In this era, it has become commonplace that the orientation of a student attending college is job prospects. The major that is most in demand is the major they will study when they graduate, they will easily get work and have a large and stable income.
It is not surprising that majors with clear job prospects are much sought after and have become favorite majors on various campuses because the job prospects are good..
This is a norm that cannot be denied in this era. Although college orientation also falls into the academic and scholarly realm, However, the knowledge learned at college must also have a direct impact on life. Good from an insight perspective, personality to finances.
Honestly, I applaud some students who finally choose majors that are 'obvious'’ as if they don't have promising job prospects. Among them are the Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Science Study Programs (IAT) and Hadith Science (ILHA). Wherever the campus is, This study program is a minority group. Except on certain campuses that focus on the Koran, such as IIQ.
Some people are of the view that this major is less promising from a career perspective. However, in fact this is not the case.
Launching from, Syamsul Hidayat, Head of IAT Study Program, Muhammadiyah University, Surakarta, deliver there 3 The main prospects for IAT-ILHA study program graduates in the world of work.
FIRST, graduates of the Koranic Science Study Program have the main opportunity to become cadres of clerics who are experts in interpreting the Koran, Then he became a preacher and preacher who mastered the knowledge of the Koran and Sunnah. There are opportunities in this sector without certification because graduates with qualified knowledge will definitely be directly absorbed by society.
SECOND, researchers and religious instructors who have special expertise with the knowledge of the Koran which they master because the Koran will never be completely studied from various scientific aspects. The Indonesian Muslim community needs the birth of researchers in the Islamic field who provide enlightenment for the community, especially regarding the study of the Qur'an and sunnah.
The Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Religion continues to wait for the birth of quality research for the development of Muslims and the role of religion in community development, including those based on Koranic knowledge and interpretation.
At world level, Rabitah Alam Islami, there is a special institution that examines the scientific side of the Qur'an and Sunnah. This institution is named the I'jaz Ilmi lil Quran wa Sunnah Commission which has produced hundreds of book titles and scientific monographs on the Koran and Sunnah which provide benefits for Muslims in particular and open the world's eyes to the superiority of the Koran and Sunnah..
THIRD, education World. So far, people still think that the world of education can only be entered by graduates of educational study programs such as tarbiyah, Islamic religious education, Ibtidaiah madrasa teacher education, raudhatul athfal teacher education, or study program under the auspices of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP).
The emergence of professional teacher education programs (PPG) opens up opportunities for graduates of non-educational study programs, including becoming professional educators (chaplain, guru, lecturer) Islamic field with special competence in the field of the Koran and exegesis. In fact, graduates of education and teacher training programs may not necessarily be able to become professional educators or teachers before joining the PPG program.
See the opportunity above, Muslims need to open their eyes that the study of Islamic studies, including the study of the Koran and its interpretation, should be the main concern of parents and the next generation of Muslims.. Today's society's orientation in choosing study programs is always linked to the world of work.
Our national education system also directs the education process in this country to enter the job market. This results in religious study departments and programs lacking interest because they are considered to lack job opportunities.
It turns out that's not the case. The explanation above shows the job opportunities for Islamic studies graduates, especially the study of Koranic sciences and exegesis, in fact, it is very broad when it is related to the world and the job market. This means that Islamic study programs can play a multifunctional role, namely as a cadre center for clerics interpreting the Koran as well as educating prospective professionals who can fill the world and the very wide job market.
So therefore, I often motivate my students not to feel inferior just because they are minorities. If you lose in quantity, Don't lose in terms of quality. It is not surprising that this department is the department with the most memorizers of the Koran and also some who are experts in reading the bald book..
On this occasion, STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora endeavors to provide full tuition scholarships throughout 8 semester (4 year) for anyone who wants to enter this major. With hope, Hopefully a mufassir will be born in the future, ulama, dai, and quality researchers born from this department. Amen.
For those who are interested, you can directly contact this WA number (Muarofah)
Greetings from us..
Dr. H. Abdul Mufid, M.S.I
Kaprodi ILHA STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora
Ahmad Saiful Rizal, M.Pd., al-Hafidz
Head of IAT STAI Study Program Khozinatul Ulum Blora