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LUTH SPIN LOTTY RESULTS: The division of inter-school tournament groups in the Febiku Blora futsal tournament

IAIKUPers- Friday (21 February 2025 ) Futsal Tournament Committee for the Faculty of Economics and Business of Islamic IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora (Febicika) has announced the results of the lottery with Lut Spin for the division of groups in the futsal tournament between schools held in Blora Regency. This tournament was attended by a futsal team from various schools in Blora and aimed to increase the spirit of sportsmanship and strengthen the relationship between family silaturrahim and sports between schools.


The message was delivered by Muhammad Zainal Abidin, M.Pd. One of the Steering Committee committees of the Futsal Febiku Tournament IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, "We really hope that in the futsal tournament between schools held in Blora Regency, This tournament can increase the spirit of sportsmanship and strengthen the relationship between family silaturrahim and sports between schools ".

The results of the futsal tournament lottery divided participants into two groups, who will compete for the title. The division of the group is as follows:

Grup a:

SMA N 1 Visitation

SMKN 2 Blora

An-Nur Vocational School, Banjarejo

SMKN 1 Japan

Ma'arif Blora Vocational School

Grup b:

SMK n 1 Jati

SMA N 2 Blora

MA Al-Islajo

MA of Mojoweat Mojoweat


With the division of this group, The participants will face a match full of challenges and high competition spirit. This tournament is expected to be a place to show the best potential of each school, as well as creating an atmosphere that supports the development of students' achievements in Blora.


Besides that, This futsal tournament is expected to motivate students to continue to develop abilities in the field of sports, while still upholding the values ​​of sportsmanship. High enthusiasm is also seen from the preparation of each team, who are ready to compete to win.


Look forward to the first match that will start soon, And don't forget to support your favorite school in this school futsal tournament!


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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