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IAIKU Press - Sunday (3 APRIL 2024) Approaching 3 students' departure day for field work. Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education , Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. Officially opened the training activities for KKL students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Semester VI at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. These activities should be followed more or less 100 students and Field Supervisors (DPL). However, due to weather conditions it was not possible, students who can attend are only approx 40 people. This Field Work Lecture activity will be held on Wednesday 6 March 2023 , to leave at around 12:00 p.m 00.00 and students are expected to be on the IAI Khizinatul Ulum Blora page. In his opening remarks, Arim Irsyadulloh AlbArim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya Multy of Teacher Training and Education, emphasized the importance of debriefing activities for students participating in KKL. Because KKL is a practical lecture process that is carried out directly at a designated institution or institution where students will interact directly with students. - Students and teachers in their KKL places. Mastery of theoretical knowledge will be complemented by experience - experience gained during KKL, Therefore, students must take this KKL seriously and with discipline. The agenda for Field Work lecture activities includes the Guardian 3 pilgrimage, a Seminar with the Al-Azhar Foundation, Observations and tours in Colosia. During field work activities, students are expected to wear alma mater jackets. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKU Press - Sunday (3 APRIL 2024) Approaching 3 students' departure day for field work. Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education , Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. Officially opened the training activities for KKL students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Semester VI at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. These activities should be followed more or less 100 students and Field Supervisors (DPL). However, due to weather conditions it was not possible, students who can attend are only approx 40 people.   This Field Work Lecture activity will be held on Wednesday 6 March 2023 , to leave at around 12:00 p.m 00.00 and students are expected to be on the IAI Khizinatul Ulum Blora page. 
   In his opening remarks, Arim Irsyadulloh AlbArim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya Multy of Teacher Training and Education, emphasized the importance of debriefing activities for students participating in KKL. Because KKL is a practical lecture process that is carried out directly at a designated institution or institution where students will interact directly with students. - Students and teachers in their KKL places. Mastery of theoretical knowledge will be complemented by experience - experience gained during KKL, Therefore, students must take this KKL seriously and with discipline.
     The agenda for Field Work lecture activities includes the Guardian 3 pilgrimage, a Seminar with the Al-Azhar Foundation, Observations and tours in Colosia. During field work activities, students are expected to wear alma mater jackets. 

Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers – Sunday (3 APRIL 2024), Approaching 3 students' departure day for field work. Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education ,Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. Officially opened the training activities for KKL students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Semester VI at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium.

These activities should be followed more or less 100 students and Field Supervisors (DPL). However, due to weather conditions it was not possible, students who can attend are only approx 40 people.

This Field Work Lecture activity will be held on Wednesday 6 March 2023 at the Al Foundation- AZHAR Semarang, to leave at around 12:00 p.m 00.00 and students are expected to be on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora page.

In his opening remarks, Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, emphasized the importance of debriefing activities for students participating in KKL. Because KKL is a practical lecture process that is carried out directly at a designated institution or institution where students will interact directly with students. – Students and teachers in their KKL places. Mastery of theoretical knowledge will be complemented by experience – experience gained during KKL, Therefore, students must take this KKL seriously and with discipline.

The agenda for Field Work lecture activities includes the Guardian 3 pilgrimage, a Seminar with the Al-Azhar Foundation, Observations and tours in Colosia. During field work activities, students are expected to wear alma mater jackets and neat uniforms.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni










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