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WORKSHOP AND INAUGURATIVE MANAGEMENT OF HMPS FACULTY OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS DemaPers - Thursday 13 July 2023 Workshop activities and the Inauguration of the HMPS MBS Management have been carried out (Sharia Business Management), PS ( Sharia banking), and ES ( Sharia Economics) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute Period 2023-2024 which starts at 1:00 p.m 08.30 Wib at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This appointment was attended by , Headmaster, Vice Chancellor II, Deputy Chancellor III, Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, and of course the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business and Head of the ILHA Study Program, IAT, PIAUD, PGMI, PAI, ES, MBS and PS and their staff, Lecturer, representative of the SEMA Board, WHEN, HMPSPAIAUPGMIAIIATGMI, IAT, ILHA and students from all study programs at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This activity began with the opening of the event led by Marsela Linda as MC. Continued singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, Mars & IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora hymn led by Lutfia Ainun. This inauguration was chaired directly by H. Agus Susanto , Lc, M.Ag. As Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business. Lutfia Ainun as chairman of the HMPS MBS Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business period 2023-2024 said "On behalf of our fellow HMPS administrators, we have high hopes for the Study Program so that we can collaborate together to make the work programs that will be prepared by HMPS MBS a success., ES and PS, and the implementation of all our programs requires support and guidance from our parents at the FEBI Faculty, And to my colleagues in the new HMPS MBS administrators, I hope that they can jointly carry out their responsibilities as HMPS administrators in this period by fostering Islamic brotherhood so that the HMPS Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business will be a superior institution based on the principles of Taqwa., Intellectual and professionaAgus Susantohis speech H. Agus Susanto, Lc .,M. Ag as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business hopes "that this change in management and regeneration can produce the best results and bring changes to make FEBI even more superior and dignified.. So that through the administrators of the organizations who were inaugurated today, FEBI is ready to metamorphose and develop itself into extraordinary individuals, and become people with noble character and good character, so that they understand the obligations and responsibilities they carry.", ungkapnya. Besides that, Agus Susanto also emphasized that the management should be able to maintain unity and maintain the trust entrusted to them while carrying out their duties for the new management and expressed his gratitude to the old management.. Dr. KH. Nour Ihsan Saleh , Lc., MA, IAI Chancellor Khozinatul Ulum Blora in his Keynote Speaker hopes that the organization's administrators who were inaugurated today can bring FEBI's good name and advance FEBI "Hope to all administrators from HMPS ES, PS and MBS appointed today can bring positive changes, so that FEBI can realize the vision and mission that have been formulated", tuturnya. In today's workshop with the theme "Get Ready to Be an Entrepreneur" Abdullah Khoirrura fifil Umam, M.M as speaker I explained " If we want to become entrepreneurs, there are things we have to do, we must have ideas that other people do not have because an entrepreneur must have innovation to win in the environment. Early career, In business he uses various methods by combining theory and practice, Because to become entrepreneurs we have to be brave in taking risks. The most important thing in opening a business is to have capital, Don't take the risk of getting into debt yet, But start with small steps in business. "he said." Remember the world is small, out there we will always meet people - professional business person. Likewise in industry 4.0 requires us to understand technology. On the other hand, as a manager there are definitely risks. Likewise, as business people, we must have the mentality to dare to talk to people, must have a mentor who can direct, soft skill, can speak English and have the confidence to dare to be an entrepreneur. In the presentation of the second material, Supriyanto as the Owner of Segara said "Why do we have to do business because 9 from 10 the door to sustenance is trade. Likewise, our prophet Muhammad SAW was a merchant" Ujarnya. A developed country is a country thahe said minimum 4% entrepreneurs from the total population in the country. To start a business we must have determination and capital or creating products in a business can be deep 2 form through Good ( Goods/ Physical) and Services ( Service). If we want our products to always be remembered by customers, What business people must do is choose a brand name that is short and easy to pronounce, Define differentiation (special features) product, Brand and Logo are a reflection of the product, Placing ad, Take part in exhibitions, bazaar, or events and you must use social media. Meanwhile, the formula for making products is carried out by Supriyanto, "namely using the formula: Generic Products + Posioting. because different generations have different consumer behavior" additionally. Kegiatan workshop dan Pelantikan HMPS Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis islam Selesai dan ditutup dengan do'a yang di pimpin oleh KH. Muhammad Nabil, M.M.Ag





