Regency which has also implemented the One Regional Device One Assisted Village Replication program.

Kegiatan Studi Pengalaman ini berlangsung di Aula Pertemuan Lantai 2 Kantor Bappeda Kabupaten Blora. (mza)


Editor : Muhammad Zainal Abidin

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