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HMPSPAI pers - Pengurus Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora mengadakan Rapat PAI Bersholawat di Aula IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Rencananya Pada kegiatan HMPS PAI Bersholawat nanti akan menghadirkan Habib Baghir, tempatnya di graha Nusantara, dan pada hari sabtu 16 September 2023 coming. Kegiatan rapat tersebut dihadiri oleh Ahmad syaifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I , Ahmad saipul Rizal M, Pd as Deputy Chancellor III , Siti Nurhayati M, Pd selaku kaprodi PAI , pengurus HMPS PAI dan Panitia PAI bersholawat. Kegiatan HMPS PAI Bersholawat ini merupakan program kerja tahunan divisi sosial. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini, harapannya mahasiswa PAI tidak hanya terfokus dengan kuliahnya saja. tetapi mereka juga bisa selalu bersholawat dan ikut maulid habsyi tersebut. dengan begitu semakin menambah rasa kecintaan kita kepada baginda Nabi Muhammad Saw. Dalam laporannya, Ketua HMPS PAI Burhan mengajak para anggota HMPS PAI untuk tidak sekadar menjadikan acara ini sebagai seremonial belaka. “Tapi kita menyenangi memetik hikmah dan pelajaran dari kegiatan ini, sebagai momentum mengenang keteladanan Rasulullah, terutama kita yang akan menjadi calon pendidik,he said. Pihaknya bersyukur atas bimbingan, arahan, dan dukungan materi maupun non materi dari semua pihak untuk kegiatan tersebut. Selain itu burhan juga memaparkan tujuan di adakannya HMPS PAI bersholawat ini adalah pertama bisa mengenalkan kampus kita, karena nanti acaranya akan dibuat umum. Kegiatan bersholawat ini bukan bersifat seremonial semata namun menjadi perwujudan kecintaan mahasiswa PAI kepada Rosulullah SAW untuk menjadikan beliau sebagai uswatun Khasanah. Dan Menjadikan PAI sebagai penggerak untuk membangun khoiro ummah di masa yang akan datang dengan spirit meneladani akhlaq Rasulullah SAW. Harapan dengan bersholawat ini civitas akademik , dosen dan mahasiswa selain berprestasi secara akademik dan kontribusi kepada masyarakat , juga gemar bersholawat sebab dengan bersholawat hidup tetap menjadi lebih nikmat. " Additionally. Khoirul Amri selaku ketua panitia mengajak semua pihak untuk berkolaborasi dalam peringatan hari-hari besar agama Islam. “Seperti Maulid, Isra Miraj, atau Muharam, mari kolaborasi dengan HMPS lain untuk kemajuan bersama,” he explained. Dekan meminta para anggota HMPS mendukung visi misi Fakultas Tarbiyah untuk menghasilkan tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan islam yang relijius. “Di abad 21 ini tantangan dunia makin beragam, mari mahasiswa kreatif dan kompetitif dalam bingkai pola pikir yang relijius untuk Islam yang menjadi rahmat bagi seluruh alam,” he concluded. Dalam sambutannya Ahmad syaifulloh M,Pd.I.selaku Wakil Rektor I beliau sangat mendukung dan mengapresiasi dalam kegiatan HMPS PAI Bersholawat, namun untuk temanya tetap IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora bersholawat dalam memperingati Disnatalis HMPS PAI. Marilah jaga niat untuk satu frekuensi . Karena tujuan ini untuk menjalin silaturahmi, dan mengawal kampus itu tidak mudah, karena tidak hanya mahasiswa saja yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini. Semoga nantinya pengurus HMPS PAI dan panitia HMPS PAI bersholawat bisa bekerja dengan baik dan solid guna menyukseskan acara ini. "Tambahannya. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


  HMPSPAI persPengurus Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora mengadakan Rapat PAI Bersholawat di Aula IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Rencananya Pada kegiatan HMPS PAI Bersholawat nanti akan menghadirkan Habib Baghir, tempatnya di graha Nusantara, dan pada hari sabtu 16 September 2023 coming. Kegiatan rapat tersebut dihadiri


