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DemaPers - Wednesday (13 September 2023) IAT Study Program Student Association &ILHA held paper writing training for new students at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. This training was attended by Dr. Abdul Mufid , Lc., M.S.I as Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Muhammad Ismail MA as Secretary of the IAT study program, HMPS IAT/ ILHA administrators and new students. As a New Student, Written work is something that may not be fully known. This activity was held in order to improve students' paper writing skills and prepare them to face assignments on campus. Muhammad Ismail MA as secretary of the IAT Study Program and Ushuluddin Lecturer, He emphasized the importance of the ability to write good and correct papers in the academic world. This paper writing training activity was designed because it was deemed necessary to provide information about writing papers such as how to write an abstract, introduction, discussion, closing to bibliography to first semester students. In the future, it is hoped that students who take this training will, can write papers according to the correct rules and can write footnotes or bodynotes and bibliography correctly, so that there are no problems related to plagiarism." In this training, Participants are given an understanding of tools in using Microsoft Word, The main components in writing a paper, writing ethics, resource citation, and effective writing techniques. Apart from that, participants were also taught to find reference sources easily through platforms in books and the internet. Interactive discussions are also held to answer questions and clarify concepts that have been studied. During training, The atmosphere was very conducive and the enthusiasm of the participants could be seen from their active participation in each session. They seemed eager to gain new knowledge and writing skills that would be useful for their college assignments. This event closed with instructions from the resource person. He hopes that the knowledge and skills gained by the participants will help them produce quality papers. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers - Wednesday (13 September 2023) IAT Study Program Student Association &ILHA held paper writing training for new students at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. This training was attended by Dr. Abdul Mufid , Lc., M.S.I as Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Muhammad Ismail MA as Secretary of the IAT study program, HMPS IAT/ ILHA administrators and new students. As a New Student, Written work is something that may not be fully known. This activity was held in order to improve students' paper writing skills and prepare them to face assignments on campus. Muhammad Ismail MA as secretary of the IAT Study Program and Ushuluddin Lecturer, He emphasized the importance of the ability to write good and correct papers in the academic world. This paper writing training activity was designed because it was deemed necessary to provide information about writing papers such as how to write an abstract, introduction, discussion, closing to bibliography to first semester students. In the future, it is hoped that students who take this training will, can write papers according to the correct rules and can write footnotes or bodynotes and bibliography correctly, so that there are no problems related to plagiarism." In this training, Participants are given an understanding of tools in using Microsoft Word, The main components in writing a paper, writing ethics, resource citation, and effective writing techniques. Apart from that, participants were also taught to find reference sources easily through platforms in books and the internet. Interactive discussions are also held to answer questions and clarify concepts that have been studied. During training, The atmosphere was very conducive and the enthusiasm of the participants could be seen from their active participation in each session. They seemed eager to gain new knowledge and writing skills that would be useful for their college assignments. This event closed with instructions from the resource person. He hopes that the knowledge and skills gained by the participants will help them produce quality papers. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers - Wednesday (13 September 2023) IAT Study Program Student Association &ILHA held paper writing training for new students at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium.

This training was attended by Dr. Abdul Mufid , Lc., M.S.I as Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Muhammad Ismail MA as Secretary of the IAT study program, HMPS IAT/ ILHA administrators and new students.

In this training paper, attended 50 more participants, not only from the Al-Quran and Tafsir Science study program( IAT) , Hadith Science ( ISLAND) just, However, there are also those from the Sharia Business Management study program ( MBS) , Islamic Religious Education study program ( PAI), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program ( PGMI) who also attended this training.

As a New Student, Written work is something that may not be fully known.


This activity was held in order to improve students' paper writing skills and prepare them to face assignments on campus.

Muhammad Ismail MA as secretary of the IAT Study Program and Ushuluddin Lecturer, He emphasized the importance of the ability to write good and correct papers in the academic world. This paper writing training activity was designed because it was deemed necessary to provide information about writing papers such as how to write an abstract, introduction, discussion, closing to bibliography to first semester students. In the future, it is hoped that students who take this training will, can write papers according to the correct rules and can write footnotes or bodynotes and bibliography correctly, so that there are no problems related to plagiarism.”

In this training, Participants are given an understanding of tools in using Microsoft Word, The main components in writing a paper, writing ethics, resource citation, and effective writing techniques. Apart from that, participants were also taught to find reference sources easily through platforms in books and the internet.

Interactive discussions are also held to answer questions and clarify concepts that have been studied.

During training, The atmosphere was very conducive and the enthusiasm of the participants could be seen from their active participation in each session. They seemed eager to gain new knowledge and writing skills that would be useful for their college assignments.

This event closed with instructions from the resource person. He hopes that the knowledge and skills gained by the participants will help them produce quality papers.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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