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IAIKUPers- IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora as a Higher Education Organizer carries out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education activities to support government programs in the field of Higher Education. One of them is the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty in realizing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in collaboration with State High Schools 1 Ngawen in Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School activities 2024/1445 H. The aim of signing this MoU is to increase cooperation in order to support the Education and Teaching Development Program, Research and Community Service and various other programs to support Higher Education Governance. Signing of an MoU agreement between the Islamic Religious Education Study Program which is under the control of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty and SMA N 1 Ngawen is held on Monday, 1 April 2024 located in the SMA N Meeting Room 1 Ngawen. The MoU agreement was signed by Mrs. Siti Nurkayati, M.Pd. As Chair of the PAI Study Program and Dian Dwi Asih M,Si as Deputy Head of HighNgawenl Curriculum 1 Ngawen. This activity was attended by the Dean of FITK and the Secretary of PAI Study Program IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs from IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora to SMA N 1 Hang out and take photos together. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora as a Higher Education Organizer carries out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education activities to support government programs in the field of Higher Education. Salah satunya  Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora dalam mewujudkan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi bekerja sama dengan SMA Negeri 1 Ngawen in Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School activities 2024/1445 H.    The aim of signing this MoU is to increase cooperation in order to support the Education and Teaching Development Program, Research and Community Service and various other programs to support Higher Education Governance. Signing of an MoU agreement between the Islamic Religious Education Study Program which is under the control of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty and SMA N 1 Ngawen is held on Monday, 1 April 2024 located in the SMA N Meeting Room 1 Ngawen.

The MoU agreement was signed by Mrs. Siti Nurkayati, M.Pd. As Chair of the PAI Study Program and Dian Dwi Asih M,Si as Deputy Head of HighNgawenl Curriculum 1 Ngawen. This activity was attended by the Dean of FITK and the Secretary of PAI Study Program IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. 
The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs from IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora to SMA N 1 Hang out and take photos together.

Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers- IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora as a Higher Education Organizer carries out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education activities to support government programs in the field of Higher Education. One of them is the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty in realizing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in collaboration with State High Schools 1 Ngawen in Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School activities 2024/1445 H.


The aim of signing this MoU is to increase cooperation in order to support the Education and Teaching Development Program, Research and Community Service and various other programs to support Higher Education Governance. Signing of an MoU agreement between the Islamic Religious Education Study Program which is under the control of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty and SMA N 1 Ngawen is held on Monday, 1 April 2024 located in the SMA N Meeting Room 1 Ngawen.


The MoU agreement was signed by Mrs. Siti Nurkayati, M.Pd. As Chair of the PAI Study Program and Dian Dwi Asih M,Si as Deputy Head of High School Curriculum 1 Ngawen. This activity was attended by the Dean of FITK and the Secretary of PAI Study Program IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs from IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora to SMA N 1 Hang out and take photos together.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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