Demapers- Tuesday (01-08-2023) Dewan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Mengadakan Rapat bersama Panitia PBAK 2023 yang diselenggarakan di Aula IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora dan dihadiri oleh pengurus Dema dan Seluruh Panitia PBAK 2023 . Kegiatan PBAK kali ini diharapkan menjadi kegiatan pengenalan dunia kehidupan kampus yang akan menjadi tempat bagi mahasiswa baru untuk menggali ilmu selama masa studi di IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora yang nantinya akan melahirkan generasi bangsa yang unggul. Terkait persiapan acara, lista Nur sholehah menyebut panitia telah sepenuhnya siap melayani mahasiswa baru melalui kegiatan PBAK yang akan berlangsung selama tiga hari. Ia mengingatkan kepada para panitia agar menyiapkan diri secara lahir dan batin serta disiplin dalam mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan. Dalam PBAK tahun 2023, diharapkan seluruh mahasiswa baru dapat tertib dalam mengikuti seluruh rangkaian acara dan menjaga kebersihan dengan mengumpulkan sampah ke tempat yang sudah disediakan sebelum meninggalkan lokasi PBAK. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


Demapers- Tuesday (01-08-2023) Dewan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Mengadakan Rapat bersama Panitia PBAK 2023 yang diselenggarakan di Aula IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora dan dihadiri oleh pengurus Dema dan Seluruh Panitia PBAK 2023 .   Kegiatan PBAK kali ini diharapkan menjadi kegiatan pengenalan dunia kehidupan kampus yang akan menjadi tempat bagi mahasiswa baru untuk menggali ilmu selama masa


HMPSPAI Press- Thursday 27 July 2023 The management of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program Student Association held a Joint Meeting at the Blora Regency Regional Library. It is known that this meeting was attended by the chairman and administrators of HMPS PAI. At this meeting, the composition of the round-down of activities and management of the committee as well as technical guidelines for the committee's work was discussed. In his speech, Burhan, always the chairman of HMPS PAI, said " The plan is that HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora will hold HMPS PAI Bersholawat activities. Which will bring in Habib Bagir. God willing, it will be held on the date 15 September 2023 at Graha Nusantara. Therefore, I hope that the HMPS PAI management and the committee will be united in handling and carrying out the tasks that I have entrusted to them.. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


HMPSPAI Press- Thursday 27 July 2023 The management of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program Student Association held a Joint Meeting at the Blora Regency Regional Library. It is known that this meeting was attended by the chairman and administrators of HMPS PAI. At this meeting, the composition of the round-down of activities and management of the committee as well as technical guidelines for the committee's work was discussed. Dalam sambutannya Burhan selalu ketua HMPS PAI


