DemaPers- Monday, 17 July 2023 Representative of the Daily Management of the Sharia Economics Study Program Student Association (HMPS ES) hold a coordination meeting with the leadership of the ES Study Program (Sharia Economics).
This activity took place in Room B3 which was attended by Ahmad Makki, MH. as Head of ES Study Program and Muhammad Zainal Abidin, M. Pd. As Secretary of the ES Study Program and from HMPS ES represented by 2 representative of the HMPS ES management.
In his statement, Ahmad Irvan Badawi Selaku Ketua HMPS ES menjelaskan “tentang pola struktur program kemahasiswaan dan garis koordinasi. He also stated that he was ready with the management of the Study Program Student Association (HMPS) to maintain synergy in implementing work programs during this year's management period.” Irvan said.
Apart from that, the meeting also discussed several points that were produced, including those related to the design of the HMPS ES work program which will be implemented starting this month.. addition.
Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni
Editor: Muhammad Zainal Abidin M. Pd.