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DemaPers - Thursday 6 July 2023 Seminar activities and Inauguration of HMPS IAT Management have been carried out (Religious Science Tafsir ) and HMPS ILHA (HADIST SCIENCE) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute Period 2023-2024 which starts at 1:00 p.m 08.30 WIB until 11.40 WIB at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This appointment was attended by , Vice Chancellor I, Deputy Chancellor II,, Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty,Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Dekan Fakultas Syari'ah, Kaprodi ISLAND, IAT, PAI , PGMI, ES, MBS and his staff, representative of the Lecturer, representative of the SEMA Board,WHEN, PAISPGMIUD, PAI,PGMI , MBS,ES and representatives from students from all study programs at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan pembukaan kegiatan acara yang dipimpin oleh sahabat'i Anisaul selaku MC. This was followed by the reading of the holy verses of the Koran read by Mohammad Syaifuddin. and singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya and Mars IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora led by Tasila Indana Zulfa . This inauguration was marked by the acceptance of position from Mohammad Kholil as chairman of Demis to Agus Chalimil as chairman of HMPS Baru.. This inauguration was led directly by Ahmad Farikh Dzaki , S, Th. I . M, Ag to read the decision letter and take the oath of office which was attended by the HMPS IAT and ILHA management for the period 2023-2024. M. Kholil as the HMPS IAT/ILHA Demissioner advised the Management who will be on duty not to stop in the middle of the road, Don't get tired of organizing and continuing to develop together. Meanwhile, Chalimil as Chair of IAT expressed his thanks to the entire academic community who had elected him as Chair of HMPS and invited other HMPS friends to unite their mission so that they could fight together. IAT has a noble goal to make its students the best human beings as the words of the Prophet SAW said., The best people are those who study the Qur'an and teach it". Apart from that, the hope given to the new HMPS administrators is to accommodate each study program's goals by creating programs that can improve the abilities of IAT study program students.. In his speech, Mr. Mohammad Syahroni, as Chair of ILHA HMPS, said that "I hope that by being elected as the new Chair of HMPS, I can be responsible in upholding the mandate and bringing the name of the ILHA Study Program to a better place in the future.". In his speech Mr. Ahmad Farikh Dzaky, S . Th.I , M. Ag revealed that it iS hoped that the administrators who will be appointed will be able to uphold a good work ethic. The work program created can synergize with existing work programs at the faculty level and run in harmony. Be an example with ibda linafsi (start from yourself), so that it can be an example for others too," he said. After the HMPS ILHA and IAT Inauguration Procession was completed, the Gender Seminar continued " Differences in the Interpretation of the Qiwamah Verse from the Perspective of Riffat Hasan and Amina Wadud " Brought by H. Muhammad Nabil M, Ag and Nani Feliyani , M. H as Lecturer at FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora and moderated by Tasila Indana Zulfa. In the first material H. MuhammadMuhammad Nabil MVice Chancellor II said that Muslim feminist opinions are based on human rights. They interpret the verse with a hermeneutical interpretation . The characters include Riffat Hassan and Amina Wadud. Meanwhile, the opinion of the Mufassir is that they interpret in accordance with the interpretation methodology existing in Islamic teachings.. He also explained that Riffat Hasan's views on gender equality include:. " Criticizing why the word quwammun is in Qs An-Nisa : 34 can be interpreted that the leader or ruler is not a supporter , protector or breadwinner. Meanwhile, according to Riffat Hassan, the word qowamum was a question from Al- The Koran shows the division of labor between men and women. In interpreting the Al-Quran, Riffat Hassan uses the Fazlur Hasan method or an idealist normative approach and an empirical historical approach." In the second material, Nani Feliyani , M, H as a lecturer at FMbi IAI Khozinatul Ulum said that " Amina Wadud's views on gender equality " . According to Amina Wadud, the Al-Quran does not explicitly mention the superiority of men over women , The explicitly mentioned form is only an advantage in the case of inheritance. Amina Wadud can agree to a man becoming a woman's leader if there are two conditions, namely if the man is able to prove his superiority and the man supports the woman by using his wealth and objects.. It is known that Amina Wadud can be categorized as a controversial female figure in this century. How could he not have pioneered Friday prayer activities that were different from usual . He led and became a Friday preacher. This action occurred on 18 March 2005 in the Anglican church, at Sundram Tagore Gallery 137 Branch street , New York followed around more or less 100 mixed male and female congregants. It is known that the background for Amina Wadud to carry out this action is because there is no verse in the Koran which states that women and men are priests., Laws created mostly by men eliminate rights- Muslim rights and as Muslims living in this century 21 , He believes that it has a mandate to improve the participation responsibilities of men and women. It is known that this seminar was very interesting and exciting because of the enthusiasm of many participants who asked questions and responded to the answers given by the presenters. Hit it right 12.30. Inauguration of HMPS IAT and ILHA Completed , ditutup dengan do'a kafaratul majlis yang di pimpin oleh bapak Ahmad muhammad syaifull.


