IAIKUPers- At the end of the year 2023, Faculty of Ushuluddin IAI KHOZINATUL ULUM Blora collaborating with the Ushuluddin Faculty of IDAQU Jakarta and IAIN Kudus to hold a National Webinar with the theme "Harmony of the Qur'an between Text and Context", Tuesday (5 December 2023). This event was held virtually via the Zoom Platform and was opened by Dr. Abdul Mufidz, Lc, M.S.I, Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty IAI KHOZINATUL ULUM BLORA.
This webinar was moderated by Muhammad Ismail, M.A.,(IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora lecturer) and attended by various lecturers, Students from these three campuses, too The general public from outside campus also participated. This Webinar Collaboration is the beginning of a series of collaborations that will continue to be carried out by the Ushuluddin faculty with other institutions to increase knowledge sharing and relationships with PTKIS campuses throughout Indonesia.
Dr. Abdul Mufidz, Lc, M.S.I, as Dean of the Ushuluddin IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Faculty say, "The literacy treasures of Ushuluddin IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students will continue enhanced through National Webinar collaboration with several large campuses in Indonesia.
After two weeks ago with UIN Jogja, now with the IDAQU Jakarta and IAIN Kudus campuses". Resource persons from each campus were involved in this event, including Agusman Armansyah, Lc., M.Soc.sc (Lecturer at the Daarul Qur'an Institute, Jakarta), Zaimul Asroor, S.Th.I,M.A. (IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora lecturer) and Dr. M. Rikza Muqtada, M.Hum. (Lecturer at the Kudus State Islamic Institute).
Qur’anic Dynamic, delivered by Agusman Armansyah, as the first resource person, Between Text and Context dengan Abdolkarim Soroush (b. 1945) one of the intellectual figures Iran was conveyed by Zaimul Asroor as the second resource person, while M. Rikza Muqtada presenting the contextualization of the Qur'an in the digital era as the third resource.
Ahmad Farih Dzakiy, S.Th.I, M.Ag, as Head of the Al Qur'an and Tafsir Study Program of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora hopes that this will be the first step in the next web series.
Next, the webinar ended with a group photo session after Anisaul Khoiriyah as The presenter expressed his thanks to all participants.
Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni