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Demapers - Monday ( 23 October 2023) Leaders of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora with the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Head of Study Program and Secretary of Head of PIAUD Study Program, PGMI and PAI held a meeting in the Leadership room. At this meeting, the follow-up to the Annual Budget activity plan was discussed ( RKAT) where the RKAT is designed by the Head of Study Program under FTIK ( Faculty of Teacher Training) namely Kaprodi PAI, PGMI and PIAUD, Apart from designing the RKAT, the Faculty leadership also presented the RENSTRA ( Rencana Strategis) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training from year 2023 until year 2026 after that it was demoted to the RKAT. Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. as Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education said " After the ratification The strategic planRencana Strategis) This FITK, FITK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora will continue to improve education, innovative and integrative research and service. In the future, FITK IAI Khozinatul Ulum will improve the quality and qualifications of human resources ( human Resources) Later, teaching and education staff will be given the opportunity to study further, Meanwhile, teaching and education staff are given the opportunity to study educational training programs organized internally and externally on campus. including increasing the number of lecturers who have doctoral qualifications 7 person in year 2026 , among them 4 Doctors at PAI, 2 Doctoral people at PGMI and 1 Doctoral person at PIAUD," he said. Meanwhile, the aims and objectives of the meeting were for the Islamic religious education study program ( PAI), The hope is to create a superior and competitive Islamic Religious Education Study Program in the development of science and research with a multi-literacy dimension based on the Koran according to the values - boarding school year value 2025. For their own target, PAI graduates must be able to master PAI scientific theory which includes PAI subjects, PAI students are expected to be able to produce quality and relevant research work, must play an active role consistently in being involved in community activities, must have ethics and morals that are Islamic in character , Meanwhile, recruiting new lecturers must be in accordance with the study program and based on the ideal ratio of students 1:30."He said. It is hoped that the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study program can produce professional graduates with creative character., Addictive, Responsive, Moral and skilled in the field of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher education, For the target itself, it is hoped that graduates from PGMI can master PGMI scientific theory and its implementation with a minimum average GPA of graduates 3,60. Meanwhile, PGMI lecturers are expected to be able to produce scientific articles published in accredited journals within a year and collaborate with national level institutions related to private study programs in the field of education., research and community service at least as much 2 institutions every year. "Next". And hope for next year 2026 The PIAUD study program can become a superior study program so that it can produce professional early childhood educators based on Islamic boarding school values. So that PIAUD graduates can master theories and implementation in Early Childhood Education science with a minimum average GPA of graduates 3,60 . Likewise, PIAUD IAUKHU lecturers can be consistently actively involved in individual research, groups or involving students. and lecturers are expected to remain experts in the relevant agencies and students can play an active role consistently in being involved in community activities wrapped in cooperation" he closed. " Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

The Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education together with the Head of Study Program Held a Meeting with the Leadership of IAI Khozinatul Ulum