DemaPers - Thursday 6 July 2023 Seminar activities and Inauguration of HMPS IAT Management have been carried out (Religious Science Tafsir ) and HMPS ILHA (HADIST SCIENCE) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute Period 2023-2024 which starts at 1:00 p.m 08.30 WIB until 11.40 WIB at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This appointment was attended by , Vice Chancellor I, Deputy Chancellor II,, Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty,Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Dean of the Sharia Faculty, Kaprodi ISLAND, IAT, PAI , PGMI, ES, MBS and his staff, representative of the Lecturer, representative of the SEMA Board,WHEN, PAISPGMIUD, PAI,PGMI , MBS,ES and representatives from students from all study programs at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This activity began with the opening of the event led by Sahabat'i Anisaul as MC. This was followed by the reading of the holy verses of the Koran read by Mohammad Syaifuddin. and singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya and Mars IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora led by Tasila Indana Zulfa . This inauguration was marked by the acceptance of position from Mohammad Kholil as chairman of Demis to Agus Chalimil as chairman of HMPS Baru.. This inauguration was led directly by Ahmad Farikh Dzaki , S, Th. I . M, Ag to read the decision letter and take the oath of office which was attended by the HMPS IAT and ILHA management for the period 2023-2024. M. Kholil as the HMPS IAT/ILHA Demissioner advised the Management who will be on duty not to stop in the middle of the road, Don't get tired of organizing and continuing to develop together. Meanwhile, Chalimil as Chair of IAT expressed his thanks to the entire academic community who had elected him as Chair of HMPS and invited other HMPS friends to unite their mission so that they could fight together. IAT has a noble goal to make its students the best human beings as the words of the Prophet SAW said., The best people are those who study the Qur'an and teach it". Apart from that, the hope given to the new HMPS administrators is to accommodate each study program's goals by creating programs that can improve the abilities of IAT study program students.. In his speech, Mr. Mohammad Syahroni, as Chair of ILHA HMPS, said that "I hope that by being elected as the new Chair of HMPS, I can be responsible in upholding the mandate and bringing the name of the ILHA Study Program to a better place in the future.". In his speech Mr. Ahmad Farikh Dzaky, S . Th.I , M. Ag revealed that it iS hoped that the administrators who will be appointed will be able to uphold a good work ethic. The work program created can synergize with existing work programs at the faculty level and run in harmony. Be an example with ibda linafsi (start from yourself), so that it can be an example for others too," he said. After the HMPS ILHA and IAT Inauguration Procession was completed, the Gender Seminar continued " Differences in the Interpretation of the Qiwamah Verse from the Perspective of Riffat Hasan and Amina Wadud " Brought by H. Muhammad Nabil M, Ag and Nani Feliyani , M. H as Lecturer at FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora and moderated by Tasila Indana Zulfa. In the first material H. MuhammadMuhammad Nabil MVice Chancellor II said that Muslim feminist opinions are based on human rights. They interpret the verse with a hermeneutical interpretation . The characters include Riffat Hassan and Amina Wadud. Meanwhile, the opinion of the Mufassir is that they interpret in accordance with the interpretation methodology existing in Islamic teachings.. He also explained that Riffat Hasan's views on gender equality include:. " Criticizing why the word quwammun is in Qs An-Nisa : 34 can be interpreted that the leader or ruler is not a supporter , protector or breadwinner. Meanwhile, according to Riffat Hassan, the word qowamum was a question from Al- The Koran shows the division of labor between men and women. In interpreting the Al-Quran, Riffat Hassan uses the Fazlur Hasan method or an idealist normative approach and an empirical historical approach." In the second material, Nani Feliyani , M, H as a lecturer at FMbi IAI Khozinatul Ulum said that " Amina Wadud's views on gender equality " . According to Amina Wadud, the Al-Quran does not explicitly mention the superiority of men over women , The explicitly mentioned form is only an advantage in the case of inheritance. Amina Wadud can agree to a man becoming a woman's leader if there are two conditions, namely if the man is able to prove his superiority and the man supports the woman by using his wealth and objects.. It is known that Amina Wadud can be categorized as a controversial female figure in this century. How could he not have pioneered Friday prayer activities that were different from usual . He led and became a Friday preacher. This action occurred on 18 March 2005 in the Anglican church, at Sundram Tagore Gallery 137 Branch street , New York followed around more or less 100 mixed male and female congregants. It is known that the background for Amina Wadud to carry out this action is because there is no verse in the Koran which states that women and men are priests., Laws created mostly by men eliminate rights- Muslim rights and as Muslims living in this century 21 , He believes that it has a mandate to improve the participation responsibilities of men and women. It is known that this seminar was very interesting and exciting because of the enthusiasm of many participants who asked questions and responded to the answers given by the presenters. Hit it right 12.30. Inauguration of HMPS IAT and ILHA Completed , closed with prayer kafaratul the meeting led by father Ahmad Muhammad Syaifull.

