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Syuro as a vehicle for Rekso Jiwo Rogo

By; Dr.H. Nour Ihsan Lc.,MA[1]

  1. Introduction

The month of Muharrom or Syuro (Assyria) is a month full of history, which this month has a colorful phenomenon. So this month has a multi-dimensional story that can be seen from various sides. The first side can be explored from the Javanese realm, Javanese tradition views that the month of Syuro is one of the months that is full of meaning among the months that were created, because this month is the opening month of the month revealed by God, It is from this view that many of them meditate on heirlooms to be worn or washed until they become ready-to-eat heirlooms..

The other side, The month of Shuro is the time when the obligation given to the Messenger of God's people to fast. That said, Muslims used to be required to fast on the day of "Ashura", and those Muslims and the previous people only fast once in a year, then the revelation came down, to provide a new obligation that the Prophet's Ummah must fast during the month of Ramadan for the entire month.

From this starting point, there is actually another angle that is noticed by the general public, namely, there are many phenomena that occur on the day of Ashura. From this area, The events that occurred had an impact on the sacredness of the month. So this sacredness is not only presented on the first of the month of Muharram, but on the tenth also creates an impact on the magic of that date. From several world view earlier, we need to elaborate more deeply, to what extent is the sacredness and specialness of the month of Muharrom?.

  1. Definition of Ashura

Asyuro literally means "ten", It comes from the word "ashara" which means "tenth".. Meanwhile, according to Asyuro terms, it is the tenth day of the month of Muharrom (Syuro) every year.[2]

From this definition, There needs to be a focus on understanding that the Syuro fast in question is the fast carried out on the tenth of the month of Muharram. Even so, Javanese people tend to perform their deepest rituals on the first of the month of Muharram. Because the first of the month of Muharrom is a new door that must be entered and passed through with several preparations. For, to meet the new door, new era, A new era and a new existence require extra preparation full of stamina.

  1. History of the month of Muharrom as the Hijriah new year

In general, the month of Shuro (Muharrom) better known as the Hijriyah New Year, which is this month, The Prophet Muhammad SAW made his first hijrah to the city of Medina Al-Mukarromah. This phenomenon is used as a momentum by the friends to make the new year in their calendar. Other than that, The emigration of the Prophet and his companions became a huge historical event in the Islamic calendar that we know today.[3]

The reason why the month of Muharram is made into the Hijriah New Year is because Muharram was the first month in the calendar of Arab society in the past.. Then On the month of Muharram, Muslims have just completed a major pilgrimage, namely the Hajj to Baitullah. The next reason is because the first time the determination to emigrate occurred was in the month of Muharram. Because in the previous month, Dzulhijah, some of the people of Madinah did the second Bayat of Aqabah.[4]

On the other hand, Javanese people also use the Islamic calendar, which in fact means their new year is called the month of Syuro. But they are (Javanese) more likely to be used as a mystical vehicle in their lives. More often, Javanese people use the month of Syuro as a tool for self-introspection, tirakatan, passes away, Katrina, angels and get closer to the almighty God.

At another point, There is a special entity that many people touch and act on, namely menirakati, the Ashuro fast, namely fasting carried out on the date 10 the month of Muharrom. It is said that fasting on the tenth of the month of Muharrom can atone for the sins of the past year. Due to the many phenomena in Islamic history experienced by Islamic figures and figures.

  1. The phenomenon that occurred on the day of Ashuro (Muharrom)

  1. Prophet Adam's repentance was accepted
  2. The apocalypse occurred on the day of Ashuro
  3. The kingdom of the prophet Solomon was given
  4. Allah swt revealed the Torah book to Prophet Moses
  5. He saved Noah and his people from the ship
  6. He saved Prophet Ibrahim from the fire that burned him
  7. Prophet Yusuf was released from prison
  8. Prophet Ya'kub's vision was restored again
  9. He parted the sea to drown the Children of Israel
  10. The past and future sins of the prophet Muhammad may be forgiven by Allah swt.
  11. The first day Allah SWT created creatures in the world
  12. The first rain sent down from heaven to earth[5]


  1. The superiority of the month of Ashura

The Syuro month has many advantages, both natural and supra natural, among them are :

  1. Ashuro fasting can erase the sins of the past year

Hadith of Ghailan bin Jarir, on the authority of Abdullah bin Ma’bad Al-Zamani, on the authority of Abu Qatada, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “Fasting on the day of Ashura expiates the year before it.” [6]

It means" The Messenger of God said : Fasting one day on the tenth of the month of Muharram can erase the sins of the previous year.

Viewed from the editorial side, This hadith wants to explain how special the Ashuro fast is, which is able to erase the sins of the past year. Of course, the fasting ritual is carried out in accordance with the existing systematic recommendations of the Shari'a.

  1. Fasting on the day of Ashura has the same reward as fasting in one year

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “God Almighty revealed to Musa bin Imran in the Torah: Whoever fasts on the day of Ashura, it is as if he fasted for an entire eternity.”[7].

It means" Rasulullah SAW said: Allah swt revealed the book of Torah to Prophet Musa bin Imran which contains, that whoever fasts on the day of Ashuro, then he is like fasting for a year.

The meaning of this word is that there is a form of respect for the Torah book that was revealed to Prophet Moses at the top of Mount Sinai in Egypt. From the existence of the climbing struggle that consumes energy, Finally Prophet Moses got his holy book "Torah".

