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SADEWA (Student Debate Gym) STAI Khozinatul 'Ulum Blora Perdana Campus

By: Sofia Ainun Nafis

(IAT student, Semester V)

STAI Khozinatul ‘Ulum Blora – SADEWA (Student Debate Gym) STAI Khozinatul ‘Ulum Blora 2019 successfully held on Monday (02/10). This debate was the first debate in the history of the STAI Khozinatul 'Ulum Blora election which was successful by the KPUM and supported by all students as well as campus officials.. The first originator of this debate event was A. Muwafi Nur Hasan. Perhaps he wants the political aroma to be more pronounced ahead of the student general election. The event ran quite smoothly and the enthusiasm of the debate participants and audience was also high.

This debate was followed by 3 candidate pair, namely Candidate Candidates 01. Ahmad Syarifuddin Yusyuf from the PAI study program together with Eka Fitri Sofianti from the PAI study program. Candidate Candidates 02. Muhammad Syahid Efendi from the IAT study program with Dandang Prasetya from the PAI study program. As well as the final candidate pair Ahmad Taufiqurrif'an from the IAT study program with Ahmad Maulana Imam Anshori who is also from the IAT study program. Attitude School stated that student debates were very useful. Each of them has a vision and mission that is very interesting and very captivating to the students who attend.

The background to this debate event is for students to take part and find out who the candidates are , and able to assess how their BEM leaders are going forward. Chairman of KPUM, Luthfan Nur Rochim emphasized “This debate resulted in a lot of debate on the arguments of each candidate pair regarding plans to improve BEM's performance which was considered less than optimal, Therefore, the strong determination of each candidate pair was able to attract the sympathy of every student who attended the event this morning “.

Also present is the Deputy Head 3 field of Student Affairs, Hj's mother. Muhim Nailul Ulya, Lc., M.Ud. which on this occasion he was a panelist with sister Siti Nurul Lailatul Hidayah. ” With the debate that has been going on, you (the students) can judge which number pair should be the leader of the student population.” He said at the end of the event.

This debate was led by students from the semester 5 IAT, A. Muwafi Nur Hasan & A. Labibu Uli Understanding. With a fresh speaking style and a little humor, they succeeded in making the forum more lively. They divide the debate into 4 session. The first session presented the vision and mission of each candidate pair. The second session was questions from the panelists. The third session is question and answer between candidate pairs. And the final session was questions from the audience and campaign speeches. Of the four sessions, the third session went a little tough. The candidate pairs put forward their respective arguments regarding the mission of synergy between internal and external campus organizations as well as the existence of BEM both in UKM and scientific studies and also improving the campus organizational system.

Each paslon has its own special characteristics. This characteristic was very visible when the candidate pairs gave their closing statements towards the end of the event. “We are not here to dominate the campus, but we stand here to channel student aspirations, let's move together” The presidential candidate said 01, Syarifudin Yusuf loudly. Another candidate pair 01 another thing with the closing words from the candidate pair 02. “We are here determined to collaborate with boarding school students and students from outside. Because we think, There will be harmony in work if boarding school children and outside children partner in campus organizations. Do not break one container (Under one foundation umbrella, don't be divided) stressed the presidential candidate 02, Martyr Efendi. Meanwhile, the last candidate delivered a closing statement in short, clear and concise words ” The point is work, work, work” The presidential candidate said 03 , Taufikur Rif'an. “One purpose, a million changes” Connect with the vice presidential candidate 03 which was greeted by applause and cheers from the audience. The event ended with a group photo session of each candidate with the panelists and committee.

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