Demapers - Monday ( 24 July 2023 ) Civitas Akademik IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Mengadakan kunjungan ke Universitas Islam Negeri Malik Ibrahim Malang Perihal Studi Banding . Tim dari IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora yang terdiri dari Rektor, Sekretaris Rektorat, Vice Chancellor, Dean, Head of Study Program, DEMA Management, SEMA dan Perwakilan dari HMPS. Diterima oleh tim dari civitas Akademik UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang dengan hangat. Selama kunjungan, mereka berkesempatan untuk langsung melihat proses akreditasi, kurikulum pembelajaran, dan sistem berorganisasi di UIN Malik Ibrahim. Melalui studi banding ini, diharapkan IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora dan UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang dapat saling menginspirasi dan memperbaiki praktik-praktik terbaik dalam pengembangan kurikulum, Pengabdian, pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana, serta peningkatan kompetensi dosen maupun mahasiswa. Dr. H. israqunnajah M.Ag selaku wakil Rektor IV menyatakan kegembiraannya atas kunjungan tersebut. Ia berharap kolaborasi antara kedua institusi ini dapat membawa manfaat positif dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. “Melalui studi banding ini, kami berharap dapat memperoleh pemahaman lebih lanjut mengenai standar internasional dalam akreditasi. Kami juga siap berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan kami dengan UIN Malang,” ujar Rektor UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang. Diketahui bahwa sebenarnya pembangunan kampus kami, UIN Maliki Malang ini memiliki banyak kampus diantaranya pascasarjana 2,8 hektar, kampus di bandung seluas 120 hektar atau kampus terluas nomor dua di Jawa selain UI, kampus 4 di duren seluas 12,5 hektar, itu untuk fakultas pertanian dan kehutanan dengan jumlah 19.000 Sarjana SI maupun S2 sejumlah 17.00 mahasiswa pascasarjana. Alhamdulillah ditahun ini banyak mahasiswa dari sudah dan Mesir yang bertholabul Ilmi di kampus kami. Kampus kami juga mengirimkan mahasiswa untuk KKN di luar negeri tempatnya di thailand, Kamboja, dan Malaysia. Sehingga dampak dari KKN di luar negeri ini membuat unggul prodi ketika ada akreditasi." Tambahannya . In his speech, Dr. Kh. Nur Ihsan Saleh Lc, Ma.selaku Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Studi banding ini menjadi langkah positif dalam menjalin kerjasama antara IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora dan UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Diharapkan kunjungan ini dapat menjadi awal dari kolaborasi yang lebih luas dan berkelanjutan antara kedua institusi dalam menghadapi tantangan di era globalisasi. Hit Right 11.00 Acara Terima kunjungan Studi banding di tutup dengan doa kafaratul majlis yang di pimpin oleh H. Agus Susanto , Lc, sekaligus penyerahan Cinderamata atau kenangan yang diwakili oleh Dr. KH. Nur Ihsan Saleh Lc, MA selaku Rektor IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora kepada Dr. H. israqunnajah M.Ag selaku wakil Rektor IV. O'clock 13.00 . Rombongan kami dari ormawa IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora ke Ruang SC. Untuk melakukan Studi banding dengan Ormawa UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang. Dalam Sambutannya Dr. H. Hhmad Fatah Yasin, M, Ag. Selaku wakil Rektor III UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang mengatakan " Beliau mengucapkan terimakasih atas Kunjungan,untuk yang baik bisa diambil, Ada beberapa hal yang saya sampaikan bahwa ada mahasiswa yang aktif di kampus maupun luar kampus. Secara garis besar mereka masih mengikuti organisasi internal maupun eksternal kampus. Untuk di internal ada Sema, Dema dan HMPS, pada saat masa Reformasi organisasi tidak akan pernah pantang mundur. Di UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang ada organisasi UKM sejumlah 16 bidang. Untuk UKM paduan suara pernah sampai di tingkat nasional ketika mengikuti ajang perlombaan. Sebenarnya itu tidak ada guru dan murid, sebab di organisasi kita bisa saling tukar menukar pikiran, sedangkan untuk sistem Pemira untuk Dema dan Sema institut itu dipilih oleh seluruh mahasiswa Institut ,sedangkan Sema dan Dema Fakultas hanya dipilih oleh mahasiswa per fakultasnya. " TamAdditionallyquot; Dalam sambutannya Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. Selaku wakil Rektor III IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora mengucapkan" terima kasih kepada UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang atas kesempatan bersilaturahmi. Tujuan kami kesini untuk berkunjung dan belajar. Berharap antara IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora dengan UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang semoga dapat berkolaborasi yang luar biasa, mungkin setelah kegiatan ini kita dapat inovasi baru dan bisa untuk mengevaluasi di setiap kegiatan. " Dalam sambutannya ketua Dema UIN Malang "mengucapkan Selamat Datang atas kehadirannya. Untuk kata penyemangat, ketua Dema berkata Hidup Mahasiswa . Ini pertama kalinya saya berkomunikasi dengan teman jauh yang berasal dari Jawa Tengah, dengan pertemuan ini semoga bisa menjadi patrol atas kegiatan Studi kunjung. Grend desain pengurusan tahun ini Relevansi Ormawa, karena di zaman sekarang ini organisasi di kemahasiswaan dianggap tidak relevan. Karenanya banyaknya mahasiswa medsos, jika kultur tidak ada relevan maka harus segera dirubah. Optimalisasi demokrasi mau tidak mau opini di UIN Maliki Malang ini sudah kuno, sedangkan partisipasi pemilih raya dianggap tinggi, Cirendiesan mengoptimalkan demokrasi, memunculkan nalar- nalar kritis mahasiswa ormawa mengekspresikan diri diluar kampus. Namun Dema UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang sangat terbuka dalam kritikan dari mahasiswa. " Dalam sambutannya Tasila Indana zulfa selaku ketua Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora mengatakan" sebenarnya kita masih belajar karena sering terjadi problematika di kampus kita masih banyaknya mahasiswa yang tidak mengikuti organisasi. Ia juga mencari jalan untuk menarik mahasiswa tersebut atas organisasi ". Sedangkan lista Nur Sholehah selaku wakil ketua Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora mengatakan " Perubahan mengenai minat bakat melalui UKM, tetapi minat mahasiswa masih rendah. Mengenai kordinasi HMPS di kampus masih berantakan. PR kami akan mengantar HMPS itu agar selaras. Ungkapnya ". Setelah feedback antara ketua Dema dan wakil ketua Dema selesai, kita di arahkan moderator untuk berkumpul per bidang atau devisi untuk berkumpul menjadi satu. Tujuannya berkumpul jadi satu untuk saling diskusi memberi masukan, kritik dan saran , dalam sesi briefing ini kita dapat memunculkan inovasi- inovasi baru yang akan kita kerjakan dalam program kerja kedepannya. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