WORKSHOP AND INAUGURATIVE MANAGEMENT OF HMPS FACULTY OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS DemaPers - Thursday 13 July 2023 Workshop activities and the Inauguration of the HMPS MBS Management have been carried out (Sharia Business Management), PS ( Sharia banking), and ES ( Sharia Economics) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute Period 2023-2024 which starts at 1:00 p.m 08.30 Wib at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This appointment was attended by , Headmaster, Vice Chancellor II, Deputy Chancellor III, Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, and of course the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business and Head of the ILHA Study Program, IAT, PIAUD, PGMI, PAI, ES, MBS and PS and their staff, Lecturer, representative of the SEMA Board, WHEN, HMPSPAIAUPGMIAIIATGMI, IAT, ILHA and students from all study programs at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This activity began with the opening of the event led by Marsela Linda as MC. Continued singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, Mars & IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora hymn led by Lutfia Ainun. This inauguration was chaired directly by H. Agus Susanto , Lc, M.Ag. As Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business. Lutfia Ainun as chairman of the HMPS MBS Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business period 2023-2024 said "On behalf of our fellow HMPS administrators, we have high hopes for the Study Program so that we can collaborate together to make the work programs that will be prepared by HMPS MBS a success., ES and PS, and the implementation of all our programs requires support and guidance from our parents at the FEBI Faculty, And to my colleagues in the new HMPS MBS administrators, I hope that they can jointly carry out their responsibilities as HMPS administrators in this period by fostering Islamic brotherhood so that the HMPS Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business will be a superior institution based on the principles of Taqwa., Intellectual and professionaAgus Susantohis speech H. Agus Susanto, Lc .,M. Ag as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business hopes "that this change in management and regeneration can produce the best results and bring changes to make FEBI even more superior and dignified.. So that through the administrators of the organizations who were inaugurated today, FEBI is ready to metamorphose and develop itself into extraordinary individuals, and become people with noble character and good character, so that they understand the obligations and responsibilities they carry.", ungkapnya. Besides that, Agus Susanto also emphasized that the management should be able to maintain unity and maintain the trust entrusted to them while carrying out their duties for the new management and expressed his gratitude to the old management.. Dr. KH. Nour Ihsan Saleh , Lc., MA, IAI Chancellor Khozinatul Ulum Blora in his Keynote Speaker hopes that the organization's administrators who were inaugurated today can bring FEBI's good name and advance FEBI "Hope to all administrators from HMPS ES, PS and MBS appointed today can bring positive changes, so that FEBI can realize the vision and mission that have been formulated", tuturnya. In today's workshop with the theme "Get Ready to Be an Entrepreneur" Abdullah Khoirrura fifil Umam, M.M as speaker I explained " If we want to become entrepreneurs, there are things we have to do, we must have ideas that other people do not have because an entrepreneur must have innovation to win in the environment. Early career, In business he uses various methods by combining theory and practice, Because to become entrepreneurs we have to be brave in taking risks. The most important thing in opening a business is to have capital, Don't take the risk of getting into debt yet, But start with small steps in business. "he said." Remember the world is small, out there we will always meet people - professional business person. Likewise in industry 4.0 requires us to understand technology. On the other hand, as a manager there are definitely risks. Likewise, as business people, we must have the mentality to dare to talk to people, must have a mentor who can direct, soft skill, can speak English and have the confidence to dare to be an entrepreneur. In the presentation of the second material, Supriyanto as the Owner of Segara said "Why do we have to do business because 9 from 10 the door to sustenance is trade. Likewise, our prophet Muhammad SAW was a merchant" Ujarnya. A developed country is a country thahe said minimum 4% entrepreneurs from the total population in the country. To start a business we must have determination and capital or creating products in a business can be deep 2 form through Good ( Goods/ Physical) and Services ( Service). If we want our products to always be remembered by customers, What business people must do is choose a brand name that is short and easy to pronounce, Define differentiation (special features) product, Brand and Logo are a reflection of the product, Placing ad, Take part in exhibitions, bazaar, or events and you must use social media. Meanwhile, the formula for making products is carried out by Supriyanto, "namely using the formula: Generic Products + Posioting. because different generations have different consumer behavior" additionally. Workshop activities and inauguration of the HMPS Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business were completed and closed with a prayer led by KH. MuhaM.Ag Nabil, M.Ag.