  1. Get Heaven Al-Firdaus

On the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he said: Whoever fasts the ten days until the day of Ashura will inherit the highest paradise.”.[8]

It means: It was narrated from Sayyidah Aisyah that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said "that whoever fasts from the first of Muharrom until the tenth of Muharrom, then he will get paradise.".

If you look at the nuances of this hadith, Rasulullah Saw wanted to say that the reward of fasting in the month of Muharrom is so great, so that Allah SWT gives the best heaven, namely paradise paradise. Which is a heaven that is only given to the chosen servants of Allah SWT.

  1. Multiplied the value of charity

It was said: Whoever prays four rak'ahs in it, reciting al-Hamd once in each rak'ah, and saying, "He is Allah" fifty-one times, may God forgive his sins for fifty years., Whoever is given a drink of water on the day of Ashura, God will give him a cup to drink on the Day of Greatest Thirst after which he will never be thirsty again., As if he had not disobeyed God even for the blink of an eye, And whoever gives charity in it, it is as if he never turned away a beggar, Whoever washes and purifies himself on the day of Ashura will not fall sick during his year except death, Whoever wipes the head of an orphan or does good to him, it is as if he did good to all of Adam’s orphans, Whoever visits a sick person on the day of Ashura, it is as if he visited all of Adam’s sick children, It is the day on which God created the Throne, the Tablet, and the Foot, it is the day on which God created Gabriel and raised Jesus, and it is the day on which the Hour will come..[9]

It means: dishThe Salaf said, "Whoever prays four rak'ahs, which in each rakaat read surat al-Fatihah once and read surat al-Ikhlas as many as fifty one times, Surely Allah SWT will forgive his sins for fifty years. Whoever gives drink on the day of Ashura, then Allah swt gave him a drink when he was super thirsty and he would not feel thirsty forever and he was recorded as a servant who never committed a sin. Whoever gives charity, his prayer will be answered. Whoever bathes and purifies himself on the day of Ashura, surely he will not experience any illness that year except the illness which leads to death. Whoever rubs the head of an orphan, so he rubbed the heads of all the orphans in the same way. Whoever visits a sick person on the day of Ashura will visit all sick people in the same way. Know that the day of Ashuro is the day when Allah SWT created the Throne, lauh and the events to come. And the day of Ashura is the day when God created the angel Gabriel and raised the prophet Jesus to heaven and the day of Ashura is the day when the Day of Judgment occurs.

The explanation above gives us an understanding, that whatever positive behavior we do on Ashuro Day, then the reward is getting something more and special. In fact, the response is not only felt in the world, but in the afterlife too.

  1. Allah swt makes fasting obligatory for the first time on the day of Ashura

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “God Almighty made it obligatory for the Children of Israel to fast on every day of the year, It is the day of Ashura, It is the tenth day of Muharram, So fast and provide for your families in it.”.

It means: The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said" that God made it obligatory for the children of Israel to fast one day in a year, namely fasting on the day of Asyuro, meaning fasting on the tenth day of the month of Muharrom. So fast all of you and give your family a wider opportunity to fast on this day.

this hadith, gives us an understanding that first, before the people of Prophet Muhammad SAW were required to fast in the month of Ramadan, they are already required to fast on the day of Ashura. So in fact, fasting is not only required for Muhammad's followers but also for previous generations.. This indicates that Ashuro's day is a meaningful and meaningful day. So anyone who wants to feel the specialness of Ashura day, then you have to carry out the rituals that are listed and that already exist.

  1. Closing

Basically, Natural law has also proven that there is something ordinary and something special about everything. Some are in order, some are in ruins, some have problems and some are full of blessings. From this plan, we need to reflect on ourselves in order to prepare a true human being in the divine eyes of the rabbi. On the other hand, the challenges are definitely appearing in front of our eyes and we must be ready to deny them. So the effort to become a creature that can always introspect body and soul is a necessity


[1] STAI lecturer Khozinatul Ulum Blora

[2] Syuaib bin Sa’ad bin Abdul Kafi, Al-Raudh al-Faiq fi al-Mawa’id wa al-Raqa’iq, Darul Pole al-Ilmiah, Beirut, 2004, hal. 284

[3] That said, At that time Umar bin Khatab held a meeting with several of his government officials to determine the new year. And it turns out that the choice of the Caliph 'Umar's assembly was the year in which it occurred Hijrah events. That's why, This Islamic calendar is also known as the Hijri calendar. The calendar starts at 1 Muharram year of Hijrah event or coinciding with 16 July 662 M. The event of the Prophet's migration. itself takes place in the month of Rabi'ul Awal 1 H or September 622 M.

[4] Ibn Hajar in Fathul Bari, 7:268

[5] Syuaib bin Sa’ad bin Abdul Kafi, Al-Raudh al-Faiq fi al-Mawa’id wa al-Raqa’iq, op.cit., hal. 284

[6] HR Muslim, kitrab al-Siyam : 2746-2747

[7] Ali Hassan Ali, mausu'atu al-Ahadith wal atsar al-Dho'ifah wal maudhuah, Maktabah al-Ma’arif lin Nasyr, Riyadh KSA, 1999, hal. 360

[8] Syuaib bin Sa’ad bin Abdul Kafi, Al-Raudh al-Faiq fi al-Mawa’id wa al-Raqa’iq, op.cit., hal. 284

[9] Syuaib bin Sa’ad bin Abdul Kafi, Al-Raudh al-Faiq fi al-Mawa’id wa al-Raqa’iq, op.cit., hal. 284

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