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IAIKhu Press - Sunday (5 November 2023) O'clock 12.20 PMP Party ( Progressive Student Party) and PSM (Student Solidarity Party) Submit files and letters of validation to the Dema Management of the Minister of Home Affairs Division ( Home Minister) at Dema's office. On this occasion, Dinda was also present as the Dema Executive of the Minister of Home Affairs Division and Yusron as Member of the Student General Election Commission. ( KPUM). Dinda as the administrator of the Dema division of the MENDAGRI hopes " With the existence of this political party, I hope that members of political parties, especially students, will join, can create a good and competent democracy" he said when interviewed by the IAIKhu editor at the Dema office. " Bilqis as Chair of the Progressive Student Party ( PMP) mengatakan " My goal in forming a party is that I want to accommodate cadres of progressive leadership candidates for campus organizations. " he said". In line with Andreansyah Saputra as Chair of the Student Solidarity Parsaymengatakan" My goal is to establish this party, I want to develop management professionalism in various campus political activities, upholding the political existence of Muslims at the Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute, realizing justice and prosperity in the context of realizing student sovereignty, contribute positively to the development and progress of other campuses, and dynamizing the role of students as drivers of change towards the formation of civil society " He said this when interviewed by the editorial team via online Whatsapp chat. " "for his own contribution, We want to take part in enlivening the pemira on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus. " Additionally. " Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKhu Press - Sunday (5 November 2023) O'clock 12.20 PMP Party ( Progressive Student Party) and PSM (Student Solidarity Party) Submit files and letters of validation to the Dema Management of the Minister of Home Affairs Division ( Home Minister) at Dema's office. On this occasion, Dinda was also present as the Dema Executive of the Minister of Home Affairs Division and Yusron as Member of the Student General Election Commission. ( KPUM). Dinda as the administrator of the Dema division of the MENDAGRI hopes " With the existence of this political party, I hope that members of political parties, especially students, will join, can create a good and competent democracy" he said when interviewed by the IAIKhu editor at the Dema office. " Bilqis as Chair of the Progressive Student Party ( PMP) mengatakan " My goal in forming a party is that I want to accommodate cadres of progressive leadership candidates for campus organizations. " he said". In line with Andreansyah Saputra as Chair of the Student Solidarity Parsaymengatakan" My goal is to establish this party, I want to develop management professionalism in various campus political activities, upholding the political existence of Muslims at the Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute, realizing justice and prosperity in the context of realizing student sovereignty, contribute positively to the development and progress of other campuses, and dynamizing the role of students as drivers of change towards the formation of civil society " He said this when interviewed by the editorial team via online Whatsapp chat. " "for his own contribution, We want to take part in enlivening the pemira on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus. " Additionally. " Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

AIKhuPers – Sunday (5 November 2023) O'clock 12.20 PMP Party ( Progressive Student Party) and PSM (Student Solidarity Party) Submit files and letters of validation to the Dema Management of the Minister of Home Affairs Division ( Home Minister) at Dema's office.

This occasion was attended by Dinda as the Dema Administrator of the Minister of Home Affairs division and Yusron as Member of the Student General Election Commission ( KPUM).

Dinda as the administrator of the Dema division of the MENDAGRI hopes ” With the existence of this political party, I hope that members of political parties, especially students, will join, can create a good and competent democracy” he said when interviewed by the IAIKhu editor at the Dema office. ”

Bilqis as Chair of the Progressive Student Party ( PMP) say ” My goal in forming a party is that I want to accommodate cadres of progressive leadership candidates for campus organizations. ” he said “.

In line with Muhammad Andrean Wahyu Saputra as Chair of the Student Solidarity Party ( PSM) say” My goal is to establish this party, I want to develop management professionalism in various campus political activities, upholding the political existence of Muslims at the Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute, realizing justice and prosperity in the context of realizing student sovereignty, contribute positively to the development and progress of other campuses, and dynamizing the role of students as drivers of change towards the formation of civil society ” He said this when interviewed by the editorial team via online Whatsapp chat. ”

“for his own contribution, We want to take part in enlivening the pemira on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus. ” Additionally. ”


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


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