Demapers - Monday ( 23 October 2023) Leaders of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora with the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Head of Study Program and Secretary of Head of PIAUD Study Program, PGMI and PAI held a meeting in the Leadership room. At this meeting, the follow-up to the Annual Budget activity plan was discussed ( RKAT) where the RKAT is designed by the Head of Study Program under FTIK ( Faculty of Teacher Training) namely Kaprodi PAI, PGMI and PIAUD, Apart from designing the RKAT, the Faculty leadership also presented the RENSTRA ( Rencana Strategis) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training from year 2023 until year 2026 after that it was demoted to the RKAT. Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. as Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education said " After the ratification The strategic planRencana Strategis) This FITK, FITK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora will continue to improve education, innovative and integrative research and service. In the future, FITK IAI Khozinatul Ulum will improve the quality and qualifications of human resources ( human Resources) Later, teaching and education staff will be given the opportunity to study further, Meanwhile, teaching and education staff are given the opportunity to study educational training programs organized internally and externally on campus. including increasing the number of lecturers who have doctoral qualifications 7 person in year 2026 , among them 4 Doctors at PAI, 2 Doctoral people at PGMI and 1 Doctoral person at PIAUD," he said. Meanwhile, the aims and objectives of the meeting were for the Islamic religious education study program ( PAI), The hope is to create a superior and competitive Islamic Religious Education Study Program in the development of science and research with a multi-literacy dimension based on the Koran according to the values - boarding school year value 2025. For their own target, PAI graduates must be able to master PAI scientific theory which includes PAI subjects, PAI students are expected to be able to produce quality and relevant research work, must play an active role consistently in being involved in community activities, must have ethics and morals that are Islamic in character , Meanwhile, recruiting new lecturers must be in accordance with the study program and based on the ideal ratio of students 1:30."He said. It is hoped that the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study program can produce professional graduates with creative character., Addictive, Responsive, Moral and skilled in the field of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher education, For the target itself, it is hoped that graduates from PGMI can master PGMI scientific theory and its implementation with a minimum average GPA of graduates 3,60. Meanwhile, PGMI lecturers are expected to be able to produce scientific articles published in accredited journals within a year and collaborate with national level institutions related to private study programs in the field of education., research and community service at least as much 2 institutions every year. "Next". And hope for next year 2026 The PIAUD study program can become a superior study program so that it can produce professional early childhood educators based on Islamic boarding school values. So that PIAUD graduates can master theories and implementation in Early Childhood Education science with a minimum average GPA of graduates 3,60 . Likewise, PIAUD IAUKHU lecturers can be consistently actively involved in individual research, groups or involving students. and lecturers are expected to remain experts in the relevant agencies and students can play an active role consistently in being involved in community activities wrapped in cooperation" he closed. " Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni
The Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education together with the Head of Study Program Held a Meeting with the Leadership of IAI Khozinatul Ulum

Demapers – Monday ( 23 October 2023) Leaders of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora with the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Head of Study Program and Secretary of Head of PIAUD Study Program, PGMI and PAI held a meeting in the Leadership room.

At this meeting, the follow-up to the Annual Budget activity plan was discussed ( RKAT) where the RKAT is designed by the Head of Study Program under FTIK ( Faculty of Teacher Training) namely Kaprodi PAI, PGMI and PIAUD, Apart from designing the RKAT, the Faculty leadership also presented the RENSTRA ( The strategic plan) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training from year 2023 until year 2026 after that it was demoted to the RKAT.

Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. as Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education said ” After the ratification of the RENSTRA ( The strategic plan) This FITK, FITK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora will continue to improve education, innovative and integrative research and service. In the future, FITK IAI Khozinatul Ulum will improve the quality and qualifications of human resources ( human Resources) Later, teaching and education staff will be given the opportunity to study further, Meanwhile, teaching and education staff are given the opportunity to study educational training programs organized internally and externally on campus. including increasing the number of lecturers who have doctoral qualifications 7 person in year 2026 , among them 4 Doctors at PAI, 2 Doctoral people at PGMI and 1 orang Doktor di PIAUD”.he said.

Meanwhile, the aims and objectives of the meeting were for the Islamic religious education study program ( PAI), The hope is to create a superior and competitive Islamic Religious Education Study Program in the development of science and research with a multi-literacy dimension based on the Koran according to the values – boarding school year value 2025. For their own target, PAI graduates must be able to master PAI scientific theory which includes PAI subjects, PAI students are expected to be able to produce quality and relevant research work, must play an active role consistently in being involved in community activities, must have ethics and morals that are Islamic in character , Meanwhile, recruiting new lecturers must be in accordance with the study program and based on the ideal ratio of students 1:30.”he said

Diharapkan untuk program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah bisa mencetak lulusan profesional yang berkarakter kreatif, Addictive, Responsive, Moral and skilled in the field of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher education, For the target itself, it is hoped that graduates from PGMI can master PGMI scientific theory and its implementation with a minimum average GPA of graduates 3,60. Meanwhile, PGMI lecturers are expected to be able to produce scientific articles published in accredited journals within a year and collaborate with national level institutions related to private study programs in the field of education., research and community service at least as much 2 institutions every year. “he continued”.

And hope for next year 2026 The PIAUD study program can become a superior study program so that it can produce professional early childhood educators based on Islamic boarding school values. So that PIAUD graduates can master theories and implementation in Early Childhood Education science with a minimum average GPA of graduates 3,60 . Likewise, PIAUD IAUKHU lecturers can be consistently actively involved in individual research, groups or involving students. and lecturers are expected to remain experts in the relevant agencies and students can play an active role consistently in being involved in community activities wrapped in cooperation” he closed. ”


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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