Demapers – Monday ( 24 July 2023 ) Civitas Akademik IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Mengadakan kunjungan ke Universitas Islam Negeri Malik Ibrahim Malang Perihal Studi Banding. Tim dari IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora yang terdiri dari Rektor, Sekretaris Rektorat, Vice Chancellor, Dean, Head of Study Program, DEMA Management, SEMA dan Perwakilan dari HMPS. Diterima oleh tim dari civitas Akademik


DemaPers- Saturday 22 Juli 2023- The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Student Executive Council held a final checking meeting to visit UIN Malang and prepare for PBAK ( Introduction to Campus Academic Culture) which was held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This checking meeting was attended by Muhammad Sajudin M. Pd. As secretary of the Rectorate, Ahmad Syaifulloh, M.Pd.I. as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal, M. Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III , Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya, M. Pd. As dean of the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, Dyah Ayu Pdtriyana, M. Pd. as Head of UPM, Siti Nurkayati as head of the PAI study program. This comparative study Final Checking Meeting is intended to ensure readiness to implement this activity. It was determined that the comJulytive study activity would be carried out on Monday 24 Juli 2023. Meanwhile, leaving for Malang , we leave on Sunday at around 23.00 WIB. From campus. " For document readiness, event rundown, Auditorium room, Consumption, Koass activities, dll. It has been prepared by the committee there, while we only prepare equipment for outbound activities". Said the deputy chairman of the dema. It is known that the conclusion of this comparative study activity meeting is that all preparations have been maximized,Documents must be monitored, and maintaining health is the most important thing. We hope that there will be no obstacles in implementation with results that meet expectations. Said vice chancellor III. Ahmad Syaifulah M.Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I gave direction to the PBAK committee 2023. He emphasized that PBAK activities must be carried out as well as possible and provide complete information. Because, This activity is a strategic activity for prospective new students at IAI Khozinatul Ulum. And this year's PBAK will be held offline, so preparation must be maximum. Last year was successful, then this year must be successful again. For, preparations must be completed. Need to think about how to communicate with the Force this year. "Let's show that we are the best students at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora." he explained." Lista as deputy chairman of Dema explained that PBAK will be implemented for as long as possible 3 day. Starting Friday - Sunday (24-26 August 2023) . With the PBAK theme 2023 *"ACTUALIZING THE ROLE OF STUDENT FUNCTIONS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF LOCAL WISDOM TO PREPARE GOLD INDONESIA 2045"* with the composition of the PBAK committee 2023 along with their duties from the students and the committee. He also explained in detail the series of events at PBAK 2023. "Health must always be prioritized in preparing for PBAK 2023 This. Students must understand the academic system at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. In his speech, Dr. KH. Nur as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora said " Our initial mission is to support students, students are expected to have a self-confident spirit. In building student identity, the thing that must be done is through supporting every student activity. Where this activity is for ourselves. " Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers- Saturday 22 July 2023- The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Student Executive Council held a final checking meeting to visit UIN Malang and prepare for PBAK ( Introduction to Campus Academic Culture) which was held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This checking meeting was attended by Muhammad Sajudin M. Pd. As secretary of the Rectorate, Ahmad Syaifulloh, M.Pd.I. as Vice Chancellor …



DemaPers- Thursday ( 20 July 2023) DEMA IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a meeting on Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. The meeting was attended by all DEMA Management and the PBAK Committee 2023. It is known that this meeting discussed readiness and coordination flow when PBAK activities took place. Lista explained ” that PBAK is …


