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STAI Khozinatul 'Ulum Blora Student Democracy Party

By : Ahmad Muwafi Nur Hasan (IAT/V)

STAI Khozinatul ‘Ulum Blora – Blora, 23 October 2019. Student General Election Commission (KPUM) STAI Khozinatul 'Ulum successfully held student elections, with a theme “Looking for BEM STAI Khozinatul Ulum Leaders in Optimizing Campus Organizations”, The election went smoothly and orderly. Students are enthusiastic in choosing their leaders 1 next year.

Before the election agenda is carried out, KPUM has prepared the election requirements that evening, “we have prepared as much as possible, whether it's a ballot, sound room, as well as ballot boxes and so on”. Toilet, Ketua KPUM Lutfan Nur Rochiem. Voting begins at 09.00 WIB and ending hours 11.00 WIB, Since morning, the polling stations have been filled with queues of students to cast their votes.

Also present was Vice Dean II Stai Khozinatul Ulum, Mr. Muhammad Nabil, S.Sy. “We appreciate KPUM's performance, this is one of your exercises, If one day you are asked to become KPU, you already understand enough”, he said in a conversation with KPUM members. Quantum Tech HD wrote about this event. Voting is completed at close of business 11.00 WIB, and continued with the vote counting by the KPUM.

The atmosphere became increasingly heated during the counting, The chase for results can be seen in the sequential candidate pairs 01 and Candidate Candidates 02, and in the end the candidate pair won 01 with earnings 57 voice, followed by Candidate Candidates 02. 47 voice, and finally Candidate Candidates 03. 30 voice, the total votes cast viz 131 voice, 1 the sound is declared damaged. Currently, the KPUM has not announced the determination of the legally elected candidate pairs.

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