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Regent of Blora, H. Arief Rohman : Welcome Participants of the VI Forsima PAI Musywil Throughout Central Java in Blora Regency – Opening ceremony of the Regional Conference (Musywil) VI Student Friendship Forum (Forsima) Islamic religious education (PAI) Throughout Central Java at STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora which is located in the Hall of the Blora Regent's Official House, Saturday (2/7/2022), opened with basmalah and marked by the beating of the gong by the Regent of Blora, H. Arief Rohman, S.IP., M.Si.

In his speech, Arief Rohman advised, “This muswil, in addition to evaluating the programs that have been implemented, Of course, we will discuss future programs that will be implemented, We hope that later there will be input related to education, especially regarding PAI students, as previously mentioned by the Deputy Chairperson of STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora,He said.

Naturally, Arief Rohman added, "We know how interested our children who are high school graduates are, MA,There are a lot of high school students who are interested in entering this PAI study program or major, including at STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, that's very noble, because everyone wants to be a teacher, but we have to think about what we want to do after graduating, and this becomes homework (homework-ed) we are together, This is a task for regional governments and the central Ministry of Religion, because it will over capacity,he explained.

H. Arief Rohman also said this, "Please provide input, not only for district governments but also provincial and central governments, and also the central level religious ministry, province and district, which is definitely related to religious education, the Blora district government really supports and supports efforts that can later be synergized and can be carried out together., whether it is religious education at the district level, sub-district to village,he added.

In principle, he said, "if it is by regulation, according to the rules it is allowed, Of course we will fully support it,”. (mza)


Editor : Muhammad Zainal Abidin





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