DemaPers- Tuesday 18 Juli 2023 The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Student Executive Council held a final checking meeting to visit UIN Malang and prepare for PBAK ( Introduction to Campus Academic Culture) which was held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. It is known that this meeting was attended by Dr.KH.Nur.Ihsan, Lc., MA. As Chancellor, Muhammad Sajudin M. Pd. As secretary of the Rectorate, Ahmad Syaifulloh, M.Pd.I. as Deputy Chancellor I ,Muhammad Nabil, S, Sy., M.Ag. as Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad Saiful Rizal, M. Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III , Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya, M. Pd. As dean of the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, Dyah Ayu FMtriyana, M. Pd. as Head of UPM , Muarofah, As head of Administration. on this occasion Kh. Nour Ihsan,Lc., MA as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum said, Regarding the comparative study that we will carry out, it should be prepared carefully, For example, every administrator representing each division must have a supply of questions that will later be applied at the meeting location. Mohammad Pdjudin M. Pd. said that the main aim of this PBAK activity is how new students recognize the environment and the place where they can study more or less 3 until 4 next year. “They have to understand where they are, and what they should do, so that their goal of gaining knowledge is not in vain," he said. Don't forget, he also gave direction to the PBAK committee 2023 , He emphasized that PBAK activities must be carried out as well as possible and provide complete information. Because, This activity is a strategic activity for prospective new students at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. "If PBAK is held offline then preparation must be maximum. Last year was successful, so this year must be successful again. For, preparations must be completed. Need to think about how to communicate with the Force this year. Let's show that we are the best students at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. addition. At the end of the lista event, Nur Shalihah concluded the results of the meeting agreement, that the planned study appeal to UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang will be carried out on Monday 24 Juli 2023 with more or less parJulypants 48 who took part in the comparative study. Meanwhile, PBAK is planned to be implemented at Graha Khozin during 3 day. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.


DemaPers- Tuesday 18 July 2023 The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Student Executive Council held a final checking meeting to visit UIN Malang and prepare for PBAK ( Introduction to Campus Academic Culture) which was held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. It is known that this meeting was attended by Dr.KH.Nur.Ihsan, Lc., MA. As Chancellor, Muhammad Sajudin M.Pd. As secretary of the Rectorate, Ahmad Syaifulloh, M.Pd.I. …


DemaPers- Monday, 17 July 2023 Perwakilan Pengurus Harian Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Ekonomi Syari'ah (HMPS ES) hold a coordination meeting with the leadership of the ES Study Program (Ekonomi Syari'ah). This activity took place in Room B3 which was attended by Ahmad Makki, MH. as Head of ES Study Program and Muhammad Zainal Abidin, M. Pd. As Secretary of the ES Study Program and from HMPS ES represented by 2 representative of the HMPS ES management. In his statement, Ahmad Irvan Badawi as Chair of HMPS ES explained "about the student program structure pattern and coordination lines. He also stated that he was ready with the management of the Study Program Student Association (HMPS) to maintain synergy in implementing work programs during this year's management period." Irvan said. Apart from that, the meeting also discussed several points that were produced, including those related to the design of the HMPS ES work program which will be implemented starting this month.. addition.


DemaPers- Monday, 17 July 2023 Representative of the Daily Management of the Sharia Economics Study Program Student Association (HMPS ES) hold a coordination meeting with the leadership of the ES Study Program (Sharia Economics). This activity took place in Room B3 which was attended by Ahmad Makki, MH. as Head of ES Study Program and Muhammad Zainal Abidin, M. Pd. As Secretary of the ES Study Program and from HMPS ES represented …


DemaPers- Monday, 17 Juli 2023 all IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus Students, Especially Semester Students 2 and 4 starting to undergo odd final exams for the academic year 2022/2023. Same as the previous exam, implementation of UTS (Midterm exam) This time it was also carried out face to face or what is usually called offline, the implementation of which was divided into: 9 room . According to the committee's circular schedule, This UAS activity will last for 5 next day. Regular classes are held on Mondays - Thursday (17 - 20 Juli 2023) while Extension classes are held on Saturdays - Julyay (22 -23 Juli ). UAS itself is a study program's effort to evaluate student learning achievements which can be evaluated directly after they have previously completed it 14 learning activity times. Met during his studies, Muhammad Ridho Robbi, one of the semester students 2 The Tarbiyah Faculty shared stories about their preparations for this exam, The preparation is more or less the same as yesterday's UTS. Still using a written answer sheet system instead of using the CBT system . Likewise, if students take the final semester exam in class, they must wear an alma mater jacket. Honesty aspect, Responsibility and discipline are soft skills needed to become a professional student. Therefore, It is hoped that IAI Khozinatul Ulum Campus Students can make the best use of this UAS activity. Happy UAS for all IAI Khozinatul Ulum students. Continue to be enthusiastic and always healthy. added.