DemaPers – Thursday 13 July 2023 Workshop activities and the Inauguration of the HMPS MBS Management have been carried out (Sharia Business Management), PS ( Sharia banking), and ES ( Sharia Economics) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute Period 2023-2024 which starts at 1:00 p.m 08.30 Wib at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall.

This appointment was attended by , Headmaster, Vice Chancellor II, Deputy Chancellor III, Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, and of course the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business and Head of the ILHA Study Program, IAT, PIAUD, PGMI, PAI, ES, MBS and PS and their staff, Lecturer, representative of the SEMA Board, WHEN, HMPS PIAUD, PAI, PGMI, IAT, ILHA and students from all study programs at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

This activity began with the opening of the event led by Marsela Linda as MC.

Continued singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, Mars & IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora hymn led by Lutfia Ainun.

This inauguration was chaired directly by H. Agus Susanto , Lc, M.Ag. As Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business.

Lutfia Ainun as chairman of the HMPS MBS Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business period 2023-2024 said "On behalf of our fellow HMPS administrators, we have high hopes for the Study Program so that we can collaborate together to make the work programs that will be prepared by HMPS MBS a success., ES and PS, and the implementation of all our programs requires support and guidance from our parents at the FEBI Faculty, And to my colleagues in the new HMPS MBS administrators, I hope that they can jointly carry out their responsibilities as HMPS administrators in this period by fostering Islamic brotherhood so that the HMPS Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business will be a superior institution based on the principles of Taqwa., Intellectual and professional".

In his speech H. Agus Susanto, Lc .,M. Ag as Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business hopes “Hopefully this change in management and regeneration can produce the best results and bring changes to make FEBI even more superior and dignified.. So that through the administrators of the organizations who were inaugurated today, FEBI is ready to metamorphose and develop itself into extraordinary individuals, and become people with noble character and good character, so that they understand the obligations and responsibilities they carry.", he said.

Besides that, Agus Susanto also emphasized that the management should be able to maintain unity and maintain the trust entrusted to them while carrying out their duties for the new management and expressed his gratitude to the old management..


Dr. KH. Nour Ihsan Saleh , Lc., MA, IAI Chancellor Khozinatul Ulum Blora in his Keynote Speaker hopes that the organization's administrators who were inaugurated today can bring FEBI's good name and advance FEBI "Hope to all administrators from HMPS ES, PS and MBS appointed today can bring positive changes, so that FEBI can realize the vision and mission that have been formulated", he said.


In today's workshop with the theme “Get Ready To Be Enterpreneur” Abdullah Khoirrura fifil Umam, M.M as speaker I explained ” If we want to become entrepreneurs, there are things we have to do, we must have ideas that other people do not have because an entrepreneur must have innovation to win in the environment.

Early career, In business he uses various methods by combining theory and practice, Because to become entrepreneurs we have to be brave in taking risks. The most important thing in opening a business is to have capital, Don't take the risk of getting into debt yet, But start with small steps in business. “he said.”

Remember the world is small, out there we will always meet people – professional business person. Likewise in industry 4.0 requires us to understand technology.

On the other hand, as a manager there are definitely risks. Likewise, as business people, we must have the mentality to dare to talk to people, must have a mentor who can direct, soft skill, can speak English and have the confidence to dare to be an entrepreneur.

In the presentation of the second material, Supriyanto as Owner of Segara said “Why do we have to do business because 9 from 10 the door to sustenance is trade. Likewise, our prophet Muhammad SAW was a merchant” he said.

A developed country is a country that has a minimum 4% entrepreneurs from the total population in the country.

To start a business we must have determination and capital or creating products in a business can be deep 2 form through Good ( Goods/ Physical) and Services ( Service).

If we want our products to always be remembered by customers, What business people must do is choose a brand name that is short and easy to pronounce, Define differentiation (special features) product, Brand and Logo are a reflection of the product, Placing ad, Take part in exhibitions, bazaar, or events and you must use social media. Meanwhile, the formula for making products is carried out by Supriyanto, “namely using the formula: Generic Products + Posioting. because different generations have different consumer behavior” additionally.

Workshop activities and Inauguration of the HMPS Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business were completed and closed with a prayer led by KH. Muhammad Nabil, M.Ag.


EDITOR : Muhammad Zainal Abidin M. Pd.

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