DemaPers – Thursday 6 July 2023 Seminar activities and Inauguration of HMPS IAT Management have been carried out (Religious Science Tafsir ) and HMPS ILHA (HADIST SCIENCE) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute Period 2023-2024 which starts at 1:00 p.m 08.30 WIB until 11.40 WIB at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall.

This appointment was attended by , Vice Chancellor I, Deputy Chancellor II,, Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty,Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Dean of the Sharia Faculty, Kaprodi ISLAND, IAT, PAI , PGMI, ES, MBS and his staff, representative of the Lecturer, representative of the SEMA Board,WHEN, HMPS PIAUD, PAI,PGMI , MBS,ES and representatives from students from all study programs at IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

This activity began with the opening of the event led by Sahabat'i Anisaul as MC. This was followed by the reading of the holy verses of the Koran read by Mohammad Syaifuddin.

and singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya and Mars IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora led by Tasila Indana Zulfa .

This inauguration was marked by the acceptance of position from Mohammad Kholil as chairman of Demis to Agus Chalimil as chairman of HMPS Baru..

This inauguration was led directly by Ahmad Farikh Dzaki , S, Th. I . M, Ag to read the decision letter and take the oath of office which was attended by the HMPS IAT and ILHA management for the period 2023-2024.

M. Kholil as the HMPS IAT/ILHA Demissioner advised the Management who will be on duty not to stop in the middle of the road, Don't get tired of organizing and continuing to develop together.

Meanwhile, Chalimil as Chair of IAT expressed his thanks to the entire academic community who had elected him as Chair of HMPS and invited other HMPS friends to unite their mission so that they could fight together. IAT has a noble goal to make its students the best human beings as the words of the Prophet SAW said., The best people are those who study the Qur'an and teach it". Apart from that, the hope given to the new HMPS administrators is to accommodate each study program's goals by creating programs that can improve the abilities of IAT study program students..

In his speech, Mr. Mohammad Syahroni, as Chair of ILHA HMPS, said that "I hope that by being elected as the new Chair of HMPS, I can be responsible in upholding the mandate and bringing the name of the ILHA Study Program to a better place in the future.".

In his speech Mr. Ahmad Farikh Dzaky, S . Th.I , M. Ag revealed that it is hoped that the administrators who will be appointed will be able to uphold a good work ethic. The work program created can synergize with existing work programs at the faculty level and run in harmony.

” Be an example with ibda linafsi (start from yourself), so that it can be an example for others too," he said.

After the HMPS ILHA and IAT Inauguration Procession was completed, the Gender Seminar continued ” Differences in the Interpretation of the Qiwamah Verse from the Perspective of Riffat Hasan and Amina Wadud ” Brought by H. Muhammad Nabil M, Ag and Nani Feliyani , M. H as Lecturer at FEBI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora and moderated by Tasila Indana Zulfa.

In the first material H. Muhammad Nabil M, Ag as Vice Chancellor II said that Muslim feminist opinions are based on human rights. They interpret the verse with a hermeneutical interpretation . The characters include Riffat Hassan and Amina Wadud.

Meanwhile, the opinion of the Mufassir is that they interpret in accordance with the interpretation methodology existing in Islamic teachings..

He also explained that Riffat Hasan's views on gender equality include:.

” Criticizing why the word quwammun is in Qs An-Nisa : 34 can be interpreted that the leader or ruler is not a supporter , protector or breadwinner. Meanwhile, according to Riffat Hassan, the word qowamum was a question from Al- The Koran shows the division of labor between men and women. In interpreting the Al-Quran, Riffat Hassan uses the Fazlur Hasan method or an idealist normative approach and an empirical historical approach.”

In the second material, Nani Feliyani , M, H as a lecturer at Febi IAI Khozinatul Ulum said that ” Amina Wadud's views on gender equality ” . According to Amina Wadud, the Al-Quran does not explicitly mention the superiority of men over women , The explicitly mentioned form is only an advantage in the case of inheritance.

Amina Wadud can agree to a man becoming a woman's leader if there are two conditions, namely if the man is able to prove his superiority and the man supports the woman by using his wealth and objects..

It is known that Amina Wadud can be categorized as a controversial female figure in this century. How could he not have pioneered Friday prayer activities that were different from usual . He led and became a Friday preacher. This action occurred on 18 March 2005 in the Anglican church, at Sundram Tagore Gallery 137 Branch street , New York followed around more or less 100 mixed male and female congregants.

It is known that the background for Amina Wadud to carry out this action is because there is no verse in the Koran which states that women and men are priests., Laws created mostly by men eliminate rights- Muslim rights and as Muslims living in this century 21 , He believes that it has a mandate to improve the participation responsibilities of men and women.

It is known that this seminar was very interesting and exciting because of the enthusiasm of many participants who asked questions and responded to the answers given by the presenters.

Hit it right 12.30. Inauguration of HMPS IAT and ILHA Completed , closed with the kafaratul majlis prayer led by Mr. Muhammad Syaifull .




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