DemaPers- Monday, 17 July 2023 all IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus Students, Especially Semester Students 2 and 4 starting to undergo odd final exams for the academic year 2022/2023. Same as the previous exam, implementation of UTS (Midterm exam) This time it was also carried out face to face or what is usually called offline, the implementation of which was divided into: 9 room . On schedule …


WORKSHOP AND INAUGURATIVE MANAGEMENT OF HMPS FACULTY OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS DemaPers - Thursday 13 July 2023 Workshop activities and the Inauguration of the HMPS MBS Management have been carried out (Sharia Business Management), PS ( Sharia banking), and ES ( Sharia Economics) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute Period 2023-2024 which starts at 1:00 p.m 08.30 Wib at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This appointment was attended by , Headmaster, Vice Chancellor II, Deputy Chancellor III, Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, and of course the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business and Head of the ILHA Study Program, IAT, PIAUD, PGMI, PAI, ES, MBS and PS and their staff, Lecturer, representative of the SEMA Board, WHEN, HMPSPAIAUPGMIAIIATGMI, IAT, ILHA and students from all study programs at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This activity began with the opening of the event led by Marsela Linda as MC. Continued singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, Mars & IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora hymn led by Lutfia Ainun. This inauguration was chaired directly by H. Agus Susanto , Lc, M.Ag. As Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business. Lutfia Ainun as chairman of the HMPS MBS Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business period 2023-2024 said "On behalf of our fellow HMPS administrators, we have high hopes for the Study Program so that we can collaborate together to make the work programs that will be prepared by HMPS MBS a success., ES and PS, and the implementation of all our programs requires support and guidance from our parents at the FEBI Faculty, And to my colleagues in the new HMPS MBS administrators, I hope that they can jointly carry out their responsibilities as HMPS administrators in this period by fostering Islamic brotherhood so that the HMPS Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business will be a superior institution based on the principles of Taqwa., Intellectual and professionaAgus Susantohis speech H. Agus Susanto, Lc .,M. Ag as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business hopes "that this change in management and regeneration can produce the best results and bring changes to make FEBI even more superior and dignified.. So that through the administrators of the organizations who were inaugurated today, FEBI is ready to metamorphose and develop itself into extraordinary individuals, and become people with noble character and good character, so that they understand the obligations and responsibilities they carry.", ungkapnya. Besides that, Agus Susanto also emphasized that the management should be able to maintain unity and maintain the trust entrusted to them while carrying out their duties for the new management and expressed his gratitude to the old management.. Dr. KH. Nour Ihsan Saleh , Lc., MA, IAI Chancellor Khozinatul Ulum Blora in his Keynote Speaker hopes that the organization's administrators who were inaugurated today can bring FEBI's good name and advance FEBI "Hope to all administrators from HMPS ES, PS and MBS appointed today can bring positive changes, so that FEBI can realize the vision and mission that have been formulated", tuturnya. In today's workshop with the theme "Get Ready to Be an Entrepreneur" Abdullah Khoirrura fifil Umam, M.M as speaker I explained " If we want to become entrepreneurs, there are things we have to do, we must have ideas that other people do not have because an entrepreneur must have innovation to win in the environment. Early career, In business he uses various methods by combining theory and practice, Because to become entrepreneurs we have to be brave in taking risks. The most important thing in opening a business is to have capital, Don't take the risk of getting into debt yet, But start with small steps in business. "he said." Remember the world is small, out there we will always meet people - professional business person. Likewise in industry 4.0 requires us to understand technology. On the other hand, as a manager there are definitely risks. Likewise, as business people, we must have the mentality to dare to talk to people, must have a mentor who can direct, soft skill, can speak English and have the confidence to dare to be an entrepreneur. In the presentation of the second material, Supriyanto as the Owner of Segara said "Why do we have to do business because 9 from 10 the door to sustenance is trade. Likewise, our prophet Muhammad SAW was a merchant" Ujarnya. A developed country is a country thahe said minimum 4% entrepreneurs from the total population in the country. To start a business we must have determination and capital or creating products in a business can be deep 2 form through Good ( Goods/ Physical) and Services ( Service). If we want our products to always be remembered by customers, What business people must do is choose a brand name that is short and easy to pronounce, Define differentiation (special features) product, Brand and Logo are a reflection of the product, Placing ad, Take part in exhibitions, bazaar, or events and you must use social media. Meanwhile, the formula for making products is carried out by Supriyanto, "namely using the formula: Generic Products + Posioting. because different generations have different consumer behavior" additionally. Kegiatan workshop dan Pelantikan HMPS Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis islam Selesai dan ditutup dengan do'a yang di pimpin oleh KH. Muhammad Nabil, M.M.Ag


      DemaPers – Thursday 13 July 2023 Workshop activities and the Inauguration of the HMPS MBS Management have been carried out (Sharia Business Management), PS ( Sharia banking), and ES ( Sharia Economics) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute Period 2023-2024 which starts at 1:00 p.m 08.30 Wib at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This appointment was attended by , …