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IAIKUPers-Your (19 February 2024) Student Executive Council Management (WHEN) as well as the Student Senate (SEMA) IAI Khozinatul Ulum held a Work Program Meeting, di Auditorium. This event was attended by Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad,S.Th.I as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I.As Deputy Chancellor I, Mohammad Nabil,S, Sy., M.Ag. As Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III,as well as all SEMA and Dema administrators. This working meeting with the leadership aims to ensure that the work program that has been prepared by Sema and Dema can be focused and beneficial for all students., not just ceremonial and formality, So at this work meeting both Sema and Dema presented the work program that will be implemented in the next period. At this working meeting, IAI Chancellor Khozinatul Ulum Kh.Ahmad Zaky Fuad,S.Th.I said that Sema and Dema administrators must always maintain the conduciveness of IAI Khozinatul Ulum, a good first step. Hopefully we can develop a joint work program to realize organizational synergy as expected. Mainly related to activities starting this period will be more innovative and show that IAI Khozinatul Ulum students are worthy of becoming UIN Khozinatul Ulum, he also appealed for communication ethics, In particular, the Sema and Dema leaders should be role models for ordinary students. Starting from discipline, appearance, behavior to speech. Lista as Chair of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Student Council said "The existence of this working meeting with Sema and Dema is quite extraordinary for the activists of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum student activist organization. This event can be an event for major consolidation and development of student organizations as a whole from legislative institutions to executive institutions, from the institute level to the point closest to general students at the study program level." hit right 16.20 , The SEMA and DEMA Management Work Program Meeting closed with directions from the Deputy Chancellor I, Deputy Chancellor II and Deputy Chancellor III Pawarta: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni



IAIKUPers-Your (19 February 2024) Student Executive Council Management (WHEN) as well as the Student Senate (SEMA) IAI Khozinatul Ulum held a Work Program Meeting, di Auditorium.    This event was attended by Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad,S.Th.I as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I.As Deputy Chancellor I, Mohammad Nabil,S, Sy., M.Ag. As Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III,as well as all SEMA and Dema administrators.
  This working meeting with the leadership aims to ensure that the work program that has been prepared by Sema and Dema can be focused and beneficial for all students., not just ceremonial and formality, So at this work meeting both Sema and Dema presented the work program that will be implemented in the next period.
   At this working meeting, IAI Chancellor Khozinatul Ulum Kh.Ahmad Zaky Fuad,S.Th.I said that Sema and Dema administrators must always maintain the conduciveness of IAI Khozinatul Ulum, a good first step. Hopefully we can develop a joint work program to realize organizational synergy as expected. Mainly related to activities starting this period will be more innovative and show that IAI Khozinatul Ulum students are worthy of becoming UIN Khozinatul Ulum, he also appealed for communication ethics, In particular, the Sema and Dema leaders should be role models for ordinary students. Starting from discipline, appearance, behavior to speech.
   Lista as Chair of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Student Council said "The existence of this working meeting with Sema and Dema is quite extraordinary for the activists of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum student activist organization. This event can be an event for major consolidation and development of student organizations as a whole from legislative institutions to executive institutions, from the institute level to the point closest to general students at the study program level."
   hit right 16.20 , The SEMA and DEMA Management Work Program Meeting closed with directions from the Deputy Chancellor I, Deputy Chancellor II and Deputy Chancellor III

Pawarta: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers-Your (19 February 2024) Student Executive Council Management (WHEN) as well as the Student Senate (SEMA) IAI Khozinatul Ulum held a Work Program Meeting, di Auditorium.

This event was attended by Kh. Ahmad Zaky Fuad,S.Th.I as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I.As Deputy Chancellor I, Mohammad Nabil,S, Sy., M.Ag. As Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III,as well as all SEMA and Dema administrators.

This working meeting with the leadership aims to ensure that the work program that has been prepared by Sema and Dema can be focused and beneficial for all students., not just ceremonial and formality, So at this work meeting both Sema and Dema presented the work program that will be implemented in the next period.

At this working meeting, IAI Chancellor Khozinatul Ulum Kh.Ahmad Zaky Fuad,S.Th.I said that Sema and Dema administrators must always maintain the conduciveness of IAI Khozinatul Ulum, a good first step. Hopefully we can develop a joint work program to realize organizational synergy as expected. Mainly related to activities starting this period will be more innovative and show that IAI Khozinatul Ulum students are worthy of becoming UIN Khozinatul Ulum, he also appealed for communication ethics, In particular, the Sema and Dema leaders should be role models for ordinary students. Starting from discipline, appearance, behavior to speech.

Lista as Chair of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Student Council said “The existence of this working meeting with Sema and Dema is quite extraordinary for the activists of the student activist organization IAI Khozinatul Ulum. This event can be an event for major consolidation and development of student organizations as a whole from legislative institutions to executive institutions, from the institute level to the point closest to general students at the study program level.”

hit right 16.20 , The SEMA and DEMA Management Work Program Meeting closed with directions from the Deputy Chancellor I, Deputy Chancellor II and Deputy Chancellor III


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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