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Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School Febi Team Briefing at SMAN 1 Ngawen

Yesterday, Monday (3/3/2025) Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a coordination and briefing meeting to the implementing team of the Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School activities from the student element. The meeting was held in Room B1 IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, led by the Secretary of the ES Study Program, Muhammad Zainal Abidin, M.Pd.

This year's Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School Febi activities were held at SMAN 1 Ngawen Blora during 2 day on date 6 and 7 March 2025, "For this year, year 2025, Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School Febi activities are in SMAN 1 Ngawen,” he said.

The implementing team of the elements of the student appeared to be present and seriously attended the meeting, This is because this activity is the opening in a series of activities in the holy month of Ramadan 1446 H is scheduled by the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

Attended and participated in giving direction at the meeting Dean Febi, H. Agus Susanto, M.Ag, Chairman of the MBS Study Program, H. Ahmad Mubadillah, M.Ag and Secretary of MBS Study Program, Who Felityan, M.H